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出在 the Internet. For instance, if someone wants to enjoy a private karaoke session without spending too much on renting a whole room, online karaoke platforms have made that possible. Similarly, instead of traditional methods like calling or visiting in person to report network issues, there are now dedicated repair platforms where users can submit their problems, and repair personnel will promptly respond and provide doorstep service. Users can even rate the repair outcome and participate in promotional activities, saving on maintenance costs.
As the times evolve, to enhance the convenience of daily recreational activities and promote physical and mental well-being for people of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly, sports facilities in communities and gyms are becoming more abundant. However, this leads to resource utilization conflicts and waste, particularly in the case of badminton resources, which is the main focus of this study. To address this issue, I propose integrating internet technology with badminton resource management.
Web-based resource management websites have become increasingly diverse, serving various purposes such as educational resource management and corporate department management. Users increasingly appreciate the diversity of information and timely updates. Therefore, this project aims to create a web-based Badminton Management System to provide users with up-to-date information about available resources. The system's frontend is realized using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, and the Vue framework, while the backend management functions are implemented with the ThinkPHP framework and PHP. MySQL is employed for data storage. Comprehensive performance testing is conducted on the system and its functional modules.
Key Terms: Badminton Court, Information Management, PHP, MySQL
本项目的核心在于构建一个基于SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis) 和MySQL的羽毛球馆管理系统,以解决资源浪费和冲突的问题。Spring框架提供了依赖注入和面向切面编程的能力,有助于简化开发过程。SpringMVC作为Spring的一部分,负责处理HTTP请求和响应,使得前端和后端的交互更为顺畅。MyBatis作为持久层框架,它将SQL语句与Java代码分离,提高了代码的可读性和可维护性。
- 粉丝: 120
- 资源: 1689
- 数据集-大豆种子质量好坏检测数据集6503张2个标签YOLO+VOC格式.zip
- JavaScript: 函数与作用域深入解析及应用场景
- 数据集-车内视角拍摄道路路面缺陷数据集1075张3类标签YOLO+VOC格式.zip
- KaixinSont(开心宋体)4.1
- Ruby编程语言中基础和高级控制结构详解
- 数据集-玻璃门窗缺陷检测数据集3085张5类YIOLO+VOC格式.zip
- MySQL索引与优化:原理、策略及高级应用
- Java面向对象编程中的封装与抽象技术详解及应用
- 数据集-玻璃杯玻璃瓶及瓶盖瓶身材质检测数据集2651张YOLO+VOC格式.zip
- Python项目实战:综合应用与案例分析