• PDF Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines 4285

    Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines 4285 PDF Linux® is an open source operating system developed by people from all over the world. The source code is freely available and can be used under the GNU General Public License. The operating system is made available to users in the form of distributions from companies such as Red Hat and Novell. Some desktop Linux distributions can be downloaded at no charge from the Web, but the server versions typically must be purchased. Over the past few years, Linux has made its way into the data centers of many corporations worldwide. The Linux operating system is accepted by both the scientific and enterprise user population. Today, Linux is by far the most versatile operating system. You can find Linux on embedded devices such as firewalls, cell phones, and mainframes. Naturally, performance of the Linux operating system has become a hot topic for scientific and enterprise users. However, calculating a global weather forecast and hosting a database impose different requirements on an operating system. Linux must accommodate all possible usage scenarios with optimal performance. Most Linux distributions contain general tuning parameters to accommodate all users...

  • Oracle Database 11g SQL Fundamentals 英文原版

    英文原版的Oracle Database 11g SQL Fundamentals,共有两部分。

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