# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# generated by 'xml2py'
# flags '-c -d -v C:\test_h\CameraParams.xml -o CameraParams_header.py'
from ctypes import *
from CameraParams_const import *
from PixelType_header import *
STRING = c_char_p
MV_PointCloudFile_Undefined = 0 # < \~chinese 未定义的点云格式 \~english Undefined point cloud format
MV_ACQ_MODE_CONTINUOUS = 2 # < \~chinese 持续采集模式 \~english Continuous Mode
MV_ACQ_MODE_MUTLI = 1 # < \~chinese 多帧模式 \~english Multi Mode
MV_TRIGGER_MODE_ON = 1 # < \~chinese 打开 \~english On
AM_CycleDetect = 6 # < \~chinese 内部用于AccessMode循环检测 \~english used internally for AccessMode cycle detection
AM_Undefined = 5 # < \~chinese 对象未被初始化 \~english Object is not yet initialized
AM_RW = 4 # < \~chinese 读和写 \~english Read and Write
AM_RO = 3 # < \~chinese 只读 \~english Read Only
AM_WO = 2 # < \~chinese 只写 \~english Write Only
AM_NA = 1 # < \~chinese 不可用 \~english Not available
AM_NI = 0 # < \~chinese 没有实现 \~english Not implemented
MV_Image_Tif = 4 # < \~chinese Tif格式 \~english Tif image file
MV_Image_Png = 3 # < \~chinese Png格式 \~english Png image file
MV_Image_Jpeg = 2 # < \~chinese Jpeg格式 \~english Jpeg image file
MV_Image_Bmp = 1 # < \~chinese Bmp格式 \~english Bmp image file
MV_GAIN_MODE_CONTINUOUS = 2 # < \~chinese 连续 \~english Gain Mode Continuous
MV_GAIN_MODE_ONCE = 1 # < \~chinese 单次 \~english Gain Mode Once
MV_GrabStrategy_UpcomingImage = 3 # < \~chinese 等待下一帧图像 \~english Wait for the next image
MV_GrabStrategy_LatestImages = 2 # < \~chinese 获取列表中最新的图像 \~english Gets the latest image in the list
MV_GrabStrategy_LatestImagesOnly = 1 # < \~chinese 获取列表中最新的一帧图像(同时清除列表中的其余图像) \~english Gets the most recent image in the list (while clearing the rest of the images in the list)
MV_PointCloudFile_OBJ = 3 # < \~chinese OBJ点云格式 \~english The point cloud format named OBJ
MV_PointCloudFile_CSV = 2 # < \~chinese CSV点云格式 \~english The point cloud format named CSV
MV_PointCloudFile_PLY = 1 # < \~chinese PLY点云格式 \~english The point cloud format named PLY
MV_ACQ_MODE_SINGLE = 0 # < \~chinese 单帧模式 \~english Single Mode
MV_TRIGGER_MODE_OFF = 0 # < \~chinese 关闭 \~english Off
MV_TRIGGER_SOURCE_SOFTWARE = 7 # < \~chinese 软触发 \~english Trigger source software
MV_EXPOSURE_MODE_TIMED = 0 # < \~chinese 曝光超时模式 \~english exposure mode timed
MV_FormatType_Undefined = 0 # < \~chinese 未定义的格式类型 \~english Undefined format type
MV_GAIN_MODE_OFF = 0 # < \~chinese 关闭增益模式 \~english Gain mode off
MV_EXPOSURE_AUTO_MODE_CONTINUOUS = 2 # < \~chinese 自动连续曝光模式 \~english Exposure auto mode continuous
MV_EXPOSURE_AUTO_MODE_ONCE = 1 # < \~chinese 单次自动曝光模式 \~english Exposure auto mode once
MV_EXPOSURE_AUTO_MODE_OFF = 0 # < \~chinese 关闭自动曝光模式 \~english Exposure auto mode off
IFT_IValue = 0 # < \~chinese IValue接口类型 \~english IValue interface
MV_GrabStrategy_OneByOne = 0 # < \~chinese 从旧到新一帧一帧的获取图像 \~english Frame by frame from old to new
MV_FormatType_AVI = 1 # < \~chinese AVI视频格式 \~english AVI format type
MV_GAMMA_SELECTOR_USER = 1 # < \~chinese gamma选择项User \~english This enumeration selects the type of gamma to apply
IFT_IString = 6 # < \~chinese IString接口类型 \~english IString interface
MV_BALANCEWHITE_AUTO_OFF = 0 # < \~chinese 白平衡自动关闭 \~english Balance white auto off
MV_GAMMA_SELECTOR_SRGB = 2 # < \~chinese gamma选择项SRGB \~english This enumeration selects the type of gamma to apply
IFT_IPort = 11 # < \~chinese IPort接口类型 \~english IPort interface
MV_BALANCEWHITE_AUTO_CONTINUOUS = 1 # < \~chinese 白平衡自动连续 \~english Balance white auto continuous
IFT_IEnumEntry = 10 # < \~chinese IEnumEntry接口类型 \~english IEnumEntry interface
IFT_ICategory = 8 # < \~chinese ICategory接口类型 \~english ICategory interface
IFT_IRegister = 7 # < \~chinese IRegister接口类型 \~english IRegister interface
MV_Image_Undefined = 0 # < \~chinese 未定义的图像类型 \~english Image undefined
IFT_IFloat = 5 # < \~chinese IFloat接口类型 \~english IFloat interface
IFT_IEnumeration = 9 # < \~chinese IEnumeration接口类型 \~english IEnumeration interface
IFT_ICommand = 4 # < \~chinese ICommand接口类型 \~english ICommand interface
IFT_IBoolean = 3 # < \~chinese IBoolean接口类型 \~english IBoolean interface
IFT_IInteger = 2 # < \~chinese IInteger接口类型 \~english IInteger interface
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_MULTICAST_WITHOUT_RECV = 65537 # < \~chinese 表示组播模式,但本实例不接收图像数据 \~english Multicast without receive data
IFT_IBase = 1 # < \~chinese IBase接口类型 \~english IBase interface
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_UNICAST_WITHOUT_RECV = 65536 # < \~chinese 表示设置了单播,但本实例不接收图像数据 \~english Unicast without receive data
MV_BALANCEWHITE_AUTO_ONCE = 2 # < \~chinese 单次自动白平衡 \~english Balance white auto once
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_LIMITEDBROADCAST = 2 # < \~chinese 表示局域网内广播,暂不支持 \~english Limited broadcast mode,not support
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_MULTICAST = 1 # < \~chinese 表示组播 \~english Multicast mode