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Avoid ‘Basic Authentication’, use standard (e.g. JWT)
API Security
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Do not reinvent the wheel in authentication mechanisms.
Use `Max Retry’ and jail features in Login.
Use encryption on all sensitive data.
JWT (JSON Web Token)
Use good `JWT Secret` to make brute force attacks di!cult
Do not extract the algorithm from the header, use backend
Make token expiration (TTL, RTTL) as short as possible
Avoid storing sensitive data in JWT payload
Keep the payload small to reduce the size of the JWT token
Access Control
Limit requests (throttling) to avoid DDoS / Brute Force
Use HTTPS on server side and secure ciphers
Use HSTS header with SSL to avoid SSL Strip attacks.
Turn o" directory listings
Private APIs to be only accessible from safe listed IPs
Always validate `redirect_uri’ on server-side
Avoid `response_type=token’ and try to exchange for code
Use `state’ parameter to prevent CSRF attacks
Have default scope, and validate scope for each application
User proper HTTP methods for the operation
Validate `content-type` on request header
Validate user input to avoid common vulnerabilities
Use standard Authorization header for sensitive data
Use only server-side encryption
Use an API Gateway for caching, Rate Limit policies etc
Check if all the endpoints are protected behind authentication
to avoid broken authentication process
Avoid user’s personal ID in the resource URLs e.g. users/242/orders
Prefer using UUID over auto-increment IDs
Disable entity parsing if you are parsing XML to avoid XXE attacks
Disable entity expansion if using XML, YML or any other language
Use CDN for file uploads
Avoid HTTP blocking if you are using huge amount of data
Make sure to turn the debug mode o" in production
Use non-executable stacks when available.
Send `X-Content-Type-Options: nosni"` header
Send `X-Frame-Options: deny` header.
Send `Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'` header.
Remove fingerprinting headers (i.e. x-powered-by etc)
Force `content-type` for your response.
Avoid returning sensitive data (credentials, sec. tokens etc)
Return proper response codes as per the operation
Audit your design and implementation with unit/integration tests.
Use a code review process and disregard self-approval.
Continuously run security analysis on your code.
Check your dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
Design a rollback solution for deployments.
Use centralized logins for all services and components.
Use agents to monitor all requests, responses and errors.
Use alerts for SMS, Slack, Email, Kibana, Cloudwatch, etc.
Ensure that you aren't logging any sensitive data.
Use an IDS and/or IPS system to monitor everything.
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