忽略 an important component, competition puts more challenges for企业管理者. The management of personnel, in another sense, is the management of the life and future of the enterprise. Human resources are the most precious resource. Without capable talents, an enterprise will become precarious. The realization of office automation has gained attention from enterprises. To survive in today's fierce competition, enterprises must introduce information management and handle talent management effectively. Based on the analysis and design in previous stages, this system adopts the B/S (Browser/Server) architecture in its design. The frontend development mainly employs JSP (JavaServer Pages) as the development language and successfully integrates the SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis) framework. The backend design predominantly uses MySQL as the database management system, while the development environment is MyEclipse, and the server is Tomcat. This system lays a foundation for the enterprise's development. The choice of JSP allows for dynamic content generation, making it suitable for web applications like this personnel management system. SSM framework simplifies the development process by providing robust functionality for handling dependency injection, MVC architecture, and SQL mapping. MySQL, known for its performance and ease of use, serves as an efficient and cost-effective solution for storing and managing data. The B/S structure enables remote access through web browsers, enhancing accessibility and collaboration among different departments within the enterprise. The integration of these technologies brings numerous benefits. Firstly, it streamlines the manual HR processes, reducing the chances of errors and increasing efficiency. Automated systems can handle tasks such as employee record keeping, attendance tracking, payroll processing, and recruitment management much faster and with fewer errors than manual methods. Secondly, it centralizes data storage, ensuring data integrity and easy backup, minimizing the risk of data loss. Thirdly, the system supports real-time updates and reporting, providing managers with timely insights into workforce performance and enabling informed decision-making. In conclusion, the "Enterprise Personnel Management System" based on SSM and MySQL represents a significant step forward in modernizing HR management. It addresses the challenges faced by enterprises with outdated manual systems and paves the way for more efficient, accurate, and scalable management practices. By integrating advanced technologies, this system not only improves productivity but also contributes to the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the enterprise in the digital age. 关键词:SSM框架,MySQL数据库,JSP,B/S架构,企业人事管理,自动化办公
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