@Author: xiugang * @Time: 20180722 <br>
@Desc: 实现一个类似于JQuery功能的框架 <br>
V 1.0: 实现了`基础框架`、`事件框架`、`CSS框架`、`属性框架`、`内容框架`、`动画框架`的搭建 <br>
V 2.0:实现了框架的进一步优化,具有良好的扩展性, 可以支持链式访问 <br>
V 3.0:种子模块:命名空间、对象扩展、数组化、类型的判定、domReady,无冲突处理 <br>
V 4.0: 数据类型的检测、正则表达式的基本用法,数据绑定的知识(模板的使用) <br>
V 5.0:实现继承的基本理解,事件框架的封装和测试 <br>
V 6.0: 实现了CSS样式框架封装和测试 <br>
V 7.0: 实现了选择框架的封装和测试 <br>
V 8.0: 实现了属性框架的封装和测试 <br>
V 9.0: 实现了DOM框架的封装和测试<br>
V 10.0:实现了本地存储框架的封装(缓存框架、cookie、Localstorage框架)<br>
V 11.0 实现了动画框架的封装和本地测试 <br>
V 12.0 在每一个立即函数+闭包的前面添加;实现框架的兼容性 <br>
以上是前期代码封装过程中的每一个过程版本信息,最终实现了这个最终封装好的框架[Release V1.0],目前主要有两个版本。<br>
@Author: xiugang * @Time: 20180722 <br>
@Desc: Implement a framework similar to JQuery functionality <br>
V 1.0: Implement the `basic framework`, e`vent framework`, `CSS framework`, `property framework`, `content framework`, `animation framework `<br>
V 2.0: Implemented further optimization of the framework, with good scalability, can support chained access <br>
V 3.0: seed module: namespace, object extension, array, type determination, domReady, no conflict handling <br>
V 4.0: Detection of data types, basic usage of regular expressions, knowledge of data binding (use of templates) <br>
V 5.0: basic understanding of implementation inheritance, encapsulation and testing of event frameworks <br>
V 6.0: implementation of CSS style frameworks Packaging and Testing <br>
V 7.0: Encapsulation and testing of the selection framework is implemented <br>
V 8.0: Encapsulation and testing of the attribute framework is implemented <br>
V 9.0: Encapsulation and testing of the DOM framework is implemented <br>
V 10.0: Encapsulation of the local storage framework is implemented (Cache Framework, Cookies, Localstorage Framework) <br>
V 11.0 implements encapsulation and local testing of animation frameworks <br>
V 12.0 in every immediate function + closure Added before; implements framework compatibility<br>
The above is the version of each process in the pre-code encapsulation process, and finally the final packaged framework<br>
[Release V1.0] is implemented. There are currently two versions.
Version 1: JQuery version of immediate function + closure implementation<br>
Version 2: Modular JQuery version implemented with require.js
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