******************************************************* 1) License information
EasyHook - The reinvention of Windows API hooking
Copyright (C) 2009 Christoph Husse
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Please visit http://www.codeplex.com/easyhook for more information
about the project and latest updates.
Reporting bugs is the only chance to get them fixed! Don't consider your
report useless... I will fix any serious bug within a short time! Bugs with
lower priority will always be fixed in the next release...
Please notice that you should always look into the application event log
if something goes wrong, because EasyHook will often output extended error
information there...
***************************************************** 2) How to compile
Since EasyHook 2.5, compilation is dramatically simplified. Just compile once
for "x64" and once for "x86". The native EasyHook DLLs will automatically be
copied into their counterpart arch directory.
The you will have to copy the following files into any desired "Deploy" directory:
"Debug\x64\EasyHook64.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook64.dll"
"Debug\x64\EasyHook64Svc.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook64Svc.dll"
"Debug\x86\EasyHook32.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32.dll"
"Debug\x86\EasyHook32Svc.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32Svc.dll"
"Debug\x64\EasyHook.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook.dll"
"Debug\x64\EasyHook.dll.xml" -> "Deploy\EasyHook.dll.xml"
(optional; only required for kernel hooking)
"Debug\x86\EasyHook32Drv.sys" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32Drv.sys"
"Debug\x64\EasyHook64Drv.sys" -> "Deploy\EasyHook64Drv.sys"
Of course this is not necessary for testing purposes. As long as you keep
all test applications in either the "x86" or "x64" directory, they will
run properly. The "Deploy" directory is meant to contain all files necessary
to ship an application based on EasyHook. This is what you get with the
"Binaries Only" package.
***************************************************** 3) Prerequisites
Since the CRT is now statically compiled, you won't need the Visual Studio Redistributable
package anymore. For testing purposes I would always recommend to use the DEBUG version...
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
IrisProlspjb_25861.zip (117个子文件)
绿化卸载.bat 3KB
Registry_Enable_64.bat 636B
Iris_Start_GDIPP.bat 557B
Registry_Disable_64.bat 516B
Registry_Enable_32.bat 403B
Create_Services.bat 329B
Registry_Disable_32.bat 246B
Iris_Stop_GDIPP.bat 146B
Delete_Services.bat 126B
Start_Service_64.bat 57B
Start_Service_32.bat 57B
Stop_Service_64.bat 56B
Stop_Service_32.bat 56B
Qt5WebKit.dll 16.6MB
opengl32sw.dll 14.52MB
Qt5Gui.dll 4.64MB
Qt5Core.dll 4.41MB
Qt5Widgets.dll 4.22MB
D3Dcompiler_47.dll 3.31MB
Qt5Qml.dll 2.47MB
Qt5Quick.dll 2.32MB
opencv_highgui2410.dll 2.05MB
opencv_core2410.dll 2.04MB
icuin54.dll 1.96MB
opencv_imgproc2410.dll 1.8MB
libGLESV2.dll 1.53MB
icuuc54.dll 1.36MB
libeay32.dll 1.2MB
qwindows.dll 968KB
msvcr120.dll 948KB
gdimm_64.dll 837KB
Qt5Network.dll 826KB
icudt54.dll 812KB
gdimm_32.dll 685KB
qsqlite.dll 674KB
opencv_objdetect2410.dll 640KB
Qt5Multimedia.dll 551KB
msvcp120.dll 445KB
msvcp140.dll 430KB
qjp2.dll 409KB
gdipp_common_64.dll 351KB
qwebp.dll 317KB
qtiff.dll 304KB
gdipp_common_32.dll 292KB
libssl32.dll 289KB
ssleay32.dll 285KB
Qt5OpenGL.dll 267KB
vccorlib140.dll 261KB
Qt5PrintSupport.dll 261KB
Qt5Svg.dll 245KB
concrt140.dll 238KB
qjpeg.dll 238KB
Qt5WinExtras.dll 221KB
qmng.dll 216KB
Qt5WebKitWidgets.dll 194KB
wmfengine.dll 163KB
Qt5Positioning.dll 163KB
Qt5Sql.dll 151KB
Qt5Sensors.dll 145KB
libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 143KB
EasyHook64.dll 101KB
EasyHook32.dll 96KB
vcruntime140.dll 82KB
Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll 81KB
Qt5WebChannel.dll 79KB
qsqlodbc.dll 65KB
qtsensorgestures_plugin.dll 59KB
dsengine.dll 54KB
qsqlpsql.dll 53KB
qsqlmysql.dll 47KB
qtmedia_audioengine.dll 44KB
qtaudio_windows.dll 43KB
qnativewifibearer.dll 39KB
qdds.dll 38KB
qgenericbearer.dll 37KB
windowsprintersupport.dll 33KB
qtposition_positionpoll.dll 31KB
qicns.dll 30KB
qsvgicon.dll 29KB
qtsensors_generic.dll 28KB
qgif.dll 24KB
qico.dll 24KB
qtmultimedia_m3u.dll 21KB
qtsensorgestures_shakeplugin.dll 19KB
qsvg.dll 18KB
qtga.dll 18KB
qwbmp.dll 18KB
libEGL.dll 10KB
Iris.exe 11.67MB
gdipp_demo_64.exe 215KB
gdipp_demo_32.exe 184KB
gdipp_hook_64.exe 171KB
gdipp_hook_32.exe 151KB
gdipp_pre_64.exe 115KB
gdipp_svc_64.exe 104KB
gdipp_pre_32.exe 98KB
gdipp_svc_32.exe 92KB
gdipp_loader_64.exe 83KB
gdipp_loader_32.exe 74KB
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