• Python核心编程第三版(源代码)

    Python核心编程第三版 各个章节的源代码 与内容 README "Core Python Programming", 2nd Edition, by Wesley J. Chun These directories contain all of the source code for the applications in the book, e.g., Example x.y, with each directory representing the code for a chapter in the book which features at least one code Example. In each directory, you may also find a subdirectory named "alt" which will contain alternative source code. These can include: - Applications that have been more fully-commented - Some of the more lengthy code snippets featured as chapter reading - Modified applications which run on older (or newer) versions of Python Also be sure to check out the COLOPHON.txt, COPYRIGHT.txt, and LICENSE.txt files. The "ls-lFR.txt" file contains a fully-recursive directory listing. The "all.zip" and "all.tgz" files represent snapshots of everything here.

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