Microchip PIC32MX + PIC32MZ 全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库).zip
Microchip PIC32MX + PIC32MZ 全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,集成库型号列表如下: Library Component Count : 556 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIC32MX110F016B-I/ML32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 28-pin QFN (ML28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-I/SO32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 28-pin SOIC (SO28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-I/SP32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 28-pin SPDIP (SP28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-I/SS32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 28-pin SSOP (SS28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-V/ML32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, 28-pin QFN (ML28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-V/SO32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, 28-pin SOIC (SO28), Tube PIC32MX110F016B-V/SS32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 21 I/O, PMP, 28-pin SSOP (SS28), Tube PIC32MX110F016C-I/TL32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 25 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 36-pin VTLA (TL36), Tube PIC32MX110F016C-V/TL32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 25 I/O, PMP, 36-pin VTLA (TL36), Tube PIC32MX110F016D-I/ML32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 34 I/O, PMP, -40 to 85 degC, 44-pin QFN (ML44), Tube PIC32MX110F016D-I/PT32-bit Microcontroller with Audio and Graphics Interface, USB and Advanced Analog, 40 MHz, 34 I/O, PMP, -40 t
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