Estimation of mineral resources and reserves, both in mining planning and mining stage
is a subject of concern.Geostatistics, rooted in the field of solid mineral reserves estimation,
and been universally acknowledged. Kriging is considered to be the advanced and scientific
reserves estimation method in the world. It was built on probability statistics, combined with
the spatial and structural of the geological variables, developed to an edge subject of earth
science. In view of this, through to the comprehensive comparison and analysis of current
variety of reserves estimation method, reserves estimation is completed by using ordinary
kriging geostatistics ideas and methods with the help of matlab calculation software, taking
Xishanwanyangchang silver deposit for instance.
In this paper, it first introduced the development status of the geostatistics, and its
advantages to traditional methods of calculating mine reserves and classical probability and
statistics. Then it introduced geostatistics and ordinary kriging related theory and the use of
matlab software. In the part of resorce estimation, according to the characteristics of
Xishanwanyangchang silver deposit, in order to facilitate resource estimation, orebody were
first vertical longitudinal projection transformation. Then the observation point parameters
after engineering projection is took for a sample, the original sample is analyzed statistically
and data is carried pretreatment. Then the author ploted grade frequency histograms and
experimental variogram curve of grade regional variation with matlab software, according to
their characteristics and uses a spherical model kriging point estimate method, selected the
block model parameters. The projection ore body is divided into many units of calculation and
estimated projection surface area of each cell grade, then summarize the block to get the final
result resource results. Finally the results proved that the reserves estimation method is
feasible after comparing with the traditional block method.
Key words:Reserves Estimation, Geostatistics, Kriging, Silver deposit