• Java核心技术(第11版)卷I+卷II英文高清非扫描pdf

    Java核心技术与Thinking in Java(Java编程思想)齐名的 Core Java。 2018年9月才出版的英文原版,包括了Java9,Java10,Java11的新特性,目前没有中文版,估计要很久才能出。卷一:基础知识(Volume I Fundamentals),卷二:高级特性(Volume II Advanced Features)。 书中囊括了Java的全部基础知识,提供了大量完整且具有实际意义的应用示例,详细介绍了Java语言基础、面向对象编程、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用Swing GUI工具进行图形用户界面程序设计、打包应用程序、异常处理、登录与调试、泛型编程、集合框架、多线程、并发等内容。

  • 《笨办法学python3续》英文版(pdf+Kindle格式)

    In Learn Python 3 the Hard Way, Zed Shaw taught you the basics of Programming with Python 3. Now, in Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way, you’ll go far beyond the basics by working through 52 brilliantly crafted projects. Each one helps you build a key practical skill, combining demos to get you started and challenges to deepen your understanding. Zed then teaches you even more in 12 hours of online videos, where he shows you how to break, fix, and debug your code.

  • 《海量数据挖掘》第二版英文版(pdf+epub)

    Mining of Massive Datasets by Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman Written by leading authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike. The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and can be applied successfully to even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. Other chapters cover the PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web, the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. This second edition includes new and extended coverage on social networks, machine learning and dimensionality reduction.

  • 《NumPy攻略:Python科学计算与数据分析》高清pdf

    Ivan Idris (作者) 张崇明 (译者) 本书带领读者了解熟悉当下最流行的科学计算库NumPy的方方面面。书中不仅介绍了NumPy的安装、使用和各种相关概念,还介绍了如何利用这一最新的开源软件库,以尽可能接近传统数学语言的方式,编写可读性好、实现效率高和运行速度快的代码。最后还探究了几个和NumPy相关的科学计算项目。此外,本书将为你掌握NumPy数组和通用函数打下坚实的基础,也会通过实例教你用Matplotlib绘图,并了解和SciPy相关的项目。

  • 《利用Python进行数据分析·第2版》中文版PDF电子书

    本书是2017年10月20号正式出版的,和第1版的不同之处有: 包括Python教程内的所有代码升级为Python 3.6(第1版使用的是Python 2.7) 更新了Anaconda和其它包的Python安装方法 更新了Pandas为2017最新版 新增了一章,关于更高级的Pandas工具,外加一些tips 简要介绍了使用StatsModels和scikit-learn。 来源:简书 翻译作者:SeanCheney 原书作者:Wes McKinney 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/04d180d90a3f 注:非机械工业出版社的官方中文书,资料来源于网络,我只是将网页打包成pdf格式。增加了封面,加入了页码、目录。只有前言是来源于官方中文书的翻译。主要是方便自己学习,在别的论坛我同时也分享了。

  • 《iOS编程(第4版)》中文版PDF+Kindle电子书

    《iOS编程(第4版)》有两个特点:一、涵盖iOS应用开发必备知识:从Objective-C基础知识到新语言特性,从AppKit库到常见的Cocoa设计模式,从Xcode技巧到Instruments,不一而足。第二、指导读者以正确的方法解决问题:Objective-C的习惯约定有哪些(例如命名约定,内存管理约定),创建子类时如何处理初始化方法,Cocoa的常见设计模式有哪些,如何选择数据保存方法……iOS开发包括iPhone开发、iPod touch开发和iPad开发,《iOS编程(第4版)》绝大部分内容可通用,有差异的部分(例如iPad界面)单独予以说明。

  • 《python数据科学手册》中英文非扫描高清版+源代码

    关于 python 数据处理的书,大家最熟悉的大概是 Wes McKinney 大佬的python for data analysis中文版 《 利用 python 进行数据分析 》 ),这本不是图灵引进的,关注的同学可以去网店自搜,推荐的当然是图灵这本 《 python 数据科学手册 》 ,现在美亚上跟前者销量有得一拼,综台评分不错, 4 . 5 星,比前者略高。作者是Jake VanderPlas,Python科学栈深度用户和开发者,尤其擅长Python科学计算和数据可视化,是altair等可视化程序库的创建人,并为Scikit-Learn、IPython等Python程序库做了大量贡献。现任美国华盛顿大学eScience学院物理科学研究院院长。 注:英文版为PDF格式,中文版为Kindle格式

  • 《python数据结构和算法》英文版高清非扫描PDF

    2017版。 Chapter 1, Python Objects, Types, and Expressions, introduces you to the basic types and objects of Python. We will give an overview of the language features, execution environment, and programming styles. We will also review the common programming techniques and language functionality. Chapter 2, Python Data Types and Structures, explains each of the five numeric and five sequence data types, as well as one mapping and two set data types, and examine the operations and expressions applicable to each type. We will also give examples of typical use cases. Chapter 3, Principles of Algorithm Design, covers how we can build additional structures with specific capabilities using the existing Python data structures. In general, the data structures we create need to conform to a number of principles. These principles include robustness, adaptability, reusability, and separating the structure from a function. We look at the role iteration plays and introduce recursive data structures. Chapter 4, Lists and Pointer Structures, covers linked lists, which are one of the most common data structures and are often used to implement other structures, such as stacks and queues. In this chapter, we describe their operation and implementation. We compare their behavior to arrays and discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. Chapter 5, Stacks and Queues, discusses the behavior and demonstrates some implementations of these linear data structures. We give examples of typical applications. Chapter 6, Trees, will look at how to implement a binary tree. Trees form the basis of many of the most important advanced data structures. We will examine how to traverse trees and retrieve and insert values. We will also look at how to create structures such as heaps. Chapter 7, Hashing and Symbol Tables, describes symbol tables, gives some typical implementations, and discusses various applications. We will look at the process of hashing, give an implementation of a hash table, and discuss the various design considerations. Chapter 8, Graphs and Other Algorithms, looks at some of the more specialized structures, including graphs and spatial structures. Representing data as a set of nodes and vertices is convenient in a number of applications, and from this, we can create structures such as directed and undirected graphs. We will also introduce some other structures and concepts such as priority queues, heaps, and selection algorithms. [2] Preface Chapter 9, Searching, discusses the most common searching algorithms and gives examples of their use for various data structures. Searching a data structure is a fundamental task and there are a number of approaches. Chapter 10, Sorting, looks at the most common approaches to sorting. This will include bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort. Chapter 11, Selection Algorithms, covers algorithms that involve finding statistics, such as the minimum, maximum, or median elements in a list. There are a number of approaches and one of the most common approaches is to first apply a sort operation. Other approaches include partition and linear selection. Chapter 12, Design Techniques and Strategies, relates to how we look for solutions for similar problems when we are trying to solve a new problem. Understanding how we can classify algorithms and the types of problem that they most naturally solve is a key aspect of algorithm design. There are many ways in which we can classify algorithms, but the most useful classifications tend to revolve around either the implementation method or the design method. Chapter 13, Implementations, Applications, and Tools, discusses a variety of real-world applications. These include data analysis, machine learning, prediction, and visualization. In addition, there are libraries and tools that make our work with algorithms more productive and enjoyable.

  • 笨办法学Python 3 (Learn Python 3 the hard way) Kindle英文版

    本书是一本大名鼎鼎的Python入门书,即使对计算机了解不多,没有学过编程的读者学习Python也适用。这本书以习题的方式引导读者一步一步学习编程,从简单的打印一直讲到完整项目的实现,让初学者从基础的编程技术入手。本书是基于Python 3.6版本编写的。 本书结构非常简单,除“准备工作”之外,还包括52个习题,其中26个覆盖了输入/输出、变量和函数3个主题,另外26个覆盖了一些比较进阶的话题,如条件判断、循环、类和对象、代码测试及项目的实现等。每一章的格式基本相同,以代码习题开始,按照说明编写代码,运行并检查结果,然后再做附加练习。(论坛里面该书的资源基本上都是第三版的,即python2.7的版本,故第一次发资源,就分享 一下作者基于python3.6的新版。同时版本为kindle版,在kindle或pc上kindle阅读器看均可。)

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