• ArchSummit 2018 PPT合集3

    受上传大小限制,分成3部分。第三部分: 刘宏伟-基于形变分析模型的异常检测系统建设与实践V4.pdf 刘波-12.6-building+a+dynamic+and+responsive+Pinterest.pdf 可发布-徐宏亮-Uber搭建基于Kafka的跨数据中心复制平台+.pdf 可发布-智能合约-AS.pdf 可发布-杨森_把前端性能监控做到极致_20181207.pdf 司宇-阿里智能化故障治理流程探索和实践-2018120717的副本.pdf 许燕松-房产领域推荐系统实践.pdf 谢晓辉-视频内容理解在Hulu的应用与实践+pptx.pdf 货车帮云原生平台架构设计思路和实践.pdf 郭平(坤宇)-12.8--阿里巴巴大规模分布式软负载体系原理及实践+v1.0_final.pdf 长纪-12.8-未来餐厅介绍-InfoQ-正式.pdf 陆琴_FreeWheel实时监控系统如何支持超级赛事直播广告.pdf 陶建辉-快速搭建一超高性能的时序空间大数据处理平台.pdf

  • ArchSummit 2018 PPT合集2

    受上传大小限制,分成3部分。第二部分: 周凯-揭秘码云:全球第二大代码托管平台的核心架构.pdf 如何快速构建高效的监控系统-贺强.pdf 张亮-滴滴亿级TPS数据通道架构实践.pdf 张立理-基于社区定制统⼀一可维护的前端架构.pdf 彭跃辉-技术战略的制定和实施.pdf 揭秘京东物流仓储系统架构演进之路.pdf 曹福祥-快手服务治理平台+KESS+的设计理念和实战.pdf 曹胜利-12.7-Dubbo应用和实践_曹胜利.pdf 李刚-百度服务可用性工程建设.pdf 李远策-快手万亿级实时+OLAP+平台的建设与实践.pdf 李远鑫-构建灵活可靠的消费金融大规模分布式系统v1.1.pdf 杨孟哲-12.4-最终版+杨孟哲+演讲题目效率与公平--联盟链场景治理体系设计思路.pdf 杨巍威_Apache_Hadoop_YARN_State_of_the_Union.pdf 松耦合无界零售系统搭建之DDD和微服务实战.pdf 沈剑-12.4-技术选型,技术委员会必要的思考-沈剑.pdf 沈剑-流量从0到10亿,技术架构演进之路(对外发布)-沈剑-20181208(16_9).pdf 王夕宁-基于Istio+on+Kubernetes云原生应用的最佳实践.pdf 现代应用架构中配置管理面临的挑战,及基于OpenConfiguration规范的最佳实践.pdf 用女性的心融入研发团队.pdf 知识内容平台AI技术应用思考-知乎李大海.pdf 突发热点场景下-微博高可用注册中心vintage设计&实践pptx.pdf 罗其平可发布版本-高可用、弹性动态的金融级移动架构在蚂蚁金服的演进之路1204+Final.pdf 翟佳-Apache Pulsar分层分片架构.pdf 胡新-Dec4-ArchSummit+2018_+Platformize+LinkedIn+Feed+To+Improve+Product+Iteration+Velocity.pdf 胡新-Dec6-ArchSummit+2018_+女性如何成为值得信赖的战略顾问.pdf 苏博览-深度学习在游戏研发中的应用.pdf

  • ArchSummit 2018 PPT合集1

    受上传大小限制,分成3部分。第一部分: Introduction+to+Use+Cases+of+Predictive+Modeling+Use+Cases+ PaxosStore在微信支付业务的实践-郑建军.pdf Zuul-Beijing-Qcon.pdf 【可公开】黄东旭-12.6-TiDB_on_k8s_AS2018.pdf 【可发布】余汶龙-12.4-2018ArchSummit北京_滴滴余汶龙.pdf 【可发布】张杰-12.8-美团酒旅客户端自动化测试实践-20181207.pdf 【可发布】李友科-12.7-最终版+李友科+电商搜索系统质量保障体系建设.pdf 【可发布】隗华-12.7-业务驱动的技术架构.pdf 于人-基于微服务打造共享开发平台.pdf 于振华-北京银行全栈式Scale-out系统架构建设实践.pdf 于翔-AS北京2018-微博深度学习平台基于K8S的解决方案.v2.0.pdf 付静-12.8-_UberEats_final_notes.pdf 何中军-神经网络翻译技术及应用+2.pdf 何梁伟-12.6-基于AI的移动端自动化测试框架的设计与实践.pdf 俞天翔+当GraphQL遇到Observable---同构Web+App的另一种探索.pdf 倪朋飞-基于Kubernetes的DevOps.pdf (可公开)潘欣-12.5-最终版-潘欣-深度学习平台开发和应用.pdf

  • QCon 全球软件开发大会 2018 北京 PPT合集 第三部分

    第三部分,列表: QCon北京2018--《移动开发者触手可得的AI对话技术》--陈雨强.pdf QCon北京2018--《跳一跳的前世今生—.pdf QCon北京2018-Go高效并发编程蔡超.pdf QCon北京2018-《万台集群性能优化方法—.pdf QCon北京2018-《以Null的处理、回调地狱的应对为例,看C#背后的问题解决思路》-Mads Torgersen.pdf QCon北京2018-《唯快不破—.pdf QCon北京2018-《小Q机器人的诞生之路》-王辉.pdf QCon北京2018-《微服务和甲骨文无服务器计算》-胡平.pdf QCon北京2018-《拥抱变化:演进式架构》-Neal_Ford.pdf QCon北京2018-《文本智能处理的深度学习技术》-陈运文.pdf QCon北京2018-《新一代数据中心对传统基础软件架构的挑战》-王华夏-4.17.pdf QCon北京2018-《无人店之人脸识别技术探讨》-王止观.pdf QCon北京2018-《智能业务运维驱动企业高效增长》-张涛 .pdf QCon北京2018-《未来都市--智慧城市与基于深度学习的机器视觉》-陈宇恒.pdf QCon北京2018-《用Ethereum设计联盟链系统》-刘尚奇.pdf QCon北京2018-《用正确分享来磨练专家实力—.pdf QCon北京2018-业务高速发展下的互联网金融系统架构演变-张现双 .pdf QCon北京2018-互联网文本内容安全:一种对抗式AI设计实践-王国印.pdf QCon北京2018-优酷大数据质量平台及线上质量闭环-万传奇.pdf QCon北京2018-传统企业DevOps 微服务从0到1-Bocloud博云-赵安全.pdf QCon北京2018-关于时间的各种编程与API设计问题-贺师俊.pdf QCon北京2018-培育创新生态系统,提升业务敏捷性-吴穹.pdf QCon北京2018-基于Kubernetes与Helm的应用部署平台构建实践-张夏-赵明 .pdf QCon北京2018-大数据助力测试策略制定到质量评估的智能化-张春兵.pdf QCon北京2018-大数据架构下的质量工具建设-孔祥云.pdf QCon北京2018-工程师个人成长中的若干心理学问题-李鑫.pdf QCon北京2018-手Q性能优化的大数据实战-谭力.pdf QCon北京2018-滴滴基于大数据的用户问题定位建设与实践-张晓杰.pdf QCon北京2018-超越敏捷 互联网产品的交付和创新方法-何勉.pdf QCon北京2018-适应性目标管理-付俊凤.pdf QCon北京2018-项目管理中的一些实用技巧-朱赟.pdf QCon北京2018-高并发大容量NOSQL解决方案探索-孟显耀.pdf

  • Continuous Deployment of Mobile Software at Facebook

    Continuous Deployment of Mobile Software at Facebook Abstract Continuous deployment is the practice of releasing software updates to production as soon as it is ready, which is receiving increased adoption in industry. The frequency of updates of mobile software has traditionally lagged the state of practice for cloud-based services for a number of reasons. Mobile versions can only be released periodically. Users can choose when and if to upgrade, which means that several different releases coexist in production. There are hundreds of Android hardware variants, which increases the risk of having errors in the software being deployed. Facebook has made significant progress in increasing the frequency of its mobile deployments. Over a period of 4 years, the Android release has gone from a deployment every 8 weeks to a deployment every week. In this paper, we describe in detail the mobile deployment process at Facebook. We present our findings from an extensive analysis of software engineering metrics based on data collected over a period of 7 years. A key finding is that the frequency of deployment does not directly affect developer productivity or software quality. We argue that this finding is due to the fact that increasing the frequency of continuous deployment forces improved release and deployment automation, which in turn reduces developer workload. Additionally, the data we present shows that dog-fooding and obtaining feedback from alpha and beta customers is critical to maintaining release quality.

  • Packt Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals

    Packt Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals About This Book Get real-life case studies for different IT roles, developers, testers, analysts, project managers, DBAs Identify with your IT scenarios and take the right decision to move up in your career Improve your EQ and face any difficult scenario confidently and effectively Who This Book Is For This book is for professionals across the IT domain who work as developers, administrators, architects, administrators system analysts, and so on, who want to create a better working environment around them by improving their own emotional intelligence. This book assumes that you are a beginner to emotional intelligence and will help you understand the basic concepts before helping you with real life scenarios. What You Will Learn Improve your observation skills to understand people better Know how to identify what motivates you and those around you Develop strategies for working more effectively with others Increase your capacity to influence people and improve your communication skills Understand how to successfully complete tasks through other people Discover how to control the emotional content of your decision-making In Detail This book will help you discover your emotional quotient (EQ) through practices and techniques that are used by the most successful IT people in the world. It will make you familiar with the core skills of Emotional Intelligence, such as understanding the role that emotions play in life, especially in the workplace. You will learn to identify the factors that make your behavior consistent, not just to other employees, but to yourself. This includes recognizing, harnessing, predicting, fostering, valuing, soothing, increasing, decreasing, managing, shifting, influencing or turning around emotions and integrating accurate emotional information into decision-making, reasoning, problem solving, etc., because, emotions run business in a way that spreadsheets and logic cannot. When a deadline lurks, you'll know the steps you need to take to keep calm and composed. You'll find out how to meet the deadline, and not get bogged down by stress. We'll explain these factors and techniques through real-life examples faced by IT employees and you'll learn using the choices that they made. This book will give you a detailed analysis of the events and behavioral pattern of the employees during that time. This will help you improve your own EQ to the extent that you don't just survive, but thrive in a competitive IT industry. Style and approach You will be taken through real-life events faced by IT employees in different scenarios. These real-world cases are analyzed along with the response of the employees, which will help you to develop your own emotion intelligence quotient and face any difficult scenario confidently and effectively.

  • QCon 2017 PPT合集

    Blink:阿里新一代实时计算引擎.pdf FreeWheel大数据实时处理系统的实践.pdf Java 9 新特性介绍及 Jigsaw 一览.pdf Mesos数据中心操作系统核心.pdf Oracle 和 MySQL 性能优化感悟.pdf Self Hosted Infrastructure:以自动运维Kubernetes为例.pdf Testing Strategies in Microservice Architecture.pdf 业务端团队真的痛?.pdf 产品经理的硬技能:业务建模.pdf 京东应用运维智能化演进实战.pdf 从大公司到创业公司.pdf 从技术到管理的 3 大挑战.pdf 从纯技术到技术管理,那些跌宕起伏的转型经历.pdf 全链路压测在滴滴的实践.pdf 团队和工程管理取舍的实践.pdf 基于Docker的全自动化性能测试平台.pdf 基于Mesos搭建PaaS平台你可能需要修的路.pdf 如何利用 AWS 搭建跨地区应用.pdf 如何用 MySQL 构建全方位高可用应用.pdf 应用开发的未来.pdf 异构系统链路追踪.pdf 异步场景下的全栈溯源.pdf 微服务与配置中心.pdf 微服务的模式语言.pdf 技术员怎么做 CEO.pdf 技术管理的思考和实践:技术团队如何边打仗边成长.pdf 持续集成之Why.What&How;.pdf 数百微服务的治理.pdf 智能运维里的时间序列:预测、异常检测和根源分析.pdf 深入理解Apache Beam.pdf 灵雀云容器化持续交付实践.pdf 用经济学原理打造团队领导力与软技能.pdf 移动 App 性能监测实践.pdf 程序猿如何进化——云上的开发运维一体化.pdf 精益创新组合决策——更科学地决策你的投资.pdf 蚂蚁花呗:亿级金融信贷业务在高可用、高并发架构中的实践.pdf 这些软技能,让程序员更幸福.pdf 阿里DevOps转型实践.pdf

  • ArchSummit 2017 全球架构师峰会 北京专场 部分PPT合集

    个人整理的部分PPT: MYSQL数据库架构的演化观察.pdf Need for Speed-菜鸟技术全栈化(开发全栈前端)之路.pdf Pouch和阿里容器技术演进.pdf RadonDB新一代分布式关系型数据库.pdf 人工智能中的连接主义.pdf 从分层复⽤用到⾃自动化测试—看美团客户端架构的演变.pdf 容器环境下基于APM的海量日志全链路跟踪分析.pdf 拍拍贷基础架构的.pdf 滴滴出行海量数据场景下的智能监控和故障定位实践.pdf 算法无处不在-Hulu诸葛越.pdf 美丽联合容器云平台建.pdf 阿里巴巴云化架构创新之路.pdf 阿里巴巴故障治理领域的.pdf

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