--- Manual Additions/Modifications ---
PC-lint for C/C++ Version 9.00a
This readme.txt supplements the on-line PC-lint manual entitled
"Reference Manual for PC-lint/Flexelint" found in the installation
directory under the name "pc-lint.pdf"
------ Printing the Reference Manual ------
You have permission to print out the Reference Manual (or other
related documentation) in whole or in part in support of the use of
this software.
------ Support for Microsoft through Visual Studio 2008 ------
We currently support Microsoft Visual C/C++ 9.0 (as well as all
earlier versions of the Microsoft compiler series). Support comes
mainly from the compiler options files (co-...lnt). For example
options files co-msc70.lnt, co-msc71.lnt, co-msc80.lnt and
co-msc90.lnt support versions 7.0, 7.1, 8.0 and 9.0 respectively.
------ What's New ------
To find out what we've added to the product since Version 8.00,
check out Chapter 20 "What's New" in the Reference Manual.
------ Front End ------
Your linting experience will be considerably enhanced by adapting
your favorite editor or compiler environment to the task of
sequencing from error to error. See Section 3.5 of the Reference
------ Multiple Passes ------
By default, PC-lint/FlexeLint will go through all your modules in
one pass. For projects not previously linted there will be enough
messages to look at. However, with just one pass, you will not be
taking full advantage of our new static data tracking or the
interfunction value tracking. With just one pass, we cannot say
very much about static variables. We may see a variable being set
to a value but we don't know of intervening functions that may be
modifying the variable. We will also not know about dangerous
return values for functions that are defined later than they are
called, and we will not know about dangerous arguments for functions
that are defined early. To introduce a second pass you need only to
add the command line option:
or, if this syntax presents a problem with your Shell, you may use:
or, in some cases,
is needed. Of course, you can replace the 2 with any number you
wish. The larger the number, the more bugs that can be found and
the more time that will be required.
See Section 10.2 "Value Tracking" in the Reference Manual.
Gimpel Software
September, 2008
- 粉丝: 43
- 资源: 18
- 142. 环形链表 II.zip
- 143. 重排链表.zip
- 144. 二叉树的前序遍历.zip
- 145. 二叉树的后序遍历.zip
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