SecureCRT(R) 6.5 (Official) -- December 10, 2009
Copyright (C) 1995-2009 VanDyke Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This file contains a SecureCRT product history. It includes lists
of new features, changes, and bug fixes sorted by release. For a
product description, installation notes, registration information,
and contact information, please refer to Readme.txt (downloaded
with this installation).
Changes in SecureCRT 6.5 (Official) -- December 10, 2009
Bug fixes:
- SecureCRT could crash if the application's Close button was
pressed more than once.
- If a key was mapped to a string that contained "\p" (pause),
SecureCRT crashed when the key was pressed in the terminal
Changes in SecureCRT 6.5 (Beta 5) -- December 3, 2009
Bug fixes:
- If a .XML custom menu and toolbar file contained a menu on
the toolbar, SecureCRT crashed when trying to import it into
version 6.5.
- SecureCRT could crash if text was double clicked while session
output was scrolling and was more likely to occur if the
scrollback lines were set to 0.
- If invalid parameters were passed into the script function
Screen.Get2, SecureCRT crashed.
- On Windows 7, if the Global.ini option "Disable Aero Peek" was
enabled and an Auto session was specified, SecureCRT crashed on
start up.
- On Windows 7 and Vista, if the option "Only show tabs when
there are more than one" was set and a session was connected
and then that session and another were opened in a new window,
the first session shrunk by two rows.
- If the global option "Only show tabs when there are more than
one" was set and a second session was connected, the tab status
indicator for the first session showed that it was disconnected
even though it was connected.
- When "ANSI Color" was off, some of the vttest "double-sized
characters" tests did not display correctly for VT100 sessions.
- If the SecureCRT cursor was blinking or there was blinking text
displayed in the session and a menu was activated, the cursor
and text stopped blinking.
- If a column selection was made, after releasing the ALT key,
focus switched to the menu.
- If two SecureCRT windows were open in separate processes, if
the display theme was changed, the toolbar was not always
updated to the new theme in the other windows.
- The script function Screen.Get2 only returned the first
Changes in SecureCRT 6.5 (Beta 4) -- November 11, 2009
- Added a Global.ini-file-only option to disable the Windows 7
Aero task bar peek functionality.
- Added a Global.ini-file-only option to put the close button
to the right of the tab bar rather than on the active tab.
Bug fixes:
- If a session was connected to a remote server that was the DNS
server and the remote server went down, SecureCRT could crash.
- Fixed a GDI resource leak.
- Ymodem transfers could fail because SecureCRT did not send and
honor the file length in the file header packet.
- If a key was mapped to send a string and that key was pressed in
the chat window, the first character of the string was not sent.
- If SecureCRT was not active and the most recently used tab was
clicked, SecureCRT did not become active.
- Pressing CTRL+TAB with multiple tabs open did not always switch
to the most recently used tab.
- If the display theme was set to Black, Aqua, or Silver, after
coming out of hibernation, the display theme was changed to Blue.
- If the tab status indicators used the "Background colors" option,
the active tab was closed, and it had a different status than the
newly active tab, then the newly active tab did not have the
correct background color behind the close tab button.
Changes in SecureCRT 6.5 (Beta 3) -- October 29, 2009
- Restored previous behavior of allowing the password to be saved
regardless of the "Auto Save Options" setting.
Bug fixes:
- It was possible for SecureCRT to crash when attempting to select
text near the end of a line.
- SecureCRT could crash when configuring a private key for a
- SecureCRT could crash when a tab was closed if the Session
Options dialog had been opened after connecting to a session.
- If the INI-file only option "Force Close On Exit" was set and
an SSH2 session was connected and cloned, if one of the tabs was
closed, SecureCRT crashed on exit.
- Displaying certain Unicode sequences could cause SecureCRT to
- Scrolling Unicode data was much slower than scrolling non-Unicode
- The underscore character was included in the list of default
- If the user had full write access to the root drive and
attempted to log to a file in the root drive, an "Access Denied"
error was reported.
- Send ASCII ignored the end-of-line characters if the text file
contained end-of-line characters other than CRLF.
- Clicking the red "X" in the Windows 7 taskbar peek for SecureCRT
did not close SecureCRT.
- On Windows 7, if ANSI color was on and a tab subsequent to the
first tab was connected, the terminal area in the new tab
flickered, briefly showing lines of different colors.
- When the JAWS screen reading software was used in cursor mode,
if output that contained blank lines was displayed in SecureCRT,
using the arrow keys to move the mouse cursor over the blank
lines caused the cursor to jump over several blank lines instead
of moving one line at a time.
- After upgrading to 6.5, if a custom menu and toolbar XML file
from version 6.2 or earlier existed, the ALT+B accelerator to
connect in a tab no longer worked.
- If the global option "Show confirm disconnect dialog" was off
and a session was connected and cloned, then the cloned session
was closed using the close button on the tab, window decorations
such as menus and toolbar buttons did not receive focus when
mousing over them.
- Output that did not wrap when printed under Windows XP wrapped
when printed under Windows 7 and Vista.
- Bold characters were not printed as bold characters.
- SSH2: Attempting to use a private key without a corresponding
public key caused SecureCRT 6.5 beta 2 to crash.
- SFTP: SecureCRT could crash when downloading a directory that
contained thousands of files.
Changes in SecureCRT 6.5 (Beta 2) -- October 15, 2009
New features:
- The chat window can be resized by dragging the splitter bar.
- SSH2: When an RSA key is used for authentication, only the
private key is required, which makes it easier to use Amazon
EC2 keys.
- If a custom menu (.mnu) file specifies the "Office 2007" theme,
which is not available in SecureCRT 6.5, the "Office 2003" theme
is put in the menu instead.
Bug fixes:
- If the Activator was exited while the Global Options dialog was
open, SecureCRT crashed.
- SecureCRT crashed if a session that specified a non-existent
keymap was cloned or opened a second time.
- If the /NOMENU option was specified on the command line, a
"Failed to create empty document" error was reported.
- For Ymodem transfers, 128-byte packets were sent when Ymodem-1k
option was specified.
- The Delete, Home, End, PageUp, and PageDown keys did not work in
the chat window.
- If the paste on middle button option was set and a middle button