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G20 Ministerial Statement on Trade and Digital Economy
1. We, the G20 Trade Ministers and Digital Economy Ministers, met on 8 and 9 June 2019 in
Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Hiroshige Seko,
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, H.E. Mr. Masatoshi Ishida, Minister for Internal Affairs
and Communications, and H.E. Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the Government
of Japan, to further strengthen G20 trade and digital economic policy cooperation.
2. The G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy gathered all G20 members as well
as guests from Chile as 2019 APEC host economy, Egypt on behalf of AU, Estonia (for Digital
Economy), Netherlands, Nigeria (for Trade), Senegal on behalf of NEPAD, Singapore, Spain,
and Viet Nam. International Organizations
also participated in the Meeting.
3. We discussed the need to do more to achieve our common objectives for global growth.
International trade and investment should continue to be important engines of growth,
productivity, innovation, job creation and development.
4. Innovative digital technologies continue to bring immense economic opportunities. At the same
time, they continue to create challenges.
5. This Meeting, which gathered both Trade Ministers and Digital Economy Ministers together for
the first time, presented an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the interface between
trade and the digital economy.
6. We discussed how we can work together toward the realization of a sustainable and innovative
global society, by making full use of digital technologies, together with trade and investment,
and harnessing the benefits of technological transformation and globalization, taking into
consideration national needs, priorities and circumstances.
I. Digital Economy
1. Overview: Human-centered Future Society
7. We, G20 Ministers for the Digital Economy discussed how we can design and implement our
digital policies to maximize benefits and minimize the challenges from the development of the
digital economy, and to overcome challenges with special attention to developing countries and
underrepresented populations.
8. The G20 started the policy discussion on the digital economy under the Chinese Presidency in
the Hangzhou Summit process in 2016, in which G20 members engaged in comprehensive
discussion on digital economy, innovation and new industrial revolution. Germany established
the first G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting and created an overall perspective on digital
policy with the G20 Roadmap on Digital Economy and the Ministerial Declaration. In 2018,
Argentina focused on digital government, the digital gender divide, infrastructure deployment
International Organizations: APT (for Digital Economy), ERIA, IMF, ITC (for Trade), ITU (for Digital
Economy), OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank, and WTO.
and the measurement of the digital economy, in addition to creating the G20 Repository of
Digital Policies. The Digital Economy Ministers issued a declaration, which noted that it is
essential to continue the work on further understanding of the market impact of emerging
technologies and new business models, like online platforms and the need to advance a fair,
predictable, transparent, competitive and non-discriminatory business environment.
9. Recalling these discussions, we exchanged views on how to achieve an inclusive, sustainable,
safe, trustworthy and innovative society through digitalization. We share the notion of a human-
centered future society which is being promoted as Society 5.0 in Japan. Society 5.0 is a vision
of human-centered future society promoted by the Japanese government to achieve an
advanced society, which realizes economic growth and solves social challenges, by advancing
towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the increasing convergence of the
physical world and the virtual world.
10. Digitalization is expected to continue creating benefits for our economies and societies as a
whole. The benefits brought by increased productivity through the use of emerging technologies
such as artificial intelligence (AI), fifth-generation mobile telecommunication technologies (5G),
the Internet of Things (IoT), Distributed Ledger Technologies (e.g. block chain) will empower all
individuals and firms by creating new opportunities, and generate new services and
employment, all of which can lead to greater well-being and further inclusiveness for individuals
and firms.
11. While digitalization has tremendous potential to deliver benefits to society, it also raises certain
concerns. Digital divide should be addressed with a commitment to evidence-based policy
approaches together with the efforts to improve the measurement of the digital economy that
enable the widest possible adoption and use of innovative technology. We should come
together to promote trust in the digital economy to harness the benefits brought by digitalization
as well as to mitigate the associated challenges.
12. The G20 also reaffirms its commitment to fighting exploitation of the Internet for violent
extremist and terrorist purposes, as well as promoting a free, open and secure internet, and
encourages the digital industry to continue to work together with all stakeholders in fighting use
of the Internet and social media for violent extremist and terrorist purposes, and addressing
content that incites terrorist acts.
13. We share the view that the digital society must be built on trust among all stakeholders
including governments, civil society, international organizations, academics and businesses
through sharing common values and principles including equality, justice, transparency and
accountability taking into account the global economy and interoperability. We note the views
given at the G20 Digital Economy Multi-stakeholder Conference, and look forward to the multi-
stakeholders discussion at the 14th United Nation’s Internet Governance Forum at the end of
November 2019 in Berlin and the WSIS Forum at the end of March 2020 in Geneva.
14. Building upon the commitments and achievements of previous years, we, as G20 Ministers,
commit to sharing and promoting national experiences and international policies to maximize
and share the benefits from digitalization of our economies and societies through the following
2. Data Free Flow with Trust
15. Reaffirming the commitments made in Hangzhou, Dusseldorf, and Salta, we share the
understanding that digitalization gives us the opportunity to promote inclusive and sustainable
economic growth. Digitalization also promotes social and cultural progress and development,
fosters innovation, and empowers individuals and businesses, including micro, small, and
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to benefit from emerging technologies and data.
16. Cross-border flow of data, information, ideas and knowledge generates higher productivity,
greater innovation, and improved sustainable development. At the same time, we recognize that
the free flow of data raises certain challenges. By continuing to address challenges related to
privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights, and security, we can further facilitate data
free flow and strengthen consumer and business trust. In order to build trust and facilitate the
free flow of data, it is necessary that legal frameworks both domestic and international should
be respected. Such data free flow with trust will harness the opportunities of the digital
economy. We will cooperate to encourage the interoperability of different frameworks, and we
affirm the role of data for development.
3. Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (AI)
17. Recognizing the efforts undertaken so far by all stakeholders in their respective roles including
governments, international organizations, academia, civil society and the private sector, and
mindful of how technology impacts society, the G20 endeavors to provide an enabling
environment for human-centered AI that promotes innovation and investment, with a particular
focus on digital entrepreneurship, research and development, scaling up of startups in this area,
and adoption of AI by MSMEs which face disproportionally higher costs to adopt AI.
18. We recognize that AI technologies can help promote inclusive economic growth, bring great
benefits to society, and empower individuals. The responsible development and use of AI can
be a driving force to help advance the SDGs and to realize a sustainable and inclusive society,
mitigating risks to wider societal values. The benefits brought by the responsible use of AI can
improve the work environment and quality of life, and create potential for realizing a human-
centered future society with opportunities for everyone, including women and girls as well as
vulnerable groups.
19. At the same time, we also recognize that AI, like other emerging technologies, may present
societal challenges, including the transitions in the labor market, privacy, security, ethical
issues, new digital divides and the need for AI capacity building. To foster public trust and
confidence in AI technologies and fully realize their potential, we are committed to a human-
- 粉丝: 15
- 资源: 6728
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