Photon Unity Networking (PUN)
This package includes the Photon Unity Networking Api, the Realtime Api (on which PUN is based) and other optional Photon APIs.
Also included: A setup wizard, demo scenes, documentation and Editor extensions.
PUN Free versus PUN+
The content of the PUN Free and PUN+ packages are identical.
We offer a PUN+ package which includes a one-off Photon Cloud Subscription for 100 CCU. See below how this is applied.
UnityScript / JavaScript
We do not support UnityScript with PUN v2 and up.
Help and Documentation
Please read the included chm (or pdf).
Exit Games Forum:
Online documentation:
Unity Forum Thread:
This package adds an Editor window "PUN Wizard" for connection setup:
Menu -> Window -> Photon Unity Networking (shortcut: ALT+P)
It also adds a commonly used component "PhotonView" to this menu:
Menu -> Component -> Miscellaneous -> PhotonView (shortcut: ALT+V)
When imported into a new, empty project, the "PunStartup" script opens the "demo hub" and setup scenes to build.
Clean PUN Import (no demos)
To get a clean import of PUN, just skip all folders named "Demos".
The folder "UtilityScripts" can be useful for rapid prototyping but the components are optional.
Exit Games Photon can be run on your servers or you can subscribe to the Photon Cloud for managed servers.
The window "Photon Unity Networking" will help you setup a Photon Cloud account.
This service is geared towards room-based games and the server cannot be modified.
Read more about it:
Alternatively, download the Server SDK and run your own Photon Server.
The SDK has the binaries to run immediately but also includes the source code and projects
for the game logic. You can use that as basis to modify and extend it.
A 100 concurrent user license for the server is provided for free.
Read more about it:
PUN+ Subscriptions
Follow these steps when you bought an asset that includes a Photon Cloud subscription:
Sign in and open the Dashboard.
Use an existing Photon Cloud Account or register.
Select the Application/Subscription to upgrade and click "Add Coupon / PUN+".
Enter your Unity Invoice Number.
Find the App ID on:
Find your Unity Invoice Number in the Unity AssetStore:!/account/transactions
Or while logged in to the Asset Store, click on your name on the top right.
From the drop-down select the payment method you used in your purchase.
Navigate to your purchase and copy the number following the "#" symbol (excluding the "#" and spaces).
Important Files
PhotonNetwork-Documentation.chm (a pdf is also included)
The server-setup will be saved as file (can be moved into any Resources folder and edited in inspector)
All demos are in separate folders in Photon\PhotonUnityNetworking\Demos\. Delete this folder in your projects.
Each has a Demo<name>-Scene.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
【资源说明】 基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 2、本项目适合计算机相关专业(如计科、人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也适合小白学习进阶,当然也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等。 3、如果基础还行,也可在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可直接用于毕设、课设、作业等。 欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!
基于C#开发的套圈游戏源码-课程作业.zip (1181个子文件)
WhiteBlinking.anim 8KB
BlueBlinking.anim 7KB
PhotonUnityNetworking.Utilities.PhotonPlayer.Editor.asmdef 375B
PhotonChat.asmdef 294B
PhotonUnityNetworking.Utilities.Culling.Editor.asmdef 276B
PhotonUnityNetworking.Editor.asmdef 274B
PhotonUnityNetworking.Utilities.asmdef 255B
PhotonUnityNetworking.Demos.asmdef 229B
PhotonUnityNetworking.asmdef 212B
PunDemos.DemoHubEditor.asmdef 203B
PunDemos.DemoSlotcarEditor.asmdef 187B
PhotonRealtime.asmdef 110B
LiberationSans SDF.asset 2.15MB
MSYH SDF.asset 537KB
ProjectSettings.asset 22KB
EmojiOne.asset 13KB
LightingData.asset 13KB
InputManager.asset 10KB
LiberationSans SDF - Fallback.asset 9KB
QualitySettings.asset 7KB
Default Style Sheet.asset 5KB
GraphicsSettings.asset 2KB
Physics2DSettings.asset 2KB
TMP Settings.asset 2KB
NavMeshAreas.asset 1KB
DynamicsManager.asset 1KB
EditorSettings.asset 1KB
PhotonServerSettings.asset 1KB
MemorySettings.asset 1KB
UnityConnectSettings.asset 1KB
PackageManagerSettings.asset 949B
PunSceneSettingsFile.asset 687B
AudioManager.asset 413B
TagManager.asset 401B
AutoStreamingSettings.asset 379B
VFXManager.asset 353B
EditorBuildSettings.asset 346B
TimeManager.asset 202B
VersionControlSettings.asset 188B
XRSettings.asset 158B
NetworkManager.asset 151B
PresetManager.asset 146B
ClusterInputManager.asset 114B
TMPro_Mobile.cginc 5KB
TMPro_Surface.cginc 3KB
TMPro_Properties.cginc 3KB
TMPro.cginc 2KB
PhotonNetworking-Documentation.chm 1.39MB
boot.config 0B
ThirdPersonAnimatorController.controller 21KB
Kyle Robot.controller 18KB
BlueBlinking.controller 2KB
WhiteBlinking.controller 2KB
LoadBalancingClient.cs 212KB
PhotonNetwork.cs 149KB
LoadbalancingPeer.cs 111KB
PhotonNetworkPart.cs 111KB
ChatClient.cs 87KB
PunClasses.cs 36KB
PhotonEditor.cs 35KB
PhotonView.cs 34KB
Room.cs 27KB
ChatGui.cs 25KB
RegionHandler.cs 24KB
PunCockpit.cs 24KB
ChatPeer.cs 24KB
PhotonTeamsManager.cs 23KB
PhotonTransformViewClassic.cs 21KB
PhotonAnimatorView.cs 20KB
PhotonViewInspector.cs 20KB
Player.cs 20KB
PhotonTransformViewClassicEditor.cs 19KB
CullArea.cs 19KB
SocketWebTcp.cs 17KB
NestedComponentUtilities.cs 17KB
Noise.cs 16KB
OnJoinedInstantiate.cs 16KB
PhotonPing.cs 15KB
PhotonHandler.cs 15KB
SupportLogger.cs 15KB
ServerSettingsInspector.cs 14KB
PunTurnManager.cs 14KB
PhotonEditorUtils.cs 13KB
PhotonGUI.cs 13KB
PhotonAnimatorViewEditor.cs 12KB
PhotonTeamsManagerInspector.cs 12KB
PunSceneSettingsInspector.cs 12KB
LobbyMainPanel.cs 12KB
RoomInfo.cs 11KB
ReorderableListResources.cs 10KB
AccountService.cs 10KB
IngameControlPanel.cs 10KB
WorldGenerator.cs 10KB
Extensions.cs 10KB
CullAreaEditor.cs 10KB
PlayerManager.cs 10KB
ChatChannel.cs 9KB
CullingHandler.cs 9KB
ChatEditor.cs 9KB
AppSettings.cs 9KB
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