Welcome to soapUI!
2008-01-28 : 2.0.2 bug-fix release
Some more bugfixes and improvements:
- Fixed -n option for commandline LoadTestRunner (was incorrectly -h)
- Fixed internal initialization of copied/cloned testcases/teststeps and during loadtesting
- Improved Aut/Header inspectors to be visible for form/overview views
- Fixed quoting of SOAP 1.2 Action in content-type header
- Improved opening of local files in external browser (reports, etc)
- Fixed initialization of custom RequestFilters
- Fixed script-evaluation in MockResponses to allow modification of the responseContent
- Fixed logging/display of failed MockRequests
- Fixed caching of external WSDLs in SchemaComplianceAssertion if another URL was used
- Fixed attribute handling with wildcards
- Fixed NPE on empty response messages
- Fixed a number of typos
- Updated to trunk version of XMLBeans which fixes corruption of project-files on save
- Updated to full version of xercesImpl 2.9.1 for full JAXP functionality
- etc..
As always thanks to you all reporting for making soapUI better and better!
2008-01-15 : 2.0.1 bug-fix release
A large number of important bug-fixes and a small number of improvements:
- Updated Groovy to 1.5.1
- Fixed Keystore-initialization to use specified provider
- Fixed NPE when initializing properties
- Fixed corruption of PropertyTransfer, ConditionalGoto and RunTestCase teststeps
- Fixed invalid Regular Expression in XSDs to get discarded and show a warning
- Fixed parallell execution of TestCases in TestSuites
- Fixed encoding-problems when compiling Groovy Scripts
- Added support for %20 as space-delimiter in command-line arguments (for unix/linux)
- Fixed check to recreate messages when updating interface
- Fixed global properties as PropertyTransfer targets
- Fixed NPE:s in related to TestCase and MockService logs
- Fixed DnD of requests to TestCases
- Memory fixes
- etc..
soapUI Pro
- Fixed generation of indexed XPath expressions
- Fixed refactoring issues with namespaces and multiple updates
- Improved WSDL Coverage:
- Added possibility to exclude elements from coverage calculation
- Fixed handling of empty elements
- Moved settings to be at project-level
- Added option to skip to closing DataSource Loop when no data is available in a DataSource
- Improved import/export of requirements to include testcases and links
- etc..
2007-12-12 : 2.0 final release!
A bunch of minor improvements and a large number of bug-fixes made it into the final
release - thanks to all who have reported, tested and helped us out!
2007-12-02 : 2.0 beta2 release!
Overhauled WS-Security support and many minor improvements;
- WS-Security support has been greatly enhanced and is now managed at Project-level for
application to Requests, MockServices/Responses and SOAP Monitors
- Raw message viewer for viewing actual data sent/received
- Aut Request inspector for editing authentication-related settings
- Interface Viewer has been extended with new Overview, Endpoints and WS-I Compliance tabs
- LoadTests can now continuously export statistics for post-processing
- Improved Message-Inspector for logged messages
- TestRun Log has been visually improved
2007-11-14 : 2.0 beta1 Release!
This is the first beta of soapUI 2.0, boasting a large number of new features. Please backup
your existing project-files before testing and report any issues at the sourceforge forums.
* Improved WS-Security support;
- messages can now be signed
- messages can be encrypted
- support for SAML Assertion insertion
- will be further improved for final release
* Built in SOAP Monitor for capturing live traffic
- tunnel / proxy modes
- create request, testcases and mockservices from recorded traffic
* Setup/Teardown scripts can now be specified for both TestCases and TestSuites
* Run TestCase teststep allows parameterized running of testcases from with a testcase
with return properties
* Enabled/Disable Assertions / TestCases / TestSuites
* MockService improvements:
- SSL support
- Mocked wsdls are now exposed via a (very) simple web-interface
- Start/Stop scripts
* New Project Overview
- Project metrics
- Load/Save scripts
* TestSuite Editor run log
* Much improved property-handling;
- properties can now be specified at testcase, testsuite, project and global level
- property-expansions and property-transfers have been extended accordingly
- drag-and-drop for creating property-expansions
- properties can be shown in navigator tree
- property-refactoring; renaming properties updates associated property expansions
* TestCase Log improvements:
- limit output and logged results to preserve memory under long-running tests
- generate MockServices from TestCase execution
* And many more minor improvements..
- "Start Minimized" action for MockSerivces
- UI improvements
- Auto-save open-sourced
2007-09-26 : 1.7.6 Release!
The intermediary 1.7.6 release focuses on general functionality and many UI improvements
* Default authentication settings on endpoint level
* XQuery support in assertions and property-transfers
* Dialogs for launching command-line runners
* Apache CXF wsdl2java integration
* Regular expression support in Contains/NotContains assertions
* Improved editors with line-numbers, find-and-replace, etc..
* Greatly improved project/workspace management including support for open/closed projects
* Support for remote projects over http(s)
* Improved/laxed up MTOM functionality
* Global/System-property access in property-expansions
* Very preliminary and inital extension API
* And a large number of UI improvements and minor adjustements
* Much-improved support for one-way operations
* Property Expansion is now supported in Conditional Goto Steps XPath
* Fixed save of empty properties in Properties Step
* Fixed URL decoding of WSDL port locations
* Fixed correct setting of SOAPAction / Content-Type headers for SOAP 1.2
* Mockservice fault with http response code 500
* Generate TestSuite does not use existing Requests
* OutOfMemory error when creating backup requests
As always we are grateful to our enthusiastic users! You Rock!
2007-08-06 : 1.7.5 Final!
The final release of soapUI 1.7.5 adds a small number of features and fixes a number
of bugs:
* Action to change the operation of a TestRequest.
* Improved MockService log with own toolbar and options to set size and clear.
* Possibility to set the local address both globally and on a request level.
* Option to pretty-print project files for easier SCM integration.
* Added requestContext variable to MockOperation-dispatch scripts allowing for thread-safe passing of
values from dispatch script to response script
* Added option to enable interactive utilities when running from command-line.
* Fixed UpdateInterface to not set all TestRequests to same operation
* Fixed cloning of Assertions to be persistant
* Fixed Memory-Leaks in MockService Log
* Fixed Display of correct Response Message Size
* Fixed Dependencies for Eclipse Plugin
* Fixed PropertyExpansion to support xpath expansion also for Context Properties
* Fixed Form Editor to not pretty-print message and correctly hande nillable values (soapUI Pro)
* Fixed initializing of external libra
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