Abstract : The on-line education system mainly
provides the on-line teaching platform,Teacher may
through the system issue education, the
arrangement/correct students' papers, issued
announced and answers questions dispels The student
may complete through the system studies
independently, discusses with teacher and other
schoolmates, inquiry work and result and so on. The
on-line education system may cause the teaching
process network, foundation knowledge study new
On-line education system including teacher
subsystem and student subsystem two big modules.
Educates the partial functions: Upward is issuing the
work, is uploading, the announcement work including
the work topic completes the time, the content and so
on. Reviews the work, produces the student result.
Discusses the group through the discussion the form
to answer the student the question. Carry on the
real-time discussion through the chat room and the
student. Student's partial functions: Reading
announced. On-line completes the curriculum to
study. Asks the question through the discussion
group's form to teacher. Carry on the real-time
discussion through the coatroom and teacher.
Key Words : ASP On-line education system
Access2000 database HTML language