# [ElasticJob - distributed scheduled job solution](http://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/)
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ElasticJob is a distributed scheduling solution consisting of two separate projects, ElasticJob-Lite and ElasticJob-Cloud.
Through the functions of flexible scheduling, resource management and job management,
it creates a distributed scheduling solution suitable for Internet scenarios,
and provides a diversified job ecosystem through open architecture design.
It uses a unified job API for each project.
Developers only need code one time and can deploy at will.
ElasticJob became an [Apache ShardingSphere](https://shardingsphere.apache.org/) Sub-project on May 28 2020.
You are welcome to communicate with the community via the [mailing list](mailto:dev@shardingsphere.apache.org).
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## Introduction
Using ElasticJob developers can no longer worry about the non functional requirements such as job scale out, so that they can focus more on business coding.
At the same time, it can release operators too, so that they do not have to worry about high availability and management, and can automatically operate by simply adding servers.
### ElasticJob-Lite
A lightweight, decentralized solution that provides distributed task sharding services.
![ElasticJob-Lite Architecture](https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/img/architecture/elasticjob_lite.png)
### ElasticJob-Cloud
Uses Mesos to manage and isolate resources.
![ElasticJob-Cloud Architecture](https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/img/architecture/elasticjob_cloud.png)
| | *ElasticJob-Lite* | *ElasticJob-Cloud* |
| ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ |
| Decentralization | Yes | No |
| Resource Assign | No | Yes |
| Job Execution | Daemon | Daemon + Transient |
| Deploy Dependency | ZooKeeper | ZooKeeper + Mesos |
## Features
- Elastic Schedule
- Support job sharding and high availability in distributed system
- Scale out for throughput and efficiency improvement
- Job processing capacity is flexible and scalable with the allocation of resources
- Resource Assign
- Execute job on suitable time and assigned resources
- Aggregation same job to same job executor
- Append resources to newly assigned jobs dynamically
- Job Governance
- Failover
- Misfired
- Self diagnose and recover when distribute environment unstable
- Job Dependency (TODO)
- DAG based job dependency
- DAG based job item dependency
- Job Open Ecosystem
- Unify job api for extension
- Support rich job type lib, such as dataflow, script, HTTP, file, big data
- Focus business SDK, can work with Spring IOC
- [Admin Console](https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob-ui)
- Job administration
- Job event trace query
- Registry center management
## Environment Required
### Java
Java 8 or above required.
### Maven
Maven 3.5.0 or above required.
### ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper 3.6.0 or above required. [See details](https://zookeeper.apache.org/)
### Mesos (ElasticJob-Cloud only)
Mesos 1.1.0 or compatible version required (For ElasticJob-Cloud only). [See details](https://mesos.apache.org/)
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一、基础概念 ElasticJob 是面向互联网生态和海量任务的分布式调度解决方案,由两个相互独立的子项目 ElasticJob-Lite 和 ElasticJob-Cloud 组成。 它通过弹性调度、资源管控、以及作业治理的功能,打造一个适用于互联网场景的分布式调度解决方案,并通过开放的架构设计,提供多元化的作业生态。 它的各个产品使用统一的作业 API,开发者仅需一次开发,即可随意部署。 1.Elastic-Job主要功能 定时任务: 基于成熟的定时任务作业框架Quartz cron表达式执行定时任务。 作业注册中心: 基于Zookeeper和其客户端Curator实现的全局作业注册控制中心。用于注册,控制和协调分布式作业执行。 作业分片: 将一个任务分片成为多个小任务项在多服务器上同时执行。 弹性扩容缩容: 运行中的作业服务器崩溃,或新增加n台作业服务器,作业框架将在下次作业执行前重新分片,不影响当前作业执行。 支持多种作业执行模式: 支持OneOff,Perpetual和SequencePerpetual三种作业模式。
ElasticJob分布式调度解决方案.rar (1309个子文件)
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org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.executor.item.impl.ClassedJobItemExecutor 880B
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.executor.item.impl.ClassedJobItemExecutor 873B
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.executor.item.impl.ClassedJobItemExecutor 869B
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.executor.item.impl.ClassedJobItemExecutor 863B
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.executor.item.impl.ClassedJobItemExecutor 859B
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org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.tracing.rdb.type.DatabaseType 1KB
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.restful.deserializer.factory.DeserializerFactory 1017B
Dockerfile 1KB
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.infra.listener.ElasticJobListener 1KB
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.infra.listener.ElasticJobListener 1KB
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.infra.listener.ElasticJobListener 981B
org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.infra.listener.ElasticJobListener 872B
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org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.reg.exception.IgnoredExceptionProvider 888B
StatisticRdbRepository.java 24KB
RDBJobEventStorage.java 18KB
CloudJobController.java 17KB
ZookeeperRegistryCenter.java 16KB
SchedulerEngineTest.java 16KB
CloudJobControllerTest.java 15KB
FailoverServiceTest.java 15KB
FacadeServiceTest.java 15KB
TaskLaunchScheduledService.java 15KB
ReadyServiceTest.java 14KB
ShardingServiceTest.java 14KB
JobConfiguration.java 14KB
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