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Markdown is a great format for representing an application's internal data structures for debugging and diagnostic purposes. It is a flexible format that is readable in its raw form yet capable of being transformed into HTML for documentation or reporting.
MarkdownLog can produce all features described in John Gruber's [original spec](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) from common .NET types.
This is how a table is built from a List of objects:
var data = new[]
new{Year = 1991, Album = "Out of Time", Songs=11, Rating = "* * * *"},
new{Year = 1992, Album = "Automatic for the People", Songs=12, Rating = "* * * * *"},
new{Year = 1994, Album = "Monster", Songs=12, Rating = "* * *"}
// Produces:
// Year | Album | Songs | Rating
// ----:| ------------------------ | -----:| ---------
// 1991 | Out of Time | 11 | * * * *
// 1992 | Automatic for the People | 12 | * * * * *
// 1994 | Monster | 12 | * * *
Once passed through a GitHub-flavoured parser, you get a HTML table, complete with headings and alignments:
Year | Album | Songs | Rating
----:| ------------------------ | -----:| ---------
1991 | Out of Time | 11 | * * * *
1992 | Automatic for the People | 12 | * * * * *
1994 | Monster | 12 | * * *
A collection can be output as a numbered list:
var planets = new[] { "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"};
// Produces:
// 1. Mercury
// 2. Venus
// 3. Earth
// 4. Mars
// 5. Jupiter
// 6. Saturn
// 7. Uranus
// 8. Neptune
When passed through a Markdown parser, this becomes:
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. Earth
4. Mars
5. Jupiter
6. Saturn
7. Uranus
8. Neptune
Alternatively, the list can have bullets:
var beatles = new[] { "John", "Paul", "Ringo", "George" };
// * John
// * Paul
// * Ringo
// * George
This is parsed to:
* John
* Paul
* Ringo
* George
Bar Chart example
A barchart can be produced from a collection of KeyValue or Tuple objects
var worldCup = new Dictionary<string, int>
{"Brazil", 5},
{"Italy", 4},
{"Germany", 4},
{"Argentina", 2},
{"Uruguay", 2},
{"France", 1},
{"Spain", 1},
{"England", 1}
// Produces:
// Brazil |##### 5
// Italy |#### 4
// Germany |#### 4
// Argentina |## 2
// Uruguay |## 2
// France |# 1
// Spain |# 1
// England |# 1
// ------
Bar charts are not supported by standard Markdown. When a barchart is passed through a Markdown parser, it is rendered as a code block that retains its structure:
Brazil |##### 5
Italy |#### 4
Germany |#### 4
Argentina |## 2
Uruguay |## 2
France |# 1
Spain |# 1
England |# 1
A bar chart can be produced from floating point and negative numbers and scaling can be applied as desired:
const int valueCount = 20;
var chart = new BarChart
ScaleAlways = true,
MaximumChartWidth = 40,
DataPoints = from i in Enumerable.Range(0, valueCount)
let rad = (i * 2.0 * Math.PI) / valueCount
select new BarChartDataPoint
CategoryName = string.Format("Cos({0:0.0})", rad),
Value = Math.Cos(rad)
This produces:
Cos(0.0) |#################### 1
Cos(0.3) |################### 0.95
Cos(0.6) |################ 0.81
Cos(0.9) |############ 0.59
Cos(1.3) |###### 0.31
Cos(1.6) | 0
Cos(1.9) ######| -0.31
Cos(2.2) ############| -0.59
Cos(2.5) ################| -0.81
Cos(2.8) ###################| -0.95
Cos(3.1) ####################| -1
Cos(3.5) ###################| -0.95
Cos(3.8) ################| -0.81
Cos(4.1) ############| -0.59
Cos(4.4) ######| -0.31
Cos(4.7) | 0
Cos(5.0) |###### 0.31
Cos(5.3) |############ 0.59
Cos(5.7) |################ 0.81
Cos(6.0) |################### 0.95
Strings can be written as a word-wrapped paragraph:
var text ="Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.";
// Produces:
// Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip
// of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on
// the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
After parsing, this becomes:
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip
of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on
the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
MarkdownLog was originally developed by [BlackJet Software](http://blackjetsoftware.com) to produce a report of performance test results for an [iOS application](http://shoppingukapp.com/). It is maintained by [Wheelies](https://github.com/Wheelies)
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