# Editor.md
**Editor.md** : The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component), based on CodeMirror & jQuery & Marked.
### Features
- Support Standard Markdown / CommonMark and GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown);
- Full-featured: Real-time Preview, Image (cross-domain) upload, Preformatted text/Code blocks/Tables insert, Code fold, Search replace, Read only, Themes, Multi-languages, L18n, HTML entities, Code syntax highlighting...;
- Markdown Extras : Support [ToC (Table of Contents)](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/toc.html), [Emoji](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/emoji.html), [Task lists](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/task-lists.html), [@Links](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/@links.html)...;
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE8+), compatible Zepto.js and iPad;
- Support [decode & fliter of the HTML tags & attributes](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/html-tags-decode.html);
- Support [TeX (LaTeX expressions, Based on KaTeX)](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/katex.html), [Flowchart](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/flowchart.html) and [Sequence Diagram](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/sequence-diagram.html) of Markdown extended syntax;
- Support AMD/CMD (Require.js & Sea.js) Module Loader, and Custom/define editor plugins;
[README & Examples (English)](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/en.html)
**Editor.md** 是一款开源的、可嵌入的 Markdown 在线编辑器(组件),基于 CodeMirror、jQuery 和 Marked 构建。
![editormd-screenshot](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/images/editormd-screenshot.png "editormd-screenshot")
#### 主要特性
- 支持通用 Markdown / CommonMark 和 GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) 风格的语法,也可[变身为代码编辑器](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/change-mode.html);
- 支持实时预览、图片(跨域)上传、预格式文本/代码/表格插入、代码折叠、跳转到行、搜索替换、只读模式、自定义样式主题和多语言语法高亮等功能;
- 支持 [ToC(Table of Contents)](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/toc.html)、[Emoji表情](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/emoji.html)、[Task lists](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/task-lists.html)、[@链接](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/@links.html)等 Markdown 扩展语法;
- 支持 TeX 科学公式(基于 [KaTeX](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/katex.html))、流程图 [Flowchart](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/flowchart.html) 和 [时序图 Sequence Diagram](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/sequence-diagram.html);
- 支持[识别和解析 HTML 标签,并且支持自定义过滤标签及属性解析](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/html-tags-decode.html),具有可靠的安全性和几乎无限的扩展性;
- 支持 AMD / CMD 模块化加载(支持 [Require.js](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/use-requirejs.html) & [Sea.js](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/use-seajs.html)),并且支持[自定义扩展插件](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/define-plugin.html);
- 兼容主流的浏览器(IE8+)和 [Zepto.js](https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/examples/use-zepto.html),且支持 iPad 等平板设备;
#### Download & install
[Github download](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md/archive/master.zip)
NPM install :
npm install editor.md
Bower install :
bower install editor.md
#### Usages
##### Create a Markdown editor
<link rel="stylesheet" href="editor.md/css/editormd.min.css" />
<div id="editor">
<!-- Tips: Editor.md can auto append a `<textarea>` tag -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello Editor.md !</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="editor.md/editormd.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var editor = editormd("editor", {
// width: "100%",
// height: "100%",
// markdown: "xxxx", // dynamic set Markdown text
path : "editor.md/lib/" // Autoload modules mode, codemirror, marked... dependents libs path
If you using modular script loader:
- [Using Require.js](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md/tree/master/examples/use-requirejs.html)
- [Using Sea.js](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md/tree/master/examples/use-seajs.html)
##### Markdown to HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="editormd/css/editormd.preview.css" />
<div id="test-markdown-view">
<!-- Server-side output Markdown text -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello world!</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/editormd.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var testView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-markdown-view", {
// markdown : "[TOC]\n### Hello world!\n## Heading 2", // Also, you can dynamic set Markdown text
// htmlDecode : true, // Enable / disable HTML tag encode.
// htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // Note: If enabled, you should filter some dangerous HTML tags for website security.
> See the full example: [http://editor.md.ipandao.com/examples/html-preview-markdown-to-html.html](http://editor.md.ipandao.com/examples/html-preview-markdown-to-html.html)
##### HTML to Markdown?
Sorry, Editor.md not support HTML to Markdown parsing, Maybe In the future.
#### Examples
#### Options
Editor.md options and default values:
mode : "gfm", // gfm or markdown
name : "", // Form element name for post
value : "", // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
theme : "", // Editor.md self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
editorTheme : "default", // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
previewTheme : "", // Preview area theme, default empty
markdown : "", // Markdown source code
appendMarkdown : "", // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
width : "100%",
height : "100%",
path : "./lib/", // Dependents module file directory
pluginPath : "", // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
delay : 300, // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
autoLoadModules : true, // Automatic load dependent module files
watch : true,
placeholder : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
gotoLine : true, // Enable / disable goto a line
codeFold : false,
autoHeight : false,
autoFocus : true, // Enable / disable auto focus editor left input area
autoCloseTags : true,
searchReplace : true, // Enable / disable (CodeMirror) search and replace function
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
语雀文档MarkDown本地备份;基于Django-web预览文档。.zip (773个子文件)
bootstrap.css 143KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
bootstrap.min.css 115KB
editormd.css 76KB
editormd.min.css 60KB
editormd.preview.css 55KB
editormd.preview.min.css 44KB
ambiance.css 26KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 23KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 19KB
select2.css 17KB
select2.min.css 15KB
bootstrap-select.css 12KB
bootstrap-select.min.css 10KB
codemirror.css 8KB
style.css 7KB
jsdoc-default.css 6KB
codemirror.min.css 5KB
mdn-like.css 5KB
solarized.css 5KB
qunit-1.16.0.css 5KB
merge.css 3KB
lint.css 3KB
xq-dark.css 3KB
lesser-dark.css 2KB
pastel-on-dark.css 2KB
xq-light.css 2KB
bootstrap-fileinput.css 2KB
tomorrow-night-eighties.css 2KB
editormd.logo.css 2KB
erlang-dark.css 2KB
prettify-tomorrow.css 2KB
zenburn.css 2KB
twilight.css 2KB
midnight.css 2KB
vibrant-ink.css 2KB
mbo.css 2KB
base16-dark.css 2KB
base16-light.css 2KB
style.css 2KB
tern.css 2KB
3024-night.css 2KB
paraiso-dark.css 2KB
paraiso-light.css 2KB
base.css 2KB
tomorrow-night-bright.css 2KB
3024-day.css 2KB
blackboard.css 2KB
colorforth.css 2KB
editormd.logo.min.css 2KB
the-matrix.css 2KB
night.css 2KB
rubyblue.css 2KB
zx.css 1KB
prettify-jsdoc.css 1KB
monokai.css 1KB
cobalt.css 1KB
simplescrollbars.css 1KB
eclipse.css 1KB
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ambiance-mobile.css 103B
fontawesome-webfont.eot 59KB
OpenSans-LightItalic-webfont.eot 20KB
OpenSans-Italic-webfont.eot 20KB
OpenSans-BoldItalic-webfont.eot 20KB
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot 20KB
OpenSans-Regular-webfont.eot 19KB
OpenSans-Bold-webfont.eot 19KB
OpenSans-Light-webfont.eot 19KB
editormd-logo.eot 1KB
loading@3x.gif 21KB
loading@2x.gif 16KB
loading.gif 8KB
.gitignore 120B
editormd.js.html 149KB
scala.html 28KB
index.html 22KB
index.html 17KB
change-mode.html 15KB
index.html 13KB
index.html 13KB
index.html 13KB
toc.html 11KB
index.html 11KB
marked-emoji-test.html 10KB
index.html 10KB
full.html 10KB
index.html 9KB
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