• Working Draft---standard For C++ 0x

    Working Draft---standard For C++ 0x c++的新标准

  • 国产都江堰操作系统源代码

    都江堰操作系统,简称 djyos,得名于一个伟大的水利工程:都江堰。 与传统操作系统不同,djyos 不是以线程而是以事件为调度核心,这种调度算法使程序 员摆脱模拟计算机执行过程编写程序的思维方式,而是按人类认知世界的方式编写应用程 序,就如同在嵌入式编程中引入了VC 似的。djyos 的调度算法使程序员可以摆脱线程和进 程的束缚,djyos 没有有关线程的api,一个完全不懂线程知识的程序员也可以顺利地在djyos 下编写应用程序。 djyos 是一个全新的操作系统,它与现有的任何操作系统都没有亲缘关系,在构成操作 系统的几个重要方面:调度器、中断管理、设备管理、资源管理等方面,都又非常突出的创 新,甚至是理论创新。

  • Windows网络编程技术(PDF)

    PDF格式,清晰。 讲解Windows平台下的网络通讯协议及其编程方法。

  • STL入门参考(英文版)

    The C++ Standard Library dyne-book 3 Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments 1. About this Book 1.1 Why this Book 1.2 What You Should Know Before Reading this Book 1.3 Style and Structure of the Book 1.4 How to Read this Book 1.5 State of the Art 1.6 Example Code and Additional Information 1.7 Feedback 2. Introduction to C++ and the Standard Library 2.1 History 2.2 New Language Features 2.3 Complexity and the Big-O Notation 3. General Concepts 3.1 Namespace std 3.2 Header Files 3.3 Error and Exception Handling 3.4 Allocators 4. Utilities 4.1 Pairs 4.1.1 Convenience Function make_pair() 4.1.2 Examples of Pair Usage 4.2 Class auto_ptr 4.3 Numeric Limits 4.4 Auxiliary Functions 4.5 Supplementary Comparison Operators 4.6 Header Files <cstddef> and <cstdlib> 5. The Standard Template Library 5.1 STL Components 5.2 Containers 5.3 Iterators 5.4 Algorithms 5.5 Iterator Adapters 5.6 Manipulating Algorithms 5.7 User-Defined Generic Functions 5.8 Functions as Algorithm Arguments 5.9 Function Objects 5.10 Container Elements 5.11 Errors and Exceptions Inside the STL 5.12 Extending the STL 6. STL Containers 6.1 Common Container Abilities and Operations 6.2 Vectors 6.3 Deques 6.4 Lists 6.5 Sets and Multisets 6.6 Maps and Multimaps 6.7 Other STL Containers 6.8 Implementing Reference Semantics 6.9 When to Use which Container 6.10 Container Types and Members in Detail 7. STL Iterators 7.1 Header Files for Iterators 7.2 Iterator Categories 7.3 Auxiliary Iterator Functions 7.4 Iterator Adapters 7.5 Iterator Traits 8. STL Function Objects 8.1 The Concept of Function Objects 8.2 Predefined Function Objects 8.3 Supplementary Composing Function Objects 9. STL Algorithms 9.1 Algorithm Header Files 9.2 Algorithm Overview 9.3 Auxiliary Functions 9.4 The for_each() Algorithm 9.5 Nonmodifying Algorithms 9.6 Modifying Algorithms 9.7 Removing Algorithms 9.8 Mutating Algorithms 9.9 Sorting Algorithms 9.10 Sorted Range Algorithms 9.11 Numeric Algorithms 10. Special Containers 10.1 Stacks 10.2 Queues 10.3 Priority Queues 10.4 Bitsets 11. Strings 11.1 Motivation 11.2 Description of the String Classes 11.3 String Class in Detail 12. Numerics 12.1 Complex Numbers 12.2 Valarrays 12.3 Global Numeric Functions 13. Input/Output Using Stream Classes 13. Input/Output Using Stream Classes 13.1 Common Background of I/O Streams 13.2 Fundamental Stream Classes and Objects 13.3 Standard Stream Operators << and >> 13.4 State of Streams 13.5 Standard Input/Output Functions 13.6 Manipulators 13.7 Formatting 13.8 Internationalization 13.9 File Access 13.10 Connecting Input and Output Streams 13.11 Stream Classes for Strings 13.12 Input/Output Operators for User-Defined Types 13.13 The Stream Buffer Classes 13.14 Performance Issues 14. Internationalization 14.1 Different Character Encodings 14.2 The Concept of Locales 14.3 Locales in Detail 14.4 Facets in Detail 15. Allocators 15.1 Using Allocators as an Application Programmer 15.2 Using Allocators as a Library Programmer 15.3 The Default Allocator 15.4 A User-Defined Allocator 15.5 Allocators in Detail 15.6 Utilities for Uninitialized Memory in Detail Internet Resources Where You Can Get the Standard Internet Addresses/URLs Bibliography

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