# Async.js
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Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions
for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for
use with [Node.js](http://nodejs.org) and installable via `npm install async`,
it can also be used directly in the browser.
Async is also installable via:
- [bower](http://bower.io/): `bower install async`
- [component](https://github.com/component/component): `component install
- [jam](http://jamjs.org/): `jam install async`
- [spm](http://spmjs.io/): `spm install async`
Async provides around 20 functions that include the usual 'functional'
suspects (`map`, `reduce`, `filter`, `each`…) as well as some common patterns
for asynchronous control flow (`parallel`, `series`, `waterfall`…). All these
functions assume you follow the Node.js convention of providing a single
callback as the last argument of your `async` function.
## Quick Examples
async.map(['file1','file2','file3'], fs.stat, function(err, results){
// results is now an array of stats for each file
async.filter(['file1','file2','file3'], fs.exists, function(results){
// results now equals an array of the existing files
function(){ ... },
function(){ ... }
], callback);
function(){ ... },
function(){ ... }
There are many more functions available so take a look at the docs below for a
full list. This module aims to be comprehensive, so if you feel anything is
missing please create a GitHub issue for it.
## Common Pitfalls <sub>[(StackOverflow)](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/async.js)</sub>
### Synchronous iteration functions
If you get an error like `RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.` or other stack overflow issues when using async, you are likely using a synchronous iterator. By *synchronous* we mean a function that calls its callback on the same tick in the javascript event loop, without doing any I/O or using any timers. Calling many callbacks iteratively will quickly overflow the stack. If you run into this issue, just defer your callback with `async.setImmediate` to start a new call stack on the next tick of the event loop.
This can also arise by accident if you callback early in certain cases:
async.eachSeries(hugeArray, function iterator(item, callback) {
if (inCache(item)) {
callback(null, cache[item]); // if many items are cached, you'll overflow
} else {
doSomeIO(item, callback);
}, function done() {
Just change it to:
async.eachSeries(hugeArray, function iterator(item, callback) {
if (inCache(item)) {
async.setImmediate(function () {
callback(null, cache[item]);
} else {
doSomeIO(item, callback);
Async guards against synchronous functions in some, but not all, cases. If you are still running into stack overflows, you can defer as suggested above, or wrap functions with [`async.ensureAsync`](#ensureAsync) Functions that are asynchronous by their nature do not have this problem and don't need the extra callback deferral.
If JavaScript's event loop is still a bit nebulous, check out [this article](http://blog.carbonfive.com/2013/10/27/the-javascript-event-loop-explained/) or [this talk](http://2014.jsconf.eu/speakers/philip-roberts-what-the-heck-is-the-event-loop-anyway.html) for more detailed information about how it works.
### Multiple callbacks
Make sure to always `return` when calling a callback early, otherwise you will cause multiple callbacks and unpredictable behavior in many cases.
function (callback) {
getSomething(options, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
callback(new Error("failed getting something:" + err.message));
// we should return here
// since we did not return, this callback still will be called and
// `processData` will be called twice
callback(null, result);
], done)
It is always good practice to `return callback(err, result)` whenever a callback call is not the last statement of a function.
### Binding a context to an iterator
This section is really about `bind`, not about `async`. If you are wondering how to
make `async` execute your iterators in a given context, or are confused as to why
a method of another library isn't working as an iterator, study this example:
// Here is a simple object with an (unnecessarily roundabout) squaring method
var AsyncSquaringLibrary = {
squareExponent: 2,
square: function(number, callback){
var result = Math.pow(number, this.squareExponent);
callback(null, result);
}, 200);
async.map([1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square, function(err, result){
// result is [NaN, NaN, NaN]
// This fails because the `this.squareExponent` expression in the square
// function is not evaluated in the context of AsyncSquaringLibrary, and is
// therefore undefined.
async.map([1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square.bind(AsyncSquaringLibrary), function(err, result){
// result is [1, 4, 9]
// With the help of bind we can attach a context to the iterator before
// passing it to async. Now the square function will be executed in its
// 'home' AsyncSquaringLibrary context and the value of `this.squareExponent`
// will be as expected.
## Download
The source is available for download from
Alternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (`npm`):
npm install async
As well as using Bower:
bower install async
__Development:__ [async.js](https://github.com/caolan/async/raw/master/lib/async.js) - 29.6kb Uncompressed
## In the Browser
So far it's been tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3.6 and Chrome 5.
<script type="text/javascript" src="async.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
async.map(data, asyncProcess, function(err, results){
## Documentation
Some functions are also available in the following forms:
* `<name>Series` - the same as `<name>` but runs only a single async operation at a time
* `<name>Limit` - the same as `<name>` but runs a maximum of `limit` async operations at a time
### Collections
* [`each`](#each), `eachSeries`, `eachLimit`
* [`forEachOf`](#forEachOf), `forEachOfSeries`, `forEachOfLimit`
* [`map`](#map), `mapSeries`, `mapLimit`
* [`filter`](#filter), `filterSeries`, `filterLimit`
* [`reject`](#reject), `rejectSeries`, `rejectLimit`
* [`reduce`](#reduce), [`reduceRight`](#reduceRight)
* [`detect`](#detect), `detectSeries`, `detectLimit`
* [`sortBy`](#sortBy)
* [`some`](#some), `someLimit`
* [`every`](#every), `everyLimit`
* [`concat`](#concat), `concatSeries`
### Control Flow
* [`series`](#seriestasks-callback)
* [`parallel`](#parallel), `parallelLimit`
* [`whilst`](#whilst), [`doWhilst`](#doWhilst)
* [`until`](#until), [`doUntil`](#doUntil)
* [`during`](#during), [`doDuring`](#doDuring)
* [`forever`](#forever)
* [`waterfall`](#waterfall)
* [`compose`](#compose)
* [`seq`](#seq)
* [`applyEach`](#applyEach), `applyEachSeries`
* [`queue`](#queue), [`priorityQueue`](#priorityQueue)
* [`cargo`](#cargo)
* [`auto`](#auto)
* [`retry`](#retry)
* [`iterator`](#iterator)
* [`times`](#times), `timesSeri
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