Nikto web server scanner -
Full documentation -
Basic usage:
-ask+ Whether to ask about submitting updates
yes Ask about each (default)
no Don't ask, don't send
auto Don't ask, just send
-Cgidirs+ Scan these CGI dirs: "none", "all", or values like "/cgi/ /cgi-a/"
-config+ Use this config file
-Display+ Turn on/off display outputs:
1 Show redirects
2 Show cookies received
3 Show all 200/OK responses
4 Show URLs which require authentication
D Debug output
E Display all HTTP errors
P Print progress to STDOUT
S Scrub output of IPs and hostnames
V Verbose output
-dbcheck Check database and other key files for syntax errors
-evasion+ Encoding technique:
1 Random URI encoding (non-UTF8)
2 Directory self-reference (/./)
3 Premature URL ending
4 Prepend long random string
5 Fake parameter
6 TAB as request spacer
7 Change the case of the URL
8 Use Windows directory separator (\)
A Use a carriage return (0x0d) as a request spacer
B Use binary value 0x0b as a request spacer
-Format+ Save file (-o) format:
csv Comma-separated-value
htm HTML Format
msf+ Log to Metasploit
nbe Nessus NBE format
txt Plain text
xml XML Format
(if not specified the format will be taken from the file extension passed to -output)
-Help Extended help information
-host+ Target host
-IgnoreCode Ignore Codes--treat as negative responses
-id+ Host authentication to use, format is id:pass or id:pass:realm
-key+ Client certificate key file
-list-plugins List all available plugins, perform no testing
-maxtime+ Maximum testing time per host
-mutate+ Guess additional file names:
1 Test all files with all root directories
2 Guess for password file names
3 Enumerate user names via Apache (/~user type requests)
4 Enumerate user names via cgiwrap (/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~user type requests)
5 Attempt to brute force sub-domain names, assume that the host name is the parent domain
6 Attempt to guess directory names from the supplied dictionary file
-mutate-options Provide information for mutates
-nointeractive Disables interactive features
-nolookup Disables DNS lookups
-nossl Disables the use of SSL
-no404 Disables nikto attempting to guess a 404 page
-output+ Write output to this file ('.' for auto-name)
-Pause+ Pause between tests (seconds, integer or float)
-Plugins+ List of plugins to run (default: ALL)
-port+ Port to use (default 80)
-RSAcert+ Client certificate file
-root+ Prepend root value to all requests, format is /directory
-Save Save positive responses to this directory ('.' for auto-name)
-ssl Force ssl mode on port
-Tuning+ Scan tuning:
1 Interesting File / Seen in logs
2 Misconfiguration / Default File
3 Information Disclosure
4 Injection (XSS/Script/HTML)
5 Remote File Retrieval - Inside Web Root
6 Denial of Service
7 Remote File Retrieval - Server Wide
8 Command Execution / Remote Shell
9 SQL Injection
0 File Upload
a Authentication Bypass
b Software Identification
c Remote Source Inclusion
x Reverse Tuning Options (i.e., include all except specified)
-timeout+ Timeout for requests (default 10 seconds)
-Userdbs Load only user databases, not the standard databases
all Disable standard dbs and load only user dbs
tests Disable only db_tests and load udb_tests
-until Run until the specified time or duration
-update Update databases and plugins from
-useproxy Use the proxy defined in nikto.conf
-Version Print plugin and database versions
-vhost+ Virtual host (for Host header)
+ requires a value
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
测试系统的搭建技术介绍 本次的系统搭建,是以Python框架来进行有效的功能模块的搭建,通过以MySQL数据库来进行数据对接,通过核心的端口扫描,输入ip地址后返回扫描的结果,设计端口列表菜单,在端口列表菜单中能够查看到每一项查询过的端口的详细结构信息的方式来实现整体的面向对象的开发过程。 4.2用户登录界面的实现 此次设计的漏洞扫描系统的登录页面展示如下,登录中会有直接登录和注册的选项,第一次使用该系统的管理员用户需要进行系统的注册操作。此次设计的网站登录页面如下所示: 图4.1登录页面的实现 4.2漏洞扫描系统首页 漏洞扫描扫描系统的首页中,会有大量的不同的可视化方式对于所检测的端口情况进行表述。在首页中有该系统的用户数量,信息的数量、端口的检测数量等等内容,对于检测的内容也通过曲线图和环比图的方式来进行检查结果的统计分析显示。如下图所示: 图4.2 漏洞扫描系统首页 4.3端口扫描模块 在端口扫描中,需要输入IP地址以及端口的信息,点击开始扫描,系统会进行扫描内容的判断,显示出扫描的结果,如下图所示: 图4.3 端口扫描模块 4.4扫描列表模块
毕业设计-基于python漏洞扫描系统毕业设计与实现(源码+数据库+演示视频).zip (541个子文件)
nikto.1 10KB
nikto.1 10KB
nikto.conf 3KB
bootstrap.css 138KB
style.css 113KB
layui.css 78KB
font-awesome.css 37KB
font-awesome.css 34KB
index_2018051810.css 32KB
font.css 21KB
index_pdf.css 16KB
lsb.css 15KB
layer.css 15KB
layer.css 14KB
style.css 14KB 11KB
css.css 10KB
laydate.css 9KB
report.css 9KB
monthly.css 8KB
css.css 8KB
ladda.min.css 8KB
laydate.css 7KB
popuo-box.css 7KB
h5.css 6KB
h5.css 6KB
typo.css 5KB
table-style.css 5KB
flexslider.css 4KB
mobile.css 2KB
code.css 1KB
doc.css 1KB
basictable.css 928B
examples.css 831B
font.css 512B
morris.css 448B
index_2018051810.css-old 31KB
db_404_strings 2KB
db_content_search 2KB
db_dictionary 15KB
db_dir_traversal 1KB
db_domino 32KB
db_drupal 142KB
db_embedded 3KB
db_favicon 25KB
db_headers 2KB
db_httpoptions 2KB
db_multiple_index 975B
db_outdated 130KB
db_parked_strings 993B
db_realms 11KB
db_server_msgs 33KB
db_subdomains 6KB
db_tests 1.17MB
db_variables 5KB
基于Python的漏洞扫描系统论文.doc 1.19MB
原文修改.docx 31KB
标色辅助修改.docx 18KB
nikto.dtd 2KB
.editorconfig 214B
fontawesome-webfont.eot 162KB
iconfont.eot 46KB
fontawesome-webfont.eot 37KB
ActivePerl- 19.41MB
ActivePerl- 19.01MB
gif.gif 51KB
li.gif 19KB
59.gif 10KB
22.gif 10KB
24.gif 8KB
13.gif 7KB
16.gif 7KB
39.gif 6KB
64.gif 6KB
63.gif 6KB
50.gif 6KB
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4.gif 6KB
1.gif 5KB
42.gif 5KB
71.gif 5KB
21.gif 5KB
20.gif 5KB
29.gif 5KB
70.gif 4KB
5.gif 4KB
17.gif 4KB
27.gif 4KB
9.gif 4KB
44.gif 4KB
11.gif 4KB
8.gif 4KB
3.gif 4KB
23.gif 4KB
34.gif 4KB
41.gif 4KB
38.gif 4KB
65.gif 3KB
32.gif 3KB
45.gif 3KB
共 541 条
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