Go Web编程
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Go web编程 评分:
上传时间:2014-04 大小:4.64MB
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Go Web 编程
2018-01-25Go Web编程,对于Go网络编程,从Go环境配置->Go语言基础->Web基础->表单->访问数据库->session和数据存储->文本文件处理->Web服务->安全加密->国际化和本地化->错误处理,调试和测试->部署与维护->如何设计一个Web框架->扩张Web框架
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go web 编程
2018-10-23golang web编程教程资源很好的东西,golang web编程教程资源很好的东西
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Go Web 编程.pdf
2013-02-18Go Web 编程.pdf
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重磅!《Go Web编程实战派从入门到精通》随书源码开源啦,Go语言-Web-goWebActualCombat.zip
2023-11-06《Go Web编程实战派从入门到精通》是一本专注于Go语言在Web开发领域的专著,其开源的随书源码库名为"Go语言-Web-goWebActualCombat",压缩包内的主要内容是goWebActualCombat-master目录,这代表了一个完整的Go语言...
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2019-04-04《Go Web编程》这本书主要涵盖了使用Go语言进行Web开发的各种核心概念和技术。Go语言,也称为Golang,是由Google开发的一种静态类型、编译型、并发型且具有垃圾回收功能的编程语言,特别适合构建高性能的Web服务。...
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Go WEB 编程
2013-05-22Go WEB 编程PDF版
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2017-06-02what? it's from jkxy
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2019-08-14A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
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golang web编程英文版
2018-01-12《Golang Web编程》英文版是一本专门针对使用Go语言进行Web开发的图书,适合对Go语言有一定了解并希望深入Web开发的读者。Go语言,由Google开发,以其简洁的语法、高效的性能以及内置的并发支持,近年来在Web开发...
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go web编程-教程学习资料
2024-10-02go web编程-教程学习资料
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2018-07-241. **Go语言基础**:Go语言,也称为Golang,是由Google开发的一种静态类型的、编译型的、并发型的、垃圾回收的编程语言。它具有简洁的语法和强大的工具链,特别适合于网络服务和并发编程。 2. **Web编程基础**:书...
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2015-11-302.Go语言基础 2.1. 你好,Go 2.2. Go基础 2.3. 流程和函数 2.4. struct 2.5. 面向对象 2.6. interface 2.7. 并发 2.8. 小结 3.Web基础 3.1 web工作方式 3.2 Go搭建一个简单的web服务 3.3 Go如何使得web工作 3.4 Go的...
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Go Web编程实战派从入门到精通实例源码
2024-10-06Go Web编程实战派从入门到精通+实例源码
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2018-05-23Go Web 编程,使用Go语言开发web程序,《Build Web Application with Golang》。
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go 语言web编程
2014-07-13Go是一种新的语言,一种并发的、带垃圾回收的、快速编译的语言。它具有以下特点: 它可以在一台计算机上用几秒钟的时间编译一个大型的Go程序。 Go为软件构造提供了一种模型,它使依赖分析更加容易,且避免了大部分C风格include文件与库的开头。 Go是静态类型的语言,它的类型系统没有层级。因此用户不需要在定义类型之间的关系上花费时间,这样感觉起来比典型的面向对象语言更轻量级。 Go完全是垃圾回收型的语言,并为并发执行与通信提供了基本的支持。 按照其设计,Go打算为多核机器上系统软件的构造提供一种方法。
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Go Web Programming(《Go Web 编程》英文版 作者:Sau Sheong Chang)
2018-03-12Go Web Programming teaches you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles. About the Technology The Go language handles the demands of scalable, high-performance web applications by providing clean and fast compiled code, garbage collection, a simple concurrency model, and a fantastic standard library. It’s perfect for writing microservices or building scalable, maintainable systems. About the Book Go Web Programming teaches you how to build web applications in Go using modern design principles. You’ll learn how to implement the dependency injection design pattern for writing test doubles, use concurrency in web applications, and create and consume JSON and XML in web services. Along the way, you’ll discover how to minimize your dependence on external frameworks, and you’ll pick up valuable productivity techniques for testing and deploying your applications.
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2017-09-06Module 1, Learning Go Web Development, starts off with introducing and setting up Go before you move on to produce responsive servers that react to certain web endpoint. You will then implement database connections to acquire data and then present it to our users using different template packages. Later on, you will learn about sessions and cookies to retain information before delving with the basics of microservices. By the end of this module, we will be covering the testing, debugging, and the security aspect. Module 2, Go Programming Blueprints, has a project-based approach where you will be building chat application, adding authentication, and adding your own profile pictures in different ways. You will learn how Go makes it easy to build powerful command-line tools to find domain names before building a highly scalable Twitter polling and vote counting engine powered by NSQ and MongoDB. Later on it covers the functionalities of RESTful Data Web Service API and Google Places API before you move on to build a simple but powerful filesystem backup tool for our code projects. Module 3, Mastering Concurrency in Go, introduces you to Concurrency in Go where you will be understanding the Concurrency model and developing a strategy for designing applications. You will learn to create basic and complex communication channels between our goroutines to manage data not only across single or multithreaded systems but also distributed systems. Later on you will be tackling a real-world problem, that is, being able to develop a high performance web server that can handle a very large volume of live, active traffic. You will then learn how to scale your application and make it capable of being expanded in scope, design, and/ or capacity. It will then focus on when and where to implement concurrent patterns, utilize parallelism, and ensure data consistency. At the end of this module, we will be logging and testing concurrency before we finally look at the best practices on how to implement complicated and advanced techniques offered by Go.
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2019-05-09Go 是一个开源的编程语言,它能让构造简单、可靠且高效的软件变得容易。 Go是从2007年末由Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson主持开发,后来还加入了Ian Lance Taylor, Russ Cox等人,并最终于2009年11月开源,在2012年早些时候发布了Go 1稳定版本。现在Go的开发已经是完全开放的,并且拥有一个活跃的社区。