Version 1.7.0
* Bug
* sidemenu: The tooltip has a wrong position when the 'floatMenuPosition' is set to 'left'. fixed.
* datagrid: The horizontal scrollbar has a wrong state when the 'showHeader' is set to true. fixed.
* combo: The initialized value will trigger the form's 'onChange' event when the 'multiple' is set to true. fixed.
* panel: The horizontal panel doesn't work normally when 'noheader' property is set to true. fixed.
* pagination: The extended buttons may lose in IE when rebuild the component. fixed.
* Improvement
* tree: Add 'findBy' method to find a node by any fields.
* tree: The 'find' method is enhanced to find a node easily.
* combo: Add 'panelValign' property.
* datagrid: The sorting parameters will be ignored when the 'remoteSort' is set to false.
* timespinner: Add 'hour12' property to display in 12 hour format.
Version 1.6.0
* Bug
* maskedbox: The component does not accept numeric keypad. fixed.
* combogrid: When selecting multiple records, the datagrid will scroll to the last checked record. fixed.
* Improvement
* Compatible with jQuery 3.x.
* tabs: The 'toolPosition' property can accept 'top' and 'bottom' values.
* textbox: The textbox label has the animating feature when focus or blur on it.
* tooltip: Add 'valign' property.
* tree: The node class can be initialized by setting the 'nodeCls' in the data.
* New Plugins
* sidemenu: The sidemenu is created from accordion and tree plugins. It builds a collapsible menu with some categories.
* radiobutton: This plugin provides a round interface to select one option from a number of options.
* checkbox: This plugin allows a user to select a value from a small set of options.
Version 1.5.5
* Bug
* tabs: The selecting history has wrong order when the title contains complex elements. fixed.
* combo: The drop-down panel may not be hidden if a bigger 'delay' value is set. fixed.
* layout: The expanding panel does not collapse when move mouse quickly away from it. fixed.
* tagbox: The tagbox and the label don't stay in the same line. fixed.
* Improvement
* combo: The 'blur' event handler is attached to the 'inputEvents' property.
* numberbox: The 'cloneFrom' method is available.
* slider: The 'step' property can be set with a floating number.
* menu: The 'findItem' method allows the user to find menu item by any parameters.
* menubutton: Add 'showEvent' and 'hideEvent' properties.
* New Plugins
* maskedbox: The maskedbox enforces its structure as the user types.
Version 1.5.4
* Bug
* combotreegrid: The 'onChange' event does not fire when entering values on the inputing box. fixed.
* combobox: Clicking on the drop-down panel will jump to the bottom of body on win10 IE11. fixed.
* datebox: Clicking on the 'Today' button doesn't trigger the 'onSelect' event. fixed.
* propertygrid: The 'getChanges' method doesn't work after editing the only one row. fixed.
* Improvement
* combo: Add the 'panelEvents' property.
* combo: Attach the default 'mousedown' event handler.
* combobox: The 'setValues' method can be called to initialize the displaying text.
* combotreegrid: Press ENTER key to select the highlighted rows.
* panel: Improve the resizing performance.
* filebox: The 'files' method allows the user to get the selected file list.
* searchbox: Improvent the 'selectName' method.
Version 1.5.3
* Bug
* combobox: The 'iconCls' property can not be parsed from the <option> markup. fixed.
* combobox: Clicking scrollbar will cause the drop-down panel to be hidden in IE. fixed.
* pagination: The pagination height will shrink when the 'displayMsg' property is set to false. fixed.
* tabs: The tab panel takes a wrong 'data' parameter in the 'onLoad' event. fixed.
* Improvement
* draggable: Add 'onEndDrag' event.
* resizable: Retrieve more than one resizing directions with different edges.
* datagrid: Add 'resizeEdge' property.
* datagrid: Avoid the memory leaks.
* combo: The 'originalValue' property value is corrected in multiple mode.
* form: Add the tagbox to the form fields.
* tagbox: Add the 'reset' method.
* progress: Increase the response time to open and close the progress message window.
Version 1.5.2
* Bug
* form: The initialized value of the inputing box will disappear after calling the 'reset' method. fixed.
* textbox: Calling the 'destroy' method does not clean the field label. fixed.
* datagrid: Calling the 'selectRow' method on an unexisting row causes undesired record set. fixed.
* Improvement
* datagrid: The ctrl selection is supported on Mac keyboards.
* datagrid: The 'scrollOnSelect' property is available for the user to determine whether to scroll to the specified row when selecting it.
* combotree: Add the 'textField' property.
* combotreegrid: Add the 'textField' property.
* pagination: Add 'showPageInfo' property.
* panel: Add 'halign' and 'titleDirection' properties to allow the user to align the panel header to left or right side.
* accordion: Add 'halign' property to build the horizontal accordion.
* tagbox: The 'required' propery can be applied to validate whether the value is empty.
Version 1.5.1
* Bug
* datagrid: The selecting and checking flags will lose after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* tabs: The trip tools have a wrong position when calling 'update' method. fixed.
* window: When the height is set to 'auto', it will disappear after moving the window. fixed.
* messager: When display the progress message window and then close it immediately, an exception occurs. fixed.
* form: The 'clear' method does not clear the selected drop-down items of the combobox. fixed.
* Improvement
* textbox: The 'cls' property is available to add a custom style to textbox.
* numberbox: Allow the user to format currency in Italian.
* combo: Add 'multivalue' property that allows the user to determine how to submit the multiple values.
* combobox: Add 'reversed' property.
* combobox: Add 'onClick' event.
* combogrid: Add 'reversed' property.
* treegrid: Enable multiple selection with the shift key.
* New Plugins
* tagbox: Allows the user to add tags to a form field.
Version 1.5
* Bug
* combobox: The 'onSelect' event does not fire when load data that contains the selected item. fixed.
* datagrid: The 'updateRow' method sometimes does not work properly when the field is set to a blank value. fixed.
* Improvement
* A label can be associated to any form fields.
* combobox: Enhance the 'select' and 'unselect' rules on the drop-down items.
* combobox: Add 'limitToList' property to limit the inputed values to the listed items.
* combogrid: Allow the user to clone the component quickly.
* form: Add the 'dirty' property that allows the user to submit the only changed fields.
* form: Add 'resetDirty' method.
* datagrid: Allow the user to display a message when there are no records to be shown.
* textbox: Add 'label','labelWidth','labelPosition' and 'labelAlign' properties.
* spinner: Add 'spinAlign' property.
* calendar: Allow the user to display week number of the year.
* window: Add 'constrain' property.
* New Plugins
* passwordbox: The plugin that allows the user to input passwords with nice feedback.
* combotreegrid: Combines combobox with drop-down treegrid component.
Version 1.4.5
* Bug
* datagrid: The 'getChanges' method does not return the updated rows after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a row. fixed.
* tree: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a node. fixed.
* Improvement
* window: The displaying style can be customized.
* window: The 'border' property allows the user to set different border style.
* navpanel: The 'href' property is enabled to load content from remote server.
* combotree: The 'setValue' and 'setValues' methods accept the paremter values in 'id' and 'text' pairs
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【源码+数据库】基于Spring Boot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf实现的宠物医院管理系统
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收藏 22.54MB ZIP 举报
1、使用的技术 本项目核心技术采用 Spring Boot+Mybatis;开发工具 idea;数据库 MySQL5.6;模版引擎采用的是 Thymeleaf;安全框架采用 Shiro, 实现了完整权限系统,Controller 方法采用 Shiro 注解来实现有效的权限控制;前台界面采用了 Bootstrap 技术;后台界面采用了 EasyUI 技术; 2、功能介绍 本系统前台面向的用户是客户,客户可以进行预约、浏览医院发布的文章、进入医院商城为宠物购物、如有疑问可以向官方留言、还可以查看关于自己的所有记录信息, 后台面向的用户是医院人员,系统管理员拥有最高权限,可以对所有数据进行管理,为所有的角色分配权限以及创建角色; 业务管理员的权限主要是对一些常用数据的维护; 医生可以接受客户发布的预约医生的预约单以及处理属于自己的预约单,回答客户的问诊等
【源码+数据库】基于Spring Boot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf实现的宠物医院管理系统 (2000个子文件)
SaleListAdminController.class 14KB
CustomerController.class 12KB
GoodsAdminController.class 12KB
ReservationAdminController.class 11KB
GoodsController.class 11KB
CustomerReturnListAdminController.class 10KB
ShoppingController.class 10KB
PurchaseListAdminController.class 10KB
RoleAdminController.class 9KB
ReturnListAdminController.class 9KB
UserAdminController.class 9KB
CustomerAdminController.class 9KB
ReservationController.class 9KB
CommentController.class 9KB
FosterCareAdminController.class 8KB
InquiryAdminController.class 8KB
UserController.class 8KB
UseEquipmentLogAdminController.class 8KB
TackleOutLogAdminController.class 8KB
OverflowListAdminController.class 8KB
DamageListAdminController.class 7KB
ArticleAdminController.class 7KB
EquipmentTypeAdminController.class 7KB
EquipmentAdminController.class 6KB
ReturnApplyController.class 6KB
PetController.class 6KB
SaleListController.class 6KB
ReturnVisitAdminController.class 6KB
MedicalRecordAdminController.class 6KB
TackleAdminController.class 6KB
VaccineAdminController.class 6KB
GoodsTypeAdminController.class 6KB
AssayAdminController.class 6KB
CarouselAdminController.class 6KB
ArticleController.class 6KB
ArticleTypeAdminController.class 6KB
ReturnApplyAdminController.class 6KB
SuggestionAdminController.class 6KB
InformationAdminController.class 5KB
IndexController.class 5KB
CommentAdminController.class 5KB
SupplierAdminController.class 5KB
SaleListPaymentInformationAdmin.class 5KB
MedicalRecordController.class 4KB
DrawImageController.class 4KB
VaccineController.class 4KB
AssayController.class 4KB
ReturnVisitController.class 4KB
LogAdminController.class 4KB
SuggestionController.class 4KB
FosterCareController.class 3KB
InformationController.class 3KB
GoodsUnitAdminController.class 3KB
SaleListGoodsAdminController.class 3KB
GoodsMapper.class 1KB
SaleListMapper.class 1KB
PetHospitalApplication.class 1KB
CustomerMapper.class 1KB
UserMapper.class 1KB
SaleListGoodsMapper.class 1KB
EquipmentMapper.class 1KB
RoleMapper.class 1KB
ReservationMapper.class 1KB
ArticleMapper.class 967B
EquipmentTypeMapper.class 945B
ReturnVisitMapper.class 945B
CustomerReturnListAdminController$1.class 936B
ArticleTypeMapper.class 931B
SendInformationToCustomerNotRemind.class 918B
SupplierMapper.class 910B
TackleMapper.class 896B
OverflowListAdminController$1.class 888B
PurchaseListAdminController$1.class 888B
CreateReservationForTomorrow.class 883B
CustomerReturnListGoodsMapper.class 883B
AutomaticReceiptConfirmation.class 876B
DamageListAdminController$1.class 872B
ReturnListAdminController$1.class 872B
DeleteExpiredReservation.class 869B
ArrangeUserForReservation.class 868B
SuggestionMapper.class 866B
CustomerReturnListMapper.class 864B
SaleListAdminController$1.class 856B
CancelOrderOverOneDay.class 848B
PetMapper.class 810B
GoodsRemoveNew.class 808B
ReturnListGoodsMapper.class 808B
PurchaseListMapper.class 804B
UseEquipmentLogMapper.class 798B
MedicalRecordMapper.class 786B
ReturnListMapper.class 782B
TackleOutLogMapper.class 780B
ReturnApplyMapper.class 774B
InformationMapper.class 774B
FosterCareMapper.class 768B
CarouselMapper.class 756B
VaccineMapper.class 750B
InquiryMapper.class 750B
PurchaseListGoodsMapper.class 740B
AssayMapper.class 738B
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