# Application - Petstore Java EE 7
* *Author* : [Antonio Goncalves](http://www.antoniogoncalves.org)
* *Level* : Intermediate
* *Technologies* : Java EE 7 (JPA 2.1, CDI 1.1, Bean Validation 1.1, EJB Lite 3.2, JSF 2.2, JAX-RS 2.0), Java SE 7 (because that's the minimum required by Java EE 7), Twitter Bootstrap (Bootstrap 3.x, JQuery 2.x, PrimeFaces 6.x)
* *Application Servers* : From WildFly 10 to WildFly 26 (does not work on Wildfly 27 because it is based on Jakarta EE 10)
* *Summary* : A Petstore-like application using Java EE 7
[Download the code from GitHub](https://github.com/agoncal/agoncal-application-petstore-ee7)
## Purpose of this application
Do you remember the good old Java [Petstore](http://java.sun.com/developer/releases/petstore/) ? It was a sample application created by Sun for its [Java BluePrints](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/blueprints/index.html) program. The Java Petstore was designed to illustrate how J2EE (and then Java EE) could be used to develop an eCommerce web application. Yes, the point of the Petstore is to sell pets online. The Petstore had a huge momentum and we started to see plenty of Petstore-like applications flourish. The idea was to build an application with a certain technology. Let's face it, the J2EE version was far too complex using plenty of (today outdated) [design patterns](http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/). When I wrote my [Java EE 5 book](http://www.eyrolles.com/Informatique/Livre/java-ee5-9782212120387) back in 2006, I decided to write a Petstore-like application but much simpler. But again, it's out-dated today.
What you have here is another Petstore-like application but using [Java EE 7](http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=342) and all its goodies (CDI, EJB Lite, REST interface). It is based on the Petstore I developed for my [Java EE 5 book](http://www.eyrolles.com/Informatique/Livre/java-ee-5-9782212126587) (sorry, it's written in French). I've updated it based on my [Java EE 6 book](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/143022889X/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=143022889X&linkCode=as2&tag=antgonblo-20), and now I'm updating it again so it uses some new features of Java EE 7 described on my [Java EE 7 book](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/143024626X/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=143024626X&linkCode=as2&tag=antgonblo-20). The goals of this sample is to :
* use Java EE 7 and just Java EE 7 : no external framework or dependency (except web frameworks or logging APIs)
* make it simple : no complex business algorithm, the point is to bring Java EE 7 technologies together to create an eCommerce website
If you want to use a different web interface, external frameworks, add some sexy alternative JVM language... feel free to fork the code. But the goal of this EE 7 Petstore is to remain simple and to stick to Java EE 7.
The only external framework used are [Arquillian](http://arquillian.org/), [Twitter Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/) and [PrimeFaces](http://www.primefaces.org/). Arquillian is used for integration testing. Using Maven profile, you can test services, injection, persistence... against different application servers. Twitter Bootstrap and PrimeFaces bring a bit of beauty to the web interface.
## Compile and package
Being Maven centric, you can compile and package it without tests using `mvn clean compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true`, `mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true` or `mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true`. Once you have your war file, you can deploy it.
### Unit Testing
The application has a few unit tests. You can run them using `mvn clean test`. These tests do not do much, they just test the equals and hashcode methods of the entities.
### Integration testing with Arquillian
Launching tests under [WildFly](http://www.wildfly.org/) is straight forward. You must have a WidlFly up and running, and execute the tests using the
following Maven profile :
mvn clean verify -Parquillian-wildfly-remote
Or if you prefer the managed mode (it downloads and starts WildFly for you) :
mvn clean verify -Parquillian-wildfly-managed
## Execute the sample
To execute the application, you can either use the WildFly admin console or the Maven WildFly plugin.
### Setup WildFly
Before starting Wildfly we need to create a new user. In the `$WILDFLY_HOME/bin` directory, run the following command `./add-user.sh` to create a new _Management User_. Choose a username and password.
### Start WildFly
In the `$WILDFLY_HOME/bin` directory, run the following command `./standalone.sh` to start WildFly. Then go to the
WildFly admin console on http://localhost:9990 and enter your usename and password.
### Build and Deploy the application using the WildFly admin console
Build the application with `mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true`. You get the `applicationPetstore.war` war file in the `target` directory.
In the WildFly admin console, deploy the `applicationPetstore.war` file. For that, go to the _Deployments_ tab and click on _Add_.
### Build and Deploy the application using the WildFly Maven Plugin
With WildFly up and running, deploy the application using the Maven plugin `mvn clean wildfly:deploy`
### Run the application
Once deployed go to the following URL and start buying some pets: [http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore](http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore).
The admin [REST interface](http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/swagger.json) allows you to create/update/remove items in the catalog, orders or customers. You can run the following [curl](http://curl.haxx.se/) commands :
* `curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/categories`
* `curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/products`
* `curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/items`
* `curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/countries`
* `curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/customers`
You can also get a JSON representation as follow :
* `curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/rest/items`
Check the Swagger contract on : [http://localhost:8080/applicationPetstore/swagger.json]()
## Databases
The `persistence.xml` defines a persistence unit called `applicationPetstorePU` that uses the default JBoss database :
### H2
By default, the application uses the in-memory H2 database. If you log into the WildFly [Admin Console](http://localhost:9990/), go to [http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#profile/datasources;name=ExampleDS]() and you will see the H2 Driver as well as the Connection URL pointing at the in-memory H2 database `jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE`
### Postgresql
If instead a H2 in-memory database you want to use PostgreSQL, you need to do the following steps.
#### Install the PostgreSQL driver into Wildfly
This [good article](http://ralph.soika.com/wildfly-install-postgresql-jdbc-driver-as-a-module/) explains you how.
1) Go to `$WILDFLY_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/` and create the folder `org/postgresql/main`
2) Copy the Postgresql [JDBC driver jar](https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html) file (eg. `postgresql-42.1.4.jar`) to the new folder `$WILDFLY_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/postgresql/main`
3) Create the file `$WILDFLY_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/postgresql/main/module.xml` with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.postgresql">
<resource-root path="postgresql-42.1.4.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
4) Reference the module as a driver in WildFly configuration
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
A Java Petstore using the Java EE 7.zip (188个子文件)
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splash.gif 34KB
us.gif 1006B
fr.gif 1006B
favicon.gif 957B
.gitignore 297B
index.html 289B
PurchaseOrderBean.java 9KB
CustomerBean.java 8KB
CountryBean.java 8KB
ItemBean.java 8KB
ProductBean.java 8KB
CategoryBean.java 8KB
OrderLineBean.java 8KB
Customer.java 7KB
PurchaseOrder.java 6KB
CustomerService.java 5KB
CatalogService.java 5KB
Item.java 5KB
PurchaseOrderService.java 4KB
ShoppingCartBean.java 4KB
PurchaseOrderBeanIT.java 4KB
PurchaseOrderServiceIT.java 4KB
AccountBean.java 4KB
Product.java 3KB
CustomerEndpoint.java 3KB
ProductEndpoint.java 3KB
CategoryEndpoint.java 3KB
AbstractService.java 3KB
CountryEndpoint.java 3KB
ItemEndpoint.java 3KB
CatalogBean.java 3KB
SimpleLoginModule.java 3KB
CustomerServiceIT.java 3KB
Address.java 3KB
CustomerBeanIT.java 3KB
Country.java 3KB
OrderLineServiceIT.java 3KB
OrderLineBeanIT.java 3KB
Category.java 3KB
CreditCard.java 3KB
CustomerEndpointIT.java 3KB
ItemServiceIT.java 3KB
ItemBeanIT.java 3KB
ProductServiceIT.java 3KB
ProductBeanIT.java 3KB
CategoryServiceIT.java 3KB
CategoryBeanIT.java 3KB
ProductEndpointIT.java 3KB
ItemEndpointIT.java 3KB
CountryServiceIT.java 3KB
CountryBeanIT.java 3KB
OrderLine.java 3KB
CategoryEndpointIT.java 3KB
CountryEndpointIT.java 3KB
ItemIT.java 3KB
ProductIT.java 2KB
AbstractBean.java 2KB
CountryService.java 2KB
ShoppingCartItem.java 2KB
ViewUtils.java 2KB
CategoryIT.java 2KB
ItemService.java 2KB
PurchaseOrderIT.java 2KB
ProductService.java 2KB
CustomerIT.java 2KB
Email.java 2KB
CategoryService.java 2KB
SimpleCallbackHandler.java 2KB
AddressIT.java 2KB
OrderLineService.java 2KB
Login.java 2KB
NotEmpty.java 2KB
Price.java 2KB
LoggingInterceptor.java 1KB
LoginContextProducer.java 1KB
DebugBean.java 1KB
ExceptionInterceptor.java 1KB
CredentialsBean.java 1KB
ConfigPropertyProducer.java 1KB
LocaleBean.java 1KB
RestApplication.java 904B
PurchaseOrderTest.java 817B
CustomerTest.java 758B
CountryTest.java 655B
OrderLineTest.java 654B
CatchException.java 646B
ItemTest.java 642B
AddressTest.java 630B
CategoryTest.java 629B
ProductTest.java 624B
LoggingProducer.java 618B
CreditCardTest.java 573B
ConfigProperty.java 559B
DatabaseProducer.java 549B
Loggable.java 538B
ValidationException.java 523B
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