AbstractDrawCommand_name = 绘制
#cannot operate on current layer. \r\n\
#Choose another tool or select a layer the tool can operate on
AbstractToolbarContributionItem_warning_message = "{0}" 不能在当前图层上操作. \r\n\
AbstractToolbarContributionItem_warning_title = 警告
#Resource Selection
AddToNewMap_resource_selection_page_title = 资源选择
#Object at
ApplicationGIS_illegalArgumentPart1 = 对象在
#is not a ProjectElement
ApplicationGIS_illegalArgumentPart2 = \ 不是一个项目元素
#Error loading from
ApplicationGIS_loadError = 错误的加载来自
#Loaded object is not a ProjectElement it is a
ApplicationGIS_noProjectElement = 加载对象不是一个项目元素而是
AttributePropertyDescriptor_false = false
AttributePropertyDescriptor_true = true
AttributePropertySource_other = 其他
AttributePropertySource_value = 值
#Coordinate Systems
CRSPropertyPage_coordinateSystems_title = 坐标系
# Do you wish to also change the Projection of the Map?
CRSPropertyPage_message = 你想改变地图的投影吗?
#Change Map CRS
CRSPropertyPage_title = 改变地图的CRS
CRSPropertyPage_toggle_message = 不再询问
CoordinateSetPropertySource_coordinates = 协调
#Are you sure you want to delete the selected feature?
DeleteFeature_confirmation_text = 确定要删除选定的这些特性吗
#Confirm Delete
DeleteFeature_confirmation_title = 确认删除
Delete_delete = 删除
#Delete "{0}" Element'?
Delete_deleteElement = 删除 "{0}" 元素'?
#Delete {0} Elements?
Delete_deleteMultipleElements = 删除 "{0}" 元素'?
#Delete {0} Projects?
Delete_deleteMultipleProjects = 删除 {0} 项目?
#Delete Project
Delete_deleteProject = 删除项目
#Delete from file system
Delete_filesystem = 从文件系统中删除
#Draw Feature
DrawEditFeatureCommand_drawFeature = 要素绘制
#Draw Feature
DrawFeatureCommand_drawFeature = 要素绘制
#Set Stroke
DrawShapeCommand_setStroke = 设置边框
#Set Selection
DropFilterAction_taskname = 设置选择
#Viewport Event
EventJob_job_title = 视图事件
#Select the layers you wish to export to the destination directory. Only the selected features on the layer will be exported. \r\n\
# Click on the Projection to change to taget projection.
ExportLayer_Message0 = 选择要导出到目录的图层。只有在图层上选择的要素集合才会被导出。 \r\n\
#Select Layer
ExportLayer_PageTitle = 选择图层
#Export Layer to Shapefile
ExportLayer_WizardTitle = 导出图层到Shape文件
ExportMapToImageWizard_3 = 关键高度
ExportMapToImageWizard_RenderingTaskName = 渲染
#Errors were reported while exporting the remaining maps
ExportMapToImageWizard_ShowErrorMessage = 导出地图的错误报告将持续被输出:\r\n\
#Exporting Maps
ExportMapToImageWizard_exportMapsTaskName = 导出地图
#Error occurred while attempting to write the rendered image to a file
ExportMapToImageWizard_ioexceptionErrorMessage = 试图将呈现的图像写入文件时出错:
#Overwrite existing file
ExportMapToImageWizard_overwriteWarningMessage = 覆盖已存在的文件? \r\n\
#Export Map
ExportMapToImageWizard_overwriteWarningTitle = 导出地图
#Preparing {0} for export
ExportMapToImageWizard_preparingTaskName = 准备将 {0} 导出
#Error occurred while rendering {0} -> {1}
ExportMapToImageWizard_renderingErrorMessage = 渲染时出错 {0} -> {1}
ExportMapToImageWizard_renderingTaskname = 渲染 {0}
#Choose New File Name
ExportMapToImageWizard_selectFileTitle = 选择新文件名称
#Unable to delete existing file
ExportMapToImageWizard_unableToDeleteMsg = 无法删除现有文件
#Export Maps as Images
ExportMapToImageWizard_windowtitle = 导出地图到图像
#Writing {0} to disk
ExportMapToImageWizard_writingTaskname = 将 {0} 写入磁盘
#Edit With
FeatureEditorExtensionProcessor_EditWithMenu = 编辑
FeatureEditorExtensionProcessor_editMenu = 编辑
#Edit With
FeatureEditorExtensionProcessor_editWithMenu = 编辑
#Default Attribute Editor
FeatureEditorFieldEditor_label = 默认属性编辑器
FeaturePropertySource_bounds = 边界
#Default Geometry
FeaturePropertySource_defaultGeometry = 默认几何图型
FeaturePropertySource_feature = 要素
FeaturePropertySource_featureAttributes = 属性
FeaturePropertySource_geometries = 几何
FeaturePropertySource_geometry = 几何
#No other attributes
FeaturePropertySource_noOtherAttributes = 没有其他的属性
#Namespace URI is poorly formatted
FeatureTypeMatch_BadURI = 命名空间URI格式不规范
FeatureViewerProvider_unknown = 未知的
#Features Count
FeaturesInView_0 = 要素数量
#Features currently in view:
FeaturesInView_1 = 当前视图中的要素:
#Count is not accurate because an exception occurred during counting
FeaturesInView_3 = 计数不准确,因为计数过程中出现异常. \r\n\
近似值为: {0}
GeomPropertySource_WKT = Well Known Text(WKT全拼,众所周知的的文本)
GeomPropertySource_area = 区域-面积
GeomPropertySource_length = 长度
GeometryPropertyDescriptor_viewButton_text = 视图
IGeoResourcePropertySource_0 = 资源
IGeoResourcePropertySource_1 = 要素源
IGeoResourcePropertySource_data = 数据
IGeoResourcePropertySource_schema = 模式
#Maintain map aspect ratio
ImageExportPage_AspectRatioCheck = 保持地图高宽比
ImageExportPage_FormatLabel = 格式化:
ImageExportPage_ImageHeight = 高度:
#Image Settings
ImageExportPage_ImageSettings = 图像设置
#Maps will be exported into the indicated format. You can control the size and appearance of the generated image. Image are exported with an a world file indicating their bounds, and projection information if applicable,Experimental PDF generation is also available in a range of page sizes.
ImageExportPage_ImageSettingsDescription = 地图将导出到指定的格式。可以控制生成的图像的大小和外观。图像输出的一个世界文件,包含他们的边界,投影信息.\r\n\
ImageExportPage_ImageWidth = 宽度:
#PDF parameters
ImageExportPage_PDF_Group_Description = PDF 参数
ImageExportPage_Selection = 选择:
#Draw selections when available
ImageExportPage_SelectionIfAvailable = 空闲或可用时绘制选择的元素
#Ignore selections
ImageExportPage_SelectionIgnore = 忽略的选择
#Only draw selections
ImageExportPage_SelectionOnly = 仅绘制选择的元素
#Draw selections as overlays
ImageExportPage_SelectionOverlay = 将选择的要素绘制并覆盖
ImageExportPage_browse = 浏览...
#Select the directory to export to
ImageExportPage_directoryToolTip = 选择一个导出目录
#Export Directory
ImageExportPage_exportLabelText = 导出目录:
ImageExportPage_landscapeLabel = 美化
#left margin
ImageExportPage_leftMargin = 左空白 [mm]
#lower margin
ImageExportPage_lowerMargin = 下空白 [mm]
ImageExportPage_marginsGroup = 空白
#Export to Image
ImageExportPage_pageTitle = 导出到图片
#right margin
ImageExportPage_rightMargin = 右空白 [mm]
#Choose the scale denominator of the exported map
ImageExportPage_scaleDenomToolTip = 选择导出地图的比例尺
#Scale Denominator
ImageExportPage_scaleDenom_Text = 比例尺:
#Paper Size
ImageExportPage_size_Label = 页面大小:
#top margin
ImageExportPage_topMargin = 上空白 [mm]
#Error Loading editor on issue
IssueHandler_error_editor = 加载编辑器异常问题:
#Error setting perspective for issue