# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
# include property in project.properties.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Android项目---闹铃备忘录 (102个子文件)
resources.ap_ 192KB
Note.apk 214KB
jarlist.cache 120B
NoteActivity.class 14KB
EditTime.class 7KB
HaveDone.class 6KB
NoteActivity$1.class 5KB
BootAlarm.class 5KB
AppWidget.class 4KB
Alarm.class 4KB
EditTime$4.class 4KB
NoteActivity$6.class 3KB
EditTime$1$1.class 2KB
HaveDone$2.class 2KB
EditTime$2$1.class 2KB
NoteActivity$3.class 2KB
MyService.class 2KB
DatabaseHelper.class 2KB
EditTime$1.class 1KB
EditTime$2.class 1KB
Alarm$1.class 1KB
NoteActivity$5.class 1KB
HaveDone$1.class 1KB
EditTime$3.class 1KB
NoteActivity$4.class 1KB
NoteActivity$2.class 1KB
BootReceiver.class 1KB
NoteActivity$TimeThread.class 1KB
MyService$2.class 995B
R$id.class 847B
AlarmReceiver.class 837B
R$drawable.class 820B
MyService$1.class 794B
EditTime$5.class 765B
R.class 601B
R$layout.class 586B
R$string.class 421B
R$xml.class 389B
R$raw.class 380B
BuildConfig.class 341B
R$attr.class 334B
.classpath 475B
classes.dex 47KB
annotations-53579a14ce9d3ed38ce5ff89aa31cd6c.jar 943B
NoteActivity.java 17KB
EditTime.java 9KB
HaveDone.java 5KB
BootAlarm.java 4KB
AppWidget.java 3KB
Alarm.java 3KB
R.java 3KB
MyService.java 2KB
DatabaseHelper.java 1KB
AlarmReceiver.java 575B
BootReceiver.java 564B
BuildConfig.java 158B
alarm.mp3 127KB
ic_launcher.png 14KB
ic_launcher.png 14KB
ic_launcher.png 9KB
ic_launcher.png 9KB
about.png 6KB
desktop_bg.png 6KB
note_icon.png 6KB
note_icon.png 6KB
bell.png 5KB
ic_launcher.png 5KB
ic_launcher.png 5KB
add.png 4KB
about_press.png 4KB
check.png 4KB
add_press.png 4KB
ic_menu_add.png 4KB
about.png 3KB
desktop_bg.png 3KB
checknull.png 3KB
ic_launcher.png 3KB
bell.png 3KB
ic_launcher.png 3KB
add.png 2KB
check.png 1KB
about_press.png 1KB
add_press.png 967B
ic_menu_add.png 636B
checknull.png 514B
.project 840B
project.properties 562B
proguard-project.txt 781B
settime.xml 3KB
AndroidManifest.xml 2KB
AndroidManifest.xml 2KB
seetime.xml 2KB
main.xml 2KB
toast.xml 2KB
listviewitem.xml 1KB
listviewitem_done.xml 884B
widget.xml 682B
shape.xml 433B
selector_about.xml 428B
selector_add.xml 422B
共 102 条
- 1
- 2
- 粉丝: 87
- 资源: 3
上传资源 快速赚钱
- 我的内容管理 展开
- 我的资源 快来上传第一个资源
- 我的收益 登录查看自己的收益
- 我的积分 登录查看自己的积分
- 我的C币 登录后查看C币余额
- 我的收藏
- 我的下载
- 下载帮助
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6