----- RELEASE NOTE ---------------------------------------------------
Release Date : 07/24/2009
Driver Name : Alps Touch Pad Driver with Multi-Touch Gesture
Version : 7.x5.303
OS : Windows 7 x86,x64 (Build7201)
Windows Vista x86,x64 SP1
Windows XP x86 SP3 (Professional/Home)
Lang. : Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish,
Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean,
Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Dutch, Norwegian,
Polish, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese(Portugal),
Slovak, Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew
----- USAGE ----------------------------------------------------------
== Silent Install ==
Setup.exe /s
[NOTE] Driver installation in silent mode will be failed if the driver
have not Logo.
----- COMMENT --------------------------------------------------------
< Know Issue >
[--] The active area becomes small to rare terribly after resuming from
sleep mode.
< Updated from Previous Release >
v7.x5.303.117 (07/29/2009) Logo
v7.x5.303.117 (07/24/2009) Alpha
[--] The PnPID is added by the request from Toshiba/Compal.
PnPID='AUI0311' is added to 'AUI0300' and 'MS-GenericID'.
v7.x5.303.116 (07/23/2009) Alpha
[--] Fixed the issue that the Inertial Motion doesn't operate by the drag
operation only of the touch pad.
v7.x5.303.115 (07/21/2009) Alpha
[W7] Fixed the issue of the Easy Capture function.
(The line is drawn after the finger is released.)
v7.x5.303.114 (07/16/2009) Alpha
[--] Changed the all default settings of the "Operation during key input"
function to disable.
[--] Fixed the issue that the behavior of the Inertial Motion is not
changed even if the speed of the cursor is changed.
[--] Fixed the issue that the cursor sometimes jumps after pad scrolling
when the Inertial Motion is enabled.
v7.x5.303.113 (07/10/2009) Logo
v7.x5.303.113 (06/30/2009) Alpha
[XP] Fixed the issue that the Easy Launcher's icon image of "Favorites"
folder didn't normally displayed after installed the IE7 or IE8.
v7.x5.303.112 (06/22/2009) Alpha
[--] Applied the jitter filter.
[--] Fixed the inertial motion doesn't work.
v7.x5.303.111 (06/19/2009) Logo
v7.x5.303.111 (06/18/2009) Beta
[VI] Fixed the issue that [OK] button doesn't display when 125DPI setting.
[--] Removed the solution for the mouse pointer jitter issue.
v7.x5.303.110 (06/15/2009) Alpha
[--] Added the solution for the mouse pointer jitter issue.
[--] Supported the Arabic and Hebrew languages.
[--] Fixed the strings of GUI and Help. (This is a request from Toshiba)
[Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Slovak, Finnish,
French, Italy, Spanish, German, English, Turkish, Greek, Hungarian,
Russian, Swedish, Czech, Norwegian and Polish]
[--] Fixed the issue a part of the UI strings of uninstaller was lacked
in Italy and Czech.
[--] Improved the video help files.
[--] Fixed the issue that mouse pointer does not restore to the standard
status when user connects the USB mouse while multi-touch gesture
[--] Fixed the issue that touch sensitivity is changed after resuming
from the S3 status.
[--] Fixed the issue of the initialization sequence of Touch Pad that
is supporting Multi-touch gesture:
--> Command-set notification was not recovered correctly when
driver received RESEND(0xFE) or FAILURE(0xFC).
[--] Added the solution for the issue that the mouse pointer jumps
when user lifts one's finger from Touch Pad.
v7.x5.303.109 (05/16/2009) Logo
[--] Updated the following change of INF file based on v7.x5.303.105.
Changed the sensitivity of Touchpad lower.
v7.x5.303.108 (05/16/2009) Logo
[--] Updated the following change of INF file based on v7.x5.303.106.
Changed the sensitivity of Touchpad lower.
Changed the default setting of the Pinch Zoom to disable.
v7.x5.303.107 (05/15/2009) Alpha
[--] Changed the sensitivity of Touchpad lower.
[--] Fixed the issue that the Pinch Zoom function doesn't operate.
[--] Changed the default setting of the Pinch Zoom to disable.
v7.x5.303.106 (05/15/2009) Logo
[--] Fixed the strings of GUI and Help.(Request of Toshiba)
[French, German, Italian and Spanish]
v7.x5.303.105 (04/06/2009) Logo
v7.x5.303.105 (04/03/2009) Alpha
[--] Added the custom PnPID("AUI0300").
[--] Added the solution for the phenomenon when user moves his or her
finger on Pad quick and con-tinuously, sometimes mouse pointer jumps
or stops.
[--] Fixed the issue that BSOD appears when external PS/2 mice is present
on the PC.
[--] Fixed the issue that a part of strings are grows dim when DPI settins
is high(150%).
- Tray menu
- Easy Launcher
- Easy Capture
- Installer / Uninstaller
(The DPInst.exe(Installer of Microsoft) doesn't support the High DPI.)
[--] Change the word of "Momentum" to "Inertial Motion".
- Japanese, English, German, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Turkish
and Portuguese(Portugal).
v7.x5.303.104 (04/01/2009) Alpha
[--] Added the video help the following functions.
@- Circular scrolling
@- Pinch zoom
[--] Adjusted the size of [Advanced]-tab at the Mouse Properties.
v7.x5.303.103 (03/24/2009) Logo
[--] Added the support application of the horizontal scrolling function.
@- Windows Media Center
@- Firefox
v7.x5.303.102 (03/17/2009) Beta
[--] Added the support application of the browser assistance function.
@- Windows Photo Gallery(Vista) from Start menu
@- Adobe Photoshop
@- Adobe Photoshop Element
- Microsoft Money Essential
v7.x5.303.101 (03/14/2009) Alpha2
[--] Fixed the issue that the Corner tap function doesn't operate.
[--] Fixed the issue that the Browser support function doesn't operate.
[--] Fixed the issue that the scroll area of default is extremely narrow.
[--] Fixed the issue that the Inertial Movement function doesn't operate
at Default setting.
[--] Add the GUI and help strings of Momentum function.(supported all
[--] Changed the default setting of the Circular scroll and the Pinch Zoom
function to enable.
v7.x3.303.102 (02/10/2009) Alpha
[--] Fixed the issue that Circular scroll function doesn't operate.
[--] Add the controls and help strings of Circular scroll, Pinch Zoom
functions.(supported all language)
v7.x3.303.101 (11/28/2008) Alpha
[--] Add the "Circular scroll", "Pinch Zoom" and "Momentum" functions.
(English only and didn't included the help strings.)
[--] Fixed the issue that Inertial movement was operated continuously when
Touchpad was disabled.
[--] Fixed the issue that Inertial movement was operated continuously when
login in other users by switch-user.
v7.2.303.108 (11/04/2008) Logo
v7.2.303.108 (10/30/2008) Alpha
[XP] Fixed the issue that Touchpad does not operate on the safe mode of XP.
v7.2.303.107 (09/25/2008) Logo
v7.2.303.107 (09/19/2008) Alpha-3
[--] Fixed the issue that which cursor may not move after a keystroke
when the "Disable pointer movement" function is ON.
v7.2.303.106 (09/16/2008) Alpha-2
[--] Fixed the issue a part of character string of the function is missing,
after the driver was installed by "Setup.exe /T01".
[--] When the Dual Device was used and the button of pad was pushed,
the function of the button of stick also corrected the problem
which functions simultaneously besides the function of the button of pad.
v7.2.303.105 (09/12/2008) Alpha
[--] It can choose whether to support the extended "Operations during
key input" function by option specification of Setup.exe,
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
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收藏 10.64MB RAR 举报
资源简介: 我们在使用笔记本时,如果外接了USB鼠标,则很少用到触摸板。但是在使用键盘时,不小心触碰到触摸板,屏幕上鼠标就会乱跑了,影响正常使用,比较烦。当然我们也可以利用笔记本提供的快捷键手动禁止触摸板。使用这个软件后,可以变手动为自动,即计算机检测到你插入了USB鼠标,自动禁用触摸板;拔出USB鼠标,系统自动启用触摸板。是不是比较方便了呢! 注: 双击DPInst.exe进行安装。适用操作系统:32位Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP。这是ALPS笔记本触摸版通用驱动,只要是ALPS触摸版就可以成功安装,并正常使用!是在一个国外网站下载的,找驱动、安装、重启......试了十几个小时才找到一个能正常使用的驱动!反回去找下载的原地址却再也找不到了,还好这个驱动被完整地保留了下来!
插入USB鼠标后自动禁用笔记本的触摸板 (166个子文件)
ApHelp10.01 21KB
ApHelp08.01 21KB
ApHelp0c.01 20KB
ApHelp07.01 20KB
ApHelp15.01 19KB
ApHelp19.01 18KB
ApHelp13.01 18KB
ApHelp1f.01 17KB
ApHelp0b.01 17KB
ApHelp0e.01 16KB
ApHelp14.01 16KB
ApHelp06.01 16KB
ApHelp09.01 16KB
ApHelp1b.01 16KB
ApHelp1d.01 15KB
ApHelp05.01 15KB
ApHelp11.01 14KB
ApHelp12.01 14KB
ApHelp01.01 14KB
ApHelp0d.01 13KB
ApHelp04.01 10KB
ApHelp16.02 18KB
ApHelp04.02 10KB
ApHelp0a.03 19KB
PinchZoom.avi 7.93MB
CircularScroll.avi 7.86MB
ball_hit.avi 11KB
ball_ini.avi 5KB
SpBtn.bmp 62KB
MouBtn2.bmp 32KB
MouBtnW.bmp 32KB
MouBtn3.bmp 32KB
DTPad.bmp 30KB
2TPad.bmp 30KB
WTPad.bmp 30KB
5TPad.bmp 30KB
SPEnable.bmp 20KB
GPEnable.bmp 19KB
SPDisabl.bmp 19KB
GPDisabl.bmp 19KB
DBackFor.bmp 3KB
2BackFor.bmp 3KB
5BackFor.bmp 3KB
WBackFor.bmp 3KB
DHscrol.bmp 2KB
2Hscrol.bmp 2KB
DInerMo0.bmp 2KB
DInerMo3.bmp 2KB
2InerMo0.bmp 2KB
2InerMo3.bmp 2KB
WHscrol.bmp 2KB
5HScrol.bmp 2KB
WInerMo3.bmp 2KB
VideoHelp.bmp 2KB
5InerMo0.bmp 2KB
5InerMo3.bmp 2KB
DVscrol.bmp 2KB
2Vscrol.bmp 2KB
WVscrol.bmp 2KB
5VScrol.bmp 2KB
DInerMo2.bmp 2KB
DInerMo1.bmp 2KB
2InerMo2.bmp 2KB
2InerMo1.bmp 2KB
WInerMo2.bmp 2KB
5InerMo2.bmp 2KB
5InerMo1.bmp 2KB
Logo.bmp 1KB
DSetFun.bmp 1KB
5SetFun.bmp 1KB
2SetFun.bmp 1KB
WSetFun.bmp 1KB
WInerMo0.bmp 1KB
WInerMo1.bmp 724B
apfiltr.cat 62KB
WdfCoInstaller01005.dll 1.35MB
ApPad.dll 576KB
ApString.dll 440KB
EzLaunch.dll 156KB
ApStick.dll 152KB
Vxdif.dll 106KB
ApCommon.dll 100KB
ApMouse.dll 100KB
ApOthers.dll 80KB
EzCapt.dll 76KB
ApDual.dll 76KB
ApMain.dll 68KB
ApInst.dll 56KB
EzAuto.dll 56KB
ApTabCtl.dll 48KB
DPInst.exe 772KB
player.exe 256KB
Apoint.exe 232KB
Uninstap.exe 220KB
Ezcapt.exe 176KB
ApMsgFwd.exe 53KB
EzPopup.exe 52KB
hidfind.exe 48KB
ApntEx.exe 48KB
PanScrll.ico 3KB
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