# mysql
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## Table of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
- [Community](#community)
- [Establishing connections](#establishing-connections)
- [Connection options](#connection-options)
- [SSL options](#ssl-options)
- [Terminating connections](#terminating-connections)
- [Pooling connections](#pooling-connections)
- [Pool options](#pool-options)
- [Pool events](#pool-events)
- [Closing all the connections in a pool](#closing-all-the-connections-in-a-pool)
- [PoolCluster](#poolcluster)
- [PoolCluster Option](#poolcluster-option)
- [Switching users and altering connection state](#switching-users-and-altering-connection-state)
- [Server disconnects](#server-disconnects)
- [Performing queries](#performing-queries)
- [Escaping query values](#escaping-query-values)
- [Escaping query identifiers](#escaping-query-identifiers)
- [Preparing Queries](#preparing-queries)
- [Custom format](#custom-format)
- [Getting the id of an inserted row](#getting-the-id-of-an-inserted-row)
- [Getting the number of affected rows](#getting-the-number-of-affected-rows)
- [Getting the number of changed rows](#getting-the-number-of-changed-rows)
- [Getting the connection ID](#getting-the-connection-id)
- [Executing queries in parallel](#executing-queries-in-parallel)
- [Streaming query rows](#streaming-query-rows)
- [Piping results with Streams2](#piping-results-with-streams2)
- [Multiple statement queries](#multiple-statement-queries)
- [Stored procedures](#stored-procedures)
- [Joins with overlapping column names](#joins-with-overlapping-column-names)
- [Transactions](#transactions)
- [Timeouts](#timeouts)
- [Error handling](#error-handling)
- [Exception Safety](#exception-safety)
- [Type casting](#type-casting)
- [Connection Flags](#connection-flags)
- [Debugging and reporting problems](#debugging-and-reporting-problems)
- [Running tests](#running-tests)
- [Todo](#todo)
## Install
$ npm install mysql
For information about the previous 0.9.x releases, visit the [v0.9 branch][].
Sometimes I may also ask you to install the latest version from Github to check
if a bugfix is working. In this case, please do:
$ npm install felixge/node-mysql
[v0.9 branch]: https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql/tree/v0.9
## Introduction
This is a node.js driver for mysql. It is written in JavaScript, does not
require compiling, and is 100% MIT licensed.
Here is an example on how to use it:
var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'me',
password : 'secret',
database : 'my_db'
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);
From this example, you can learn the following:
* Every method you invoke on a connection is queued and executed in sequence.
* Closing the connection is done using `end()` which makes sure all remaining
queries are executed before sending a quit packet to the mysql server.
## Contributors
Thanks goes to the people who have contributed code to this module, see the
[GitHub Contributors page][].
[GitHub Contributors page]: https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql/graphs/contributors
Additionally I'd like to thank the following people:
* [Andrey Hristov][] (Oracle) - for helping me with protocol questions.
* [Ulf Wendel][] (Oracle) - for helping me with protocol questions.
[Ulf Wendel]: http://blog.ulf-wendel.de/
[Andrey Hristov]: http://andrey.hristov.com/
## Sponsors
The following companies have supported this project financially, allowing me to
spend more time on it (ordered by time of contribution):
* [Transloadit](http://transloadit.com) (my startup, we do file uploading &
video encoding as a service, check it out)
* [Joyent](http://www.joyent.com/)
* [pinkbike.com](http://pinkbike.com/)
* [Holiday Extras](http://www.holidayextras.co.uk/) (they are [hiring](http://join.holidayextras.co.uk/))
* [Newscope](http://newscope.com/) (they are [hiring](http://www.newscope.com/stellenangebote))
If you are interested in sponsoring a day or more of my time, please
[get in touch][].
[get in touch]: http://felixge.de/#consulting
## Community
If you'd like to discuss this module, or ask questions about it, please use one
of the following:
* **Mailing list**: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/node-mysql
* **IRC Channel**: #node.js (on freenode.net, I pay attention to any message
including the term `mysql`)
## Establishing connections
The recommended way to establish a connection is this:
var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'example.org',
user : 'bob',
password : 'secret'
connection.connect(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);
console.log('connected as id ' + connection.threadId);
However, a connection can also be implicitly established by invoking a query:
var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection(...);
connection.query('SELECT 1', function(err, rows) {
// connected! (unless `err` is set)
Depending on how you like to handle your errors, either method may be
appropriate. Any type of connection error (handshake or network) is considered
a fatal error, see the [Error Handling](#error-handling) section for more
## Connection options
When establishing a connection, you can set the following options:
* `host`: The hostname of the database you are connecting to. (Default:
* `port`: The port number to connect to. (Default: `3306`)
* `localAddress`: The source IP address to use for TCP connection. (Optional)
* `socketPath`: The path to a unix domain socket to connect to. When used `host`
and `port` are ignored.
* `user`: The MySQL user to authenticate as.
* `password`: The password of that MySQL user.
* `database`: Name of the database to use for this connection (Optional).
* `charset`: The charset for the connection. This is called "collation" in the SQL-level
of MySQL (like `utf8_general_ci`). If a SQL-level charset is specified (like `utf8mb4`)
then the default collation for that charset is used. (Default: `'UTF8_GENERAL_CI'`)
* `timezone`: The timezone used to store local dates. (Default: `'local'`)
* `connectTimeout`: The milliseconds before a timeout occurs during the initial connection
to the MySQL server. (Default: `10000`)
* `stringifyObjects`: Stringify objects instead of converting to values. See
issue [#501](https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql/issues/501). (Default: `'false'`)
* `insecureAuth`: Allow connecting to MySQL instances that ask for the old
(insecure) authentication method. (Default: `false`)
* `typeCast`: Determines if column values should be converted to native
JavaScript types. (Default: `true`)
* `queryFormat`: A custom query format function. See [Custom format](#custom-format).
* `supportBigNumbers`: When dealing with big numbers (BIGINT and DECIMAL columns) in the database,
you should enable this option (Default: `false`).
* `bigNumberStrings`: Enabling both `supportBigNumbers` and `bigNumberStrings` forces big numbers
(BIGINT and DECIMAL columns) to be always returned as JavaScript String objects (Default: `false`).
Enabling `supportBigNumbers` but leaving `bigNumberStrings` disabled will return big numbers as String
objects only when they cannot be accurately represented with [JavaScript Number objects] (http://ecma262-5.com/ELS5_HTML.htm#Section_8.5)
(which happe
- 粉丝: 1126
- 资源: 5294
- 工作应聘数据,职位候选人数据,职位数据,近1万条数据(包含了结构化的信息,涵盖了职业目标、技能、教育背景、工作经验、认证以及其他相关细节)
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