## python 标准库
[Python 标准库](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/index.html#library-index "Python 标准库")
+ [概述](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/intro.html "概述")
* [可用性注释](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/intro.html#notes-on-availability "可用性注释")
+ [内置函数](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/functions.html "内置函数")
+ [内置常量](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/constants.html "内置常量")
* [由 site 模块添加的常量](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/constants.html#constants-added-by-the-site-module "由 site 模块添加的常量")
+ [内置类型](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html "内置类型")
* [逻辑值检测](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#truth-value-testing "逻辑值检测")
* [布尔运算 --- and, or, not](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#boolean-operations-and-or-not "布尔运算 --- and, or, not")
* [比较](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#comparisons "比较")
* [数字类型 --- int, float, complex](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-complex "数字类型 --- int, float, complex")
* [迭代器类型](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#iterator-types "迭代器类型")
* [序列类型 --- list, tuple, range](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#sequence-types-list-tuple-range "序列类型 --- list, tuple, range")
* [文本序列类型 --- str](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#text-sequence-type-str "文本序列类型 --- str")
* [二进制序列类型 --- bytes, bytearray, memoryview](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#binary-sequence-types-bytes-bytearray-memoryview "二进制序列类型 --- bytes, bytearray, memoryview")
* [集合类型 --- set, frozenset](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#set-types-set-frozenset "集合类型 --- set, frozenset")
* [映射类型 --- dict](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#mapping-types-dict "映射类型 --- dict")
* [上下文管理器类型](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#context-manager-types "上下文管理器类型")
* [其他内置类型](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#other-built-in-types "其他内置类型")
* [特殊属性](https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.8/library/stdtypes.html#special-attributes "特殊属性")
+ 内置异常
* 基类
* 具体异常
* 警告
* 异常层次结构
+ 文本处理服务
* string --- 常见的字符串操作
* re --- 正则表达式操作
* difflib --- 计算差异的辅助工具
* textwrap --- 文本自动换行与填充
* unicodedata --- Unicode 数据库
* stringprep --- 因特网字符串预备
* readline --- GNU readline 接口
* rlcompleter --- GNU readline 的补全函数
+ 二进制数据服务
* struct --- 将字节串解读为打包的二进制数据
* codecs --- 编解码器注册和相关基类
+ 数据类型
* datetime --- 基本的日期和时间类型
* calendar --- 日历相关函数
* collections --- 容器数据类型
* collections.abc --- 容器的抽象基类
* heapq --- 堆队列算法
* bisect --- 数组二分查找算法
* array --- Efficient arrays of numeric values
* weakref --- 弱引用
* types --- Dynamic type creation and names for built-in types
* copy --- 浅层 (shallow) 和深层 (deep) 复制操作
* pprint --- 数据美化输出
* reprlib --- Alternate repr() implementation
* enum --- Support for enumerations
+ 数字和数学模块
* numbers --- 数字的抽象基类
* math --- 数学函数
* cmath ——关于复数的数学函数
* decimal --- 十进制定点和浮点运算
* fractions --- 分数
* random --- 生成伪随机数
* statistics --- Mathematical statistics functions
+ 函数式编程模块
* itertools --- 为高效循环而创建迭代器的函数
* functools --- 高阶函数和可调用对象上的操作
* operator --- 标准运算符替代函数
+ 文件和目录访问
* pathlib --- 面向对象的文件系统路径
* os.path --- 常见路径操作
* fileinput --- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams
* stat --- Interpreting stat() results
* filecmp --- 文件及目录的比较
* tempfile --- Generate temporary files and directories
* glob --- Unix style pathname pattern expansion
* fnmatch --- Unix filename pattern matching
* linecache --- Random access to text lines
* shutil --- High-level file operations
+ 数据持久化
* pickle —— Python 对象序列化
* copyreg --- Register pickle support functions
* shelve --- Python object persistence
* marshal --- Internal Python object serialization
* dbm --- Interfaces to Unix "databases"
* sqlite3 --- SQLite 数据库 DB-API 2.0 接口模块
+ 数据压缩和存档
* zlib --- 与 gzip 兼容的压缩
* gzip --- 对 gzip 格式的支持
* bz2 --- 对 bzip2 压缩算法的支持
* lzma --- 用 LZMA 算法压缩
* zipfile --- 使用ZIP存档
* tarfile --- 读写tar归档文件
+ 文件格式
* csv --- CSV 文件读写
* configparser --- Configuration file parser
* netrc --- netrc file processing
* xdrlib --- Encode and decode XDR data
* plistlib --- Generate and parse Mac OS X .plist files
+ 加密服务
* hashlib --- 安全哈希与消息摘要
* hmac --- 基于密钥的消息验证
* secrets --- Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets
+ 通用操作系统服务
* os --- 操作系统接口模块
* io --- 处理流的核心工具
* time --- 时间的访问和转换
* argparse --- 命令行选项、参数和子命令解析器
* getopt --- C-style parser for command line options
* 模块 logging --- Python 的日志记录工具
* logging.config --- 日志记录配置
* logging.handlers --- Logging handlers
* getpass --- 便携式密码输入工具
* curses --- 终端字符单元显示的处理
* curses.textpad --- Text input widget for curses programs
* curses.ascii --- Utilities for ASCII characters
* curses.panel --- A panel stack extension for curses
* platform --- 获取底层平台的标识数据
* errno --- Standard errno system symbols
* ctypes --- Python 的外部函数库
+ 并发执行
* threading --- 基于线程的并行
* multiprocessing --- 基于进程的并行
* multiprocessing.shared_memory --- Provides shared memory for direct access across processes
* concurrent 包
* concurrent.futures --- 启动并行任务
* subprocess --- 子进程管理
* sched --- 事件调度器
* queue --- 一个同步的队列类
* _thread --- 底层多线程 API
* _dummy_thread --- _thread 的替代模块
* dummy_threading --- 可直接替代 threading 模块。
+ contextvars --- Context Variables
* Context Variables
* Manual Context Management
* asyncio support
+ 网络和进程间通信
* asyncio --- 异步 I/O
* socket --- 底层网络接口
* ssl --- TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
* select --- Waiting for I/O completion
* selectors --- 高级 I/O 复用库
* asyncore --- 异步socket处理器
* asynchat --- 异步 socket 指令/响应 处理器
* signal --- 设置异步事件处理程序
* mmap --- 内存映射文件支持
+ 互联网数据处理
* email --- 电子邮件与 MIME 处理包
* json --- JSON 编码和解码器
* mailcap --- Mailcap file handling
* mailbox --- Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
* mimetypes --- Map filenames to MIME types
* base64 --- Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 数据�