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    精伦IDR210 java 二次开发包 请放心使用 2、 iDR320 3、 iDR400 4、 iDR210

  • 2019全国职业院校技能大赛计算机网络应用赛项题库

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  • Packt.The.Java.Workshop

    Learn Get to grips with the fundamental concepts of the Java language Write clean and well-commented code that's easy to maintain Build a Java project with JAR files and learn about tools like Maven and Gradle Debug and compile logical errors and handle exceptions in your programs Learn how to use third-party libraries and software development kits (SDKs) Use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to work with information stored in databases Understand how you can keep da

  • Packt.Learn.Selenium.rar

    Key Features Explore the Selenium grid architecture and build your own grid for browser and mobile devices Use ExtentReports for processing results and SauceLabs for cloud-based test services Unlock the full potential of Selenium to test your web applications. Book Description Selenium WebDriver 3.x is an open source API for testing both browser and mobile applications. With the help of this book, you can build a solid foundation and can easily perform end-to-end testing on web and mobile browsers.You'll begin by being introduced to the Selenium Page Object Model for software development. You'll architect your own framework with a scalable driver class, Java utility classes, and support for third-party tools and plugins. You'll design and build a Selenium grid from scratch to enable the framework to scale and support different browsers, mobile devices, and platforms.You'll strategize and handle a rich web UI using the advanced WebDriver API and learn techniques to handle real-time challenges in WebDriver. You'll perform different types of testing, such as cross-browser testing, load testing, and mobile testing. Finally, you will also be introduced to data-driven testing, using TestNG to create your own automation framework.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be able to design your own automation testing framework and perform data-driven testing with Selenium WebDriver. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products: Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide - Second Edition by Unmesh Gundecha Selenium Framework Design in Data-Driven Testing by Carl Cocchiaro What you will learn Use different mobile and desktop browser platforms with Selenium 3 Use the Actions API for performing various keyboard and mouse actions Design the Selenium Driver Class for local, remote, and third-party grid support Build page object classes with the Selenium Page Object Model Develop data-driven test classes using the TestNG framework Encapsulate data using the JSON protocol Build a Selenium Grid for RemoteWebDriver testing Build and use utility classes in synchronization, file I/O, reporting and test listener classes Who this book is for This Learning Path is ideal for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers interested in using Selenium for testing their applications. Professionals responsible for designing and building enterprise-based testing frameworks will also find this Learning Path useful. Prior programming experience in Java are TestNG is necessary. Table of Contents Introducing Web Driver and Web Elements Using Java 8 Features with Selenium Exploring the Features of WebDriver Exploring Advanced Interactions of WebDriver Understanding WebDriver Events Exploring RemoteWebDriver Setting up Selenium Grid Data-Driven Testing with TestNG Building a Scalable Selenium Test Driver Class for Web and Mobile Applications Selenium Framework Utility Classes Best Practices for Building Selenium Page Object Classes Defining WebDriver and AppiumDriver Page Object Elements Building a JSON Data Provider Developing Data-Driven Test Classes Encapsulating Data in Data-Driven Testing Designing a Selenium Grid Third-Party Tools and Plugins Working Selenium WebDriver Framework Samples

  • VisualSVNServer4.1.rar

    VisualSVN Server是一个集成的svn服务端工具,并且包含mmc管理工具。是一款svn服务端不可多得的好工具。你可以先安装好VisualSVN Server后,运行VisualSVN Server Manger,然后创建新的代码库,并设置一下安全性能,其次我们就创建一个用户了。按照上面的过程,分别添加用户Developer1、 tester1、manager1等。

  • navicat121_premium

    Navicat Premium是一个数据库开发工具,你可以同时连接到MySQL,MariaDB,SQL Server,Oracle,PostgreSQL和SQLite数据库,意思就是可以同时管理多个不容类型的数据库了,并且Navicat Premium与Amazon RDS,Amazon Aurora,Amazon Redshift,SQL Azure,Oracle Cloud和Google Cloud等云数据库兼容,使用它可以快速轻松地构建、管理和维护数据库。新版本Premiumsoft Navicat Premium 12.1中文版功能特性:数据无缝迁移、操作工具多样化、SQL编辑简单快捷、智能数据库设计器、协作更容易、连接更安全。 http://t.cn/AiY7zhA1

  • Apress.Practical.Flutter

    Explore what Flutter has to offer, where it came from, and where it’s going. Mobile development is progressing at a fast rate and with Flutter – an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google – you can develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as Google Fuchsia.Learn to create three apps (a personal information manager, a chat system, and a game project) that you can install on your mobile devices and use for real. You will begin by getting a solid foundation of Flutter knowledge, and building on it immediately by constructing two more traditional productivity apps.. You will also learn to create a game, enabling you to see a whole other perspective on what Flutter can do. In addition to building these apps, you'll have the benefit of reviewing real-world issues you might encounter, along with ways to deal with them through tips and tricks, all designed to make your Flutter experience that much more productive and, frankly, fun! Practical Flutter will leave you with a solid grasp of how to build apps with Flutter, and springboard into creating more advanced apps on your own. By the time your journey through this material concludes, another larger one will begin as you springboard, well-prepared, into the larger world of Flutter development, tackling any project that comes your way with aplomb. Practical Flutter is a learning adventure you won't want to miss. What You'll Learn Get a Flutter project started and logically structure it Use the interface elements Flutter provides, such as widgets, controls, and extensions Build layouts using interface elements Use available tooling, specifically Android Studio Leverage server-side development and connect a Flutter app to a server back-end. Who This Book Is For Mobile developers who are looking to build for multiple mobile platforms and trying to do so with a codebase that is largely the same across all. Basic knowledge of iOS and Android generally, and some general programming experience is expected.

  • Visual Assist X 10.9.2341.0

    Plugin Visual Assist X is an ideal tool for working with Visual Studio IDE that the languages ​​C ++, C and #C work. It increases the speed of programming in this environment, and you can change the code with a few clicks possible. System Requirements: OS:Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7 Supported Microsoft IDEs: -Visual Studio 2019 -Visual Studio 2017 -Visual Studio 2015 -Visual Studio 2013 -Visual Studio 2012 -Visual Studio 2010 -Visual Studio 2008 -Visual Studio 2005

  • NoSQL.Manager.for.MongoDB.Professional.

    免积分下载地址:http://t.cn/AiOr0xTl NoSQL.Manager.for.MongoDB.Professional.

  • Packt.Getting.Started.with.Tableau.2019.2.2nd.Edition.rar

    Key Features Get up and running with the newly released features of Tableau 2019.2 Create enterprise-grade dashboard and reports to communicate your insights effectively Begin your Tableau journey by understanding its core functionalities Book Description Tableau is one of the leading data visualization tools and is regularly updated with new functionalities and features. The latest release, Tableau 2019.2, promises new and advanced features related to visual analytics, reporting, dashboarding, and a host of other data visualization aspects. Getting Started with Tableau 2019.2 will get you up to speed with these additional functionalities. The book starts by highlighting the new functionalities of Tableau 2019.2, providing concrete examples of how to use them. However, if you're new to Tableau, don't worry - you'll be guided through the major aspects of Tableau with relevant examples. You'll learn how to connect to data, build a data source, visualize your data, build a dashboard, and even share data online. In the concluding chapters, you'll delve into advanced techniques such as creating a cross-database join and data blending. By the end of this book, you will be able to use Tableau effectively to create quick, cost-effective, and business-efficient Business Intelligence (BI) solutions.

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