# Spark App Store
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## Introduction
Welcome to the Spark App Store! This is an app store designed for Linux users, aiming to solve the problem of dispersed and difficult-to-obtain applications in the Linux ecosystem. No matter what type of Linux distribution you are using, you may find suitable software packages here.
The number of Linux applications is relatively limited, and the availability of Wine software is also quite challenging. Excellent development and tool resources are scattered across various communities and forums, making it difficult for the entire ecosystem to improve comprehensively.
The construction of the ecosystem is not dependent on the isolated efforts of individuals but requires the participation of the entire community. Only when everyone's "sparks" gather together can they ignite a "prairie fire."
To improve this situation, we have launched this app store. We have broadly included various user-demand software packages, gathered high-quality tools, and actively adapted Wine applications, all stored in our software library for easy user access.
**Currently supported Linux distributions include:**
- **amd64 architecture:** deepin 20 / deepin 23 / Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 22.04 / UOS Home Edition 20
- **arm64 architecture:** UOS Professional Edition 1060 / Ubuntu 22.04 / deepin 23
- **loong64 architecture:** deepin 23
> Special Note: We also support all versions of Ubuntu operating systems higher than Ubuntu 22.04, such as Ubuntu 22.10, 23.04, 23.10, etc.
**Important Notice:** This software does not provide any form of warranty. If you plan to use it on UOS Professional Edition, please make sure to understand and enable Developer Mode. Make sure you have basic troubleshooting capabilities. It should be clear that we have not conducted extensive testing on the UOS operating system. Therefore, using the Spark client may lead to a series of issues like failed system updates, data loss, etc., all risks to be borne by the user.
## Team Collaboration: For detailed documentation related to branch management, please see [this link](https://wiki.spark-app.store/#/Dev/Spark-Store-Git-Repo).
We warmly welcome you to join our development team. Whether you want to participate in development or submit applications, you can find your place here to jointly promote the development of the Linux application ecosystem.
You can track our Issue handling status in real-time through the following link: [Gitee Issue Board](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/board).
If you have a software package you'd like to submit, please [click here to submit](https://upload.deepinos.org.cn/index).
## Contents
- [Read the copyright](#read-the-copyright)
- [Determine your system architecture](#determine-your-system-architecture)
- [System support and installation guide](#system-support-and-installation-guide)
- [For Deepin / UOS Users](#for-deepin-users)
- [For Ubuntu Users](#for-ubuntu-users)
- [For Debian Users](#for-debian-users)
- [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)](#frequently-asked-questions-faq)
- [Contact and Feedback](#contact-and-feedback)
## Read [the copyright](LICENSE)
## Determine your system architecture
Before installing any software, you need to know what architecture your computer runs on (such as x86_64/amd64 or aarch64/arm64).
**How to check:**
1. Open a Linux terminal.
2. Type `uname -m` or `arch` and press Enter.
You will see an output, and that's your system architecture.
- If you see `x86_64`, your system is AMD64 architecture.
- If you see `aarch64`, your system is ARM64 architecture.
## System support and installation guide
### For Deepin Users
#### For Deepin Users
1. **Download and Install**
You can directly search for Spark App Store in the Deepin Store to install, or copy this link to open and install in your browser:
> appstore://deepin-home-appstore-client?app_detail_info/spark-store
To use the latest version, please visit the [Spark App Store Release page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/releases) and download the latest version suitable for Deepin. Install to use.
Assuming you've downloaded to the `Downloads` folder in your user directory, we recommend you use the APT tool to install:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt install ./spark-store*.deb
### For Ubuntu Users
#### For Ubuntu 20.04 Users
1. **Download Dependencies**
* Please visit the [Spark App Store Dependency Download page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store-dependencies/releases) and download the latest dependency package.
* Unzip the dependency package multiple times until you see multiple installation packages ending with `.deb`.
* Follow the instructions in the dependency package to install all the dependencies at once.
2. **Download and Install**
Visit the [Spark App Store Release page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/releases), download the installation package that matches your computer's architecture, and install it.
Assuming you've downloaded to the `Downloads` folder in your user directory, we recommend you use the APT tool to install:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt install ./spark-store*.deb
#### For Ubuntu 22.04 and Higher Version Users
1. **No Need to Install Dependencies**
2. **Download and Install**
Visit the [Spark App Store Release page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/releases), download the installation package that matches your computer's architecture, and install it.
Assuming you've downloaded to the `Downloads` folder in your user directory, we recommend you use the APT tool to install:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt install ./spark-store*.deb
### For Debian Users
#### For Debian 11 Users
1. **Download Dependencies**
* Please visit the [Spark App Store Dependency Download page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store-dependencies/releases) and download the latest dependency package.
* Unzip the dependency package multiple times until you see multiple installation packages ending with `.deb`.
* Follow the instructions in the dependency package to install all the dependencies at once.
2. **Download and Install**
Please visit the [Spark App Store Release page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/releases) and download. Install to use.
#### For Debian 12+ Users
1. **No Need to Install Dependencies**
2. **Download and Install**
Please visit the [Spark App Store Release page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/releases), download the installation package that matches your computer's architecture, and install it.
Assuming you've downloaded to the `Downloads` folder in your user directory, we recommend you use the APT tool to install:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt install ./spark-store*.deb
## Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please refer to the [Spark App Store FAQ and Support Guide](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/blob/dev/FAQ.md).
You can also check the [Chinese version](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/blob/dev/FAQ.zh.md) here.
## Contact and Feedback
- If you have any questions or suggestions, please submit them via email or on our [Gitee page](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/issues).
- If you want to follow our development progress, you can go to the [Spark App Store Board](https://gitee.com/spark-store-project/spark-store/board) for more information.
- Our [Forum](https://bbs.spark-app.store/)
- Our [QQ Group](https://blog.shenmo.tech/post/%E6%95%85%E9%9A%9C%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A/)
- For commercial supp
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星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/星火应用商店 Spark-Store星火计划 Project Spark/
Linux入门教程+从零基础入门到精通,+精准操作 (206个子文件)
transhell.amber 2KB
aptss 7KB
aptss 4KB
spark-store.asc 2KB
changelog 24KB
check-is-installed 60B
compat 3B
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copyright 915B
mainwindow-dtk.cpp 20KB
appintopage.cpp 19KB
downloadworker.cpp 10KB
settingspage.cpp 8KB
utils.cpp 8KB
application.cpp 8KB
downloaditem.cpp 8KB
downloadlistwidget.cpp 8KB
progressbutton.cpp 7KB
main.cpp 6KB
ThemeChecker.cpp 6KB
sparkapi.cpp 3KB
applistpage.cpp 3KB
DataCollectorAndUploader.cpp 3KB
widgetanimation.cpp 2KB
smoothscrollbar.cpp 2KB
image_show.cpp 2KB
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webenginepage.cpp 1KB
big_image.cpp 1KB
smoothlistwidget.cpp 801B
dbussparkstoreservice.cpp 246B
webengineview.cpp 172B
open-me-in-terminal.desktop 318B
spark-store.desktop 262B
Dockerfile 98B
format 3B
.gitignore 614B
progressbutton.h 2KB
downloadlistwidget.h 2KB
mainwindow-dtk.h 2KB
downloaditem.h 1KB
appintopage.h 1KB
smoothscrollbar.h 1KB
settingspage.h 975B
ThemeChecker.h 935B
downloadworker.h 930B
sparkapi.h 881B
application.h 790B
applistpage.h 740B
httprequest.h 608B
smoothlistwidget.h 592B
utils.h 539B
webenginepage.h 506B
image_show.h 504B
dbussparkstoreservice.h 488B
basewidgetopacity.h 477B
big_image.h 461B
DataCollectorAndUploader.h 419B
widgetanimation.h 376B
webengineview.h 229B
Jenkinsfile 594B
org.deepin.dtkwidget.feature-display.json 919B
features.json 823B
.keep 0B
.keep 0B
sparkstore.list 55B
README.zh.md 8KB
FAQ.md 4KB
FAQ.zh.md 4KB
write-preview-skeleton.md 3KB
json-api-doc.md 3KB
README.md 921B
spk-doc.md 708B
内网部署.md 429B
open-in-terminal 914B
zinface-community-cmake-build-system.patch 206KB
a2d.png 248KB
open-me-in-terminal.png 89KB
ubuntu.png 83KB
community.png 32KB
a2d-small.png 16KB
ubuntu-small.png 12KB
Logo-Spark.png 11KB
dwine2-small.png 6KB
deepin-small.png 2KB
community-small.png 2KB
dwine5-small.png 1KB
uos-small.png 1KB
dtk-small.png 954B
store.spark-app.ss-do-upgrade-worker.policy 916B
store.spark-app.ssinstall.policy 840B
spark-store.postinst 2KB
spark-store.postrm 190B
spark-store.preinst 593B
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