**13 February 2021**: [Action is required for existing Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint users](https://github.com/davidbailey00/notion-linux/releases/tag/gemfury)
# Notion for Linux
Native Notion packages for Linux, built from Notion's Windows installer.
## Install
Run the following commands in a terminal to install Notion. Packages are available for Intel/AMD and ARM64.
To install Notion with [Notion Enhancer](https://github.com/notion-enhancer/notion-enhancer) mods applied, replace `notion-desktop` with `notion-enhanced` in the commands below.
### Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint
wget https://notion.davidbailey.codes/notion-linux.list
sudo mv notion-linux.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/notion-linux.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install notion-desktop
### Fedora, CentOS
wget https://notion.davidbailey.codes/notion-linux.repo
sudo mv notion-linux.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/notion-linux.repo
sudo dnf install notion-desktop
### openSUSE
wget https://notion.davidbailey.codes/notion-linux.repo
sudo mv notion-linux.repo /etc/zypp/repos.d/notion-linux.repo
sudo zypper install notion-desktop
## Build
### Install requirements
1. Install Node.js, e.g. using [NVM](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm):
nvm install node
2. Install NPM version 7:
npm install -g npm@7
3. Install other packages required for building the app, e.g. using `apt`:
sudo apt install p7zip-full imagemagick make g++ fakeroot rpm
Only Debian-based distributions are officially supported for builds.
### Build `notion-desktop`
`notion-desktop` is the vanilla Notion package.
To produce an AMD64 build, run the following:
scripts/build.sh # always run
scripts/package-deb.sh # run to produce a DEB
scripts/package-rpm.sh # run to produce an RPM
To produce an ARM64 build, run the following:
scripts/build.sh -b arm64 # always run
scripts/package-deb.sh -b arm64 # run to produce a DEB
scripts/package-rpm.sh -b arm64 # run to produce an RPM
Once complete, you should have DEB and/or RPM packages in the `out` directory.
### Build `notion-enhanced`
`notion-enhanced` is the Notion package with [Notion Enhancer](https://github.com/notion-enhancer/notion-enhancer) mods applied.
To produce an AMD64 build, run the following:
scripts/build.sh # always run
scripts/enhance.sh # always run
scripts/package-deb.sh -n notion-enhanced # run to produce a DEB
scripts/package-rpm.sh -n notion-enhanced # run to produce an RPM
To produce an ARM64 build, run the following:
scripts/build.sh -b arm64 # always run
scripts/enhance.sh -b arm64 # always run
scripts/package-deb.sh -n notion-enhanced -b arm64 # run to produce a DEB
scripts/package-rpm.sh -n notion-enhanced -b arm64 # run to produce an RPM
Once complete, you should have DEB and/or RPM packages in the `out` directory.