## Welcome to Apache Tomcat!
### What Is It?
The Apache Tomcat® software is an open source implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket
technologies. The Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and
Java WebSocket specifications are developed under the
[Java Community Process](https://jcp.org/en/introduction/overview).
The Apache Tomcat software is developed in an open and participatory
environment and released under the
[Apache License version 2](https://www.apache.org/licenses/). The Apache Tomcat
project is intended to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from
around the world. We invite you to participate in this open development
project. To learn more about getting involved,
[click here](https://tomcat.apache.org/getinvolved.html) or keep reading.
Apache Tomcat software powers numerous large-scale, mission-critical web
applications across a diverse range of industries and organizations. Some of
these users and their stories are listed on the
[PoweredBy wiki page](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TOMCAT/PoweredBy).
Apache Tomcat, Tomcat, Apache, the Apache feather, and the Apache Tomcat
project logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
### Get It
For every major Tomcat version there is one download page containing
links to the latest binary and source code downloads, but also
links for browsing the download directories and archives:
- [Tomcat 10](https://tomcat.apache.org/download-10.cgi)
- [Tomcat 9](https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi)
- [Tomcat 8](https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi)
- [Tomcat 7](https://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi)
To facilitate choosing the right major Tomcat version one, we have provided a
[version overview page](https://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html).
### Documentation
The documentation available as of the date of this release is
included in the docs webapp which ships with tomcat. You can access that webapp
by starting tomcat and visiting <http://localhost:8080/docs/> in your browser.
The most up-to-date documentation for each version can be found at:
- [Tomcat 10.1](https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-10.1-doc/)
- [Tomcat 10.0](https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-10.0-doc/)
- [Tomcat 9](https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/)
- [Tomcat 8](https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/)
### Installation
Please see [RUNNING.txt](RUNNING.txt) for more info.
### Licensing
Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more info.
### Support and Mailing List Information
* Free community support is available through the
[tomcat-users](https://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html#tomcat-users) email list and
a dedicated [IRC channel](https://tomcat.apache.org/irc.html) (#tomcat on
* If you want freely available support for running Apache Tomcat, please see the
resources page [here](https://tomcat.apache.org/findhelp.html).
* If you want to be informed about new code releases, bug fixes,
security fixes, general news and information about Apache Tomcat, please
subscribe to the
[tomcat-announce](https://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html#tomcat-announce) email
* If you have a concrete bug report for Apache Tomcat, please see the
instructions for reporting a bug
### Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more info.
需积分: 0 11 浏览量
收藏 369.6MB ZIP 举报
标题 "ICSLite_carrier-zh-23.2302.3.zip" 暗示了这是一款针对中文用户的软件更新包,名为“ICSLite”,并且是针对特定的“carrier”(运营商)定制的。版本号 "23.2302.3" 表明这是该软件的第23版,可能在2023年2月3日发布。此文件的扩展名 ".zip" 意味着它是一个压缩包,通常用于存储多个文件或文件夹,以便于传输和存储。
在IT领域,"ICSLite" 可能是指一种轻量级的通讯软件或者服务,用于处理与运营商网络的交互。这种软件可能涉及到移动通信、物联网(IoT)、或者无线网络服务,如蜂窝数据、语音通话、短信服务等。"carrier-zh" 指出这个版本是针对中国市场的,"zh" 是“中文”的英文缩写,这意味着软件包含了中文语言支持,以适应中国用户的需求。
至于压缩包内的文件 "ICSLite_carrier-zh-23.2302.3",这可能是软件的安装程序或更新程序,包含了运行ICSLite所需的所有文件和资源。通常,这样的文件会包含可执行文件、配置文件、库文件、帮助文档以及可能的本地化文件,以支持中文界面和其他特定语言。
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 1
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- Screenshot_20250104_182336.jpg
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- 面向对象程序设计实验四.doc
- 面向对象程序设计实验五.doc
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- 面向对象程序设计实验GUI.doc
- JAVA-API代码.doc
- GUI(2)代码.doc
- GUI(1)代码.doc
- 面向对象(下)代码.doc
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