Next Generation Wireless LANs
If you’ve been searching for a way to get up to speed quickly on IEEE 802.11n without
having to wade through the entire standard, then look no further. This comprehensive
overview describes the underlying principles, implementation details, and keyenhancing
features of 802.11n. For many of these features, the authors outline the motivation and
history behind their adoption into the standard. A detailed discussion of the key through-
put, robustness, and reliability enhancing features (such as MIMO, 40 MHz channels,
and packet aggregation) is given, in addition to a clear summary of the issues surrounding
legacy interoperability and coexistence. Advanced topics such as beamforming and fast
link adaption are also covered. With numerous MAC and physical layer examples and
simulation results included to highlight the benefits of the new features, this is an ideal
reference for designers of WLAN equipment, and network managers whose systems
adopt the new standard. It is also a useful distillation of 802.11n technology for graduate
students and researchers in the field of wireless communication.
Eldad Perahia is a member of the Wireless Standards and Technology group at Intel
Corporation, Chair of the IEEE 802.11 Very High Throughput Study Group, and the
IEEE 802.11 liaison to IEEE 802.19. Prior to joining Intel, Dr. Perahia was the 802.11n
lead for Cisco Systems. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the
University of California, Los Angeles, and has fourteen patents in various areas of
wireless communications.
Robert Stacey is a member of the Wireless Standards and Technology group at Intel
Corporation. He was a member of the IEEE 802.11 High Throughput Task Group (TGn)
and a key contributor to the various proposals culminating in the final joint proposal
submission that became the basis for the 802.11n draft standard, and has numerous
patents filed in the field of wireless communications.
Next Generation Wireless LANs
Throughput, Robustness, and Reliability in 802.11n
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
First published in print format
ISBN-13 978-0-521-88584-3
ISBN-13 978-0-511-43823-3
© Cambridge University Press 2008
Information on this title: www.cambrid
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Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
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