** Copyright (C) 2018 basysKom GmbH, opensource@basyskom.com
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtOpcUa module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
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** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
#include <QtOpcUa/qopcuaglobal.h>
#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
namespace QOpcUa {
namespace NodeIds {
enum class Namespace0 : quint32 {
Unknown = 0,
Boolean = 1,
SByte = 2,
Byte = 3,
Int16 = 4,
UInt16 = 5,
Int32 = 6,
UInt32 = 7,
Int64 = 8,
UInt64 = 9,
Float = 10,
Double = 11,
String = 12,
DateTime = 13,
Guid = 14,
ByteString = 15,
XmlElement = 16,
NodeId = 17,
ExpandedNodeId = 18,
StatusCode = 19,
QualifiedName = 20,
LocalizedText = 21,
Structure = 22,
DataValue = 23,
BaseDataType = 24,
DiagnosticInfo = 25,
Number = 26,
Integer = 27,
UInteger = 28,
Enumeration = 29,
Image = 30,
References = 31,
NonHierarchicalReferences = 32,
HierarchicalReferences = 33,
HasChild = 34,
Organizes = 35,
HasEventSource = 36,
HasModellingRule = 37,
HasEncoding = 38,
HasDescription = 39,
HasTypeDefinition = 40,
GeneratesEvent = 41,
Aggregates = 44,
HasSubtype = 45,
HasProperty = 46,
HasComponent = 47,
HasNotifier = 48,
HasOrderedComponent = 49,
Decimal = 50,
FromState = 51,
ToState = 52,
HasCause = 53,
HasEffect = 54,
HasHistoricalConfiguration = 56,
BaseObjectType = 58,
FolderType = 61,
BaseVariableType = 62,
BaseDataVariableType = 63,
PropertyType = 68,
DataTypeDescriptionType = 69,
DataTypeDictionaryType = 72,
DataTypeSystemType = 75,
DataTypeEncodingType = 76,
ModellingRuleType = 77,
ModellingRule_Mandatory = 78,
ModellingRule_Optional = 80,
ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray = 83,
RootFolder = 84,
ObjectsFolder = 85,
TypesFolder = 86,
ViewsFolder = 87,
ObjectTypesFolder = 88,
VariableTypesFolder = 89,
DataTypesFolder = 90,
ReferenceTypesFolder = 91,
XmlSchema_TypeSystem = 92,
OPCBinarySchema_TypeSystem = 93,
PermissionType = 94,
AccessRestrictionType = 95,
RolePermissionType = 96,
DataTypeDefinition = 97,
StructureType = 98,
StructureDefinition = 99,
EnumDefinition = 100,
StructureField = 101,
EnumField = 102,
DataTypeDescriptionType_DataTypeVersion = 104,
DataTypeDescriptionType_DictionaryFragment = 105,
DataTypeDictionaryType_DataTypeVersion = 106,
DataTypeDictionaryType_NamespaceUri = 107,
ModellingRuleType_NamingRule = 111,
ModellingRule_Mandatory_NamingRule = 112,
ModellingRule_Optional_NamingRule = 113,
ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray_NamingRule = 114,
HasSubStateMachine = 117,
NamingRuleType = 120,
DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 121,
StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 122,
EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 123,
DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 124,
DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 125,
StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 126,
EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 127,
RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 128,
HasArgumentDescription = 129,
HasOptionalInputArgumentDescription = 131,
IdType = 256,
NodeClass = 257,
Node = 258,
Node_Encoding_DefaultXml = 259,
Node_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 260,
ObjectNode = 261,
ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 262,
ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 263,
ObjectTypeNode = 264,
ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 265,
ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 266,
VariableNode = 267,
VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 268,
VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 269,
VariableTypeNode = 270,
VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 271,
VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 272,
ReferenceTypeNode = 273,
ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 274,
ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 275,
MethodNode = 276,
MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 277,
MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 278,
ViewNode = 279,
ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 280,
ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 281,
DataTypeNode = 282,
DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 283,
DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 284,
ReferenceNode = 285,
ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultXml = 286,
ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 287,
IntegerId = 288,
Counter = 289,
Duration = 290,
NumericRange = 291,
UtcTime = 294,
LocaleId = 295,
Argument = 296,
Argument_Encoding_DefaultXml = 297,
Argument_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 298,
StatusResult = 299,
StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultXml = 300,
StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary = 301,
MessageSecurityMode = 302,
UserTokenType = 303
- 粉丝: 228
- 资源: 125
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