# core-js
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#### As advertising: the author is looking for a good job :)
Modular standard library for JavaScript. Includes polyfills for [ECMAScript 5](#ecmascript-5), [ECMAScript 6](#ecmascript-6): [promises](#ecmascript-6-promise), [symbols](#ecmascript-6-symbol), [collections](#ecmascript-6-collections), iterators, [typed arrays](#ecmascript-6-typed-arrays), [ECMAScript 7+ proposals](#ecmascript-7-proposals), [setImmediate](#setimmediate), etc. Some additional features such as [dictionaries](#dict) or [extended partial application](#partial-application). You can require only needed features or use it without global namespace pollution.
Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3]
'*'.repeat(10); // => '**********'
Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x)); // => 32
setImmediate(x => console.log(x), 42); // => 42
[*Without global namespace pollution*](http://goo.gl/paOHb0):
var core = require('core-js/library'); // With a modular system, otherwise use global `core`
core.Array.from(new core.Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3]
core.String.repeat('*', 10); // => '**********'
core.Promise.resolve(32).then(x => console.log(x)); // => 32
core.setImmediate(x => console.log(x), 42); // => 42
### Index
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Basic](#basic)
- [CommonJS](#commonjs)
- [Custom build](#custom-build-from-the-command-line)
- [Supported engines](#supported-engines)
- [Features](#features)
- [ECMAScript 5](#ecmascript-5)
- [ECMAScript 6](#ecmascript-6)
- [ECMAScript 6: Object](#ecmascript-6-object)
- [ECMAScript 6: Function](#ecmascript-6-function)
- [ECMAScript 6: Array](#ecmascript-6-array)
- [ECMAScript 6: String](#ecmascript-6-string)
- [ECMAScript 6: RegExp](#ecmascript-6-regexp)
- [ECMAScript 6: Number](#ecmascript-6-number)
- [ECMAScript 6: Math](#ecmascript-6-math)
- [ECMAScript 6: Date](#ecmascript-6-date)
- [ECMAScript 6: Promise](#ecmascript-6-promise)
- [ECMAScript 6: Symbol](#ecmascript-6-symbol)
- [ECMAScript 6: Collections](#ecmascript-6-collections)
- [ECMAScript 6: Typed Arrays](#ecmascript-6-typed-arrays)
- [ECMAScript 6: Reflect](#ecmascript-6-reflect)
- [ECMAScript 7+ proposals](#ecmascript-7-proposals)
- [stage 4 proposals](#stage-4-proposals)
- [stage 3 proposals](#stage-3-proposals)
- [stage 2 proposals](#stage-2-proposals)
- [stage 1 proposals](#stage-1-proposals)
- [stage 0 proposals](#stage-0-proposals)
- [pre-stage 0 proposals](#pre-stage-0-proposals)
- [Web standards](#web-standards)
- [setTimeout / setInterval](#settimeout--setinterval)
- [setImmediate](#setimmediate)
- [iterable DOM collections](#iterable-dom-collections)
- [Non-standard](#non-standard)
- [Object](#object)
- [Dict](#dict)
- [partial application](#partial-application)
- [Number Iterator](#number-iterator)
- [escaping strings](#escaping-strings)
- [delay](#delay)
- [helpers for iterators](#helpers-for-iterators)
- [Missing polyfills](#missing-polyfills)
- [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md)
## Usage
### Basic
npm i core-js
bower install core.js
// Default
// Without global namespace pollution
var core = require('core-js/library');
// Shim only
If you need complete build for browser, use builds from `core-js/client` path:
* [default](https://raw.githack.com/zloirock/core-js/v2.5.3/client/core.min.js): Includes all features, standard and non-standard.
* [as a library](https://raw.githack.com/zloirock/core-js/v2.5.3/client/library.min.js): Like "default", but does not pollute the global namespace (see [2nd example at the top](#core-js)).
* [shim only](https://raw.githack.com/zloirock/core-js/v2.5.3/client/shim.min.js): Only includes the standard methods.
Warning: if you use `core-js` with the extension of native objects, require all needed `core-js` modules at the beginning of entry point of your application, otherwise, conflicts may occur.
### CommonJS
You can require only needed modules.
Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, NaN, 3, 4].findIndex(isNaN); // => 2
// or, w/o global namespace pollution:
var Set = require('core-js/library/fn/set');
var from = require('core-js/library/fn/array/from');
var findIndex = require('core-js/library/fn/array/find-index');
from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])); // => [1, 2, 3]
findIndex([1, 2, NaN, 3, 4], isNaN); // => 2
Available entry points for methods / constructors, as above examples, and namespaces: for example, `core-js/es6/array` (`core-js/library/es6/array`) contains all [ES6 `Array` features](#ecmascript-6-array), `core-js/es6` (`core-js/library/es6`) contains all ES6 features.
##### Caveats when using CommonJS API:
* `modules` path is internal API, does not inject all required dependencies and can be changed in minor or patch releases. Use it only for a custom build and / or if you know what are you doing.
* `core-js` is extremely modular and uses a lot of very tiny modules, because of that for usage in browsers bundle up `core-js` instead of usage loader for each file, otherwise, you will have hundreds of requests.
#### CommonJS and prototype methods without global namespace pollution
In the `library` version, we can't pollute prototypes of native constructors. Because of that, prototype methods transformed to static methods like in examples above. `babel` `runtime` transformer also can't transform them. But with transpilers we can use one more trick - [bind operator and virtual methods](https://github.com/zenparsing/es-function-bind). Special for that, available `/virtual/` entry points. Example:
import fill from 'core-js/library/fn/array/virtual/fill';
import findIndex from 'core-js/library/fn/array/virtual/find-index';
Array(10)::fill(0).map((a, b) => b * b)::findIndex(it => it && !(it % 8)); // => 4
// or
import {fill, findIndex} from 'core-js/library/fn/array/virtual';
Array(10)::fill(0).map((a, b) => b * b)::findIndex(it => it && !(it % 8)); // => 4
### Custom build (from the command-line)
npm i core-js && cd node_modules/core-js && npm i
npm run grunt build:core.dict,es6 -- --blacklist=es6.promise,es6.math --library=on --path=custom uglify
Where `core.dict` and `es6` are modules (namespaces) names, which will be added to the build, `es6.promise` and `es6.math` are modules (namespaces) names, which will be excluded from the build, `--library=on` is flag for build without global namespace pollution and `custom` is target file name.
Available namespaces: for example, `es6.array` contains [ES6 `Array` features](#ecmascript-6-array), `es6` contains all modules whose names start with `es6`.
### Custom build (from external scripts)
[`core-js-builder`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/core-js-builder) package exports a function that takes the same parameters as the `build` target from the previous section. This will conditionally include or exclude certain parts of `core-js`:
modules: ['es6', 'core.dict'], // modules / namespaces
blacklist: ['es6.reflect'], /
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6BE1815C-698E-48E0-899B-A2E74F23017F.rar (2000个子文件)
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app.49f3b09b9044ff2bb59028a0c595498b.css 218KB
index.html 511B
index.html 511B
PoiUtils.java 17KB
Employee.java 8KB
SystemBasicController.java 6KB
WebSecurityConfig.java 5KB
EmpBasicController.java 5KB
EmpService.java 4KB
EmailRunnable.java 3KB
Hr.java 3KB
Salary.java 3KB
SystemHrController.java 2KB
Department.java 2KB
HrService.java 2KB
UrlAccessDecisionManager.java 2KB
UrlFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource.java 2KB
ChatController.java 2KB
Menu.java 2KB
SalaryEmpController.java 2KB
SalaryController.java 2KB
EmpMapper.java 1KB
SysMsgService.java 1KB
JobLevel.java 1KB
CustomExceptionResolver.java 1KB
Position.java 1KB
DepartmentService.java 1KB
SysMsg.java 1KB
WsController.java 1KB
JobLevelService.java 1KB
PositionService.java 1KB
SalaryService.java 1KB
AuthenticationAccessDeniedHandler.java 1KB
WebSocketConfig.java 947B
PoliticsStatus.java 937B
HrserverApplication.java 906B
Nation.java 899B
MenuService.java 880B
RegLoginController.java 857B
ConfigController.java 838B
RoleService.java 829B
MsgContent.java 825B
WebMvcConfig.java 785B
HrMapper.java 754B
DateConverter.java 687B
MenuRoleService.java 679B
SalaryTableController.java 661B
RespBean.java 587B
Role.java 581B
SysMsgMapper.java 568B
SalaryMapper.java 539B
MenuMeta.java 517B
JobLevelMapper.java 488B
PersonnelController.java 484B
SystemService.java 475B
EmployeeController.java 472B
PositionMapper.java 455B
DepartmentMapper.java 418B
RoleMapper.java 351B
HrUtils.java 339B
ChatResp.java 322B
MenuMapper.java 311B
MenuRoleMapper.java 278B
SystemMapper.java 111B
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