import re
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from zipfile import ZipFile
from . import config, logger, cache
content_xml = "content.xml"
comments_xml = "comments.xml"
def open_xmind(file_path):
"""open xmind as zip file and cache the content."""
with ZipFile(file_path) as xmind:
for f in xmind.namelist():
for key in [content_xml, comments_xml]:
if f == key:
cache[key] ='utf-8')
def get_sheets():
"""get all sheet as generator and yield."""
tree = xmind_content_to_etree(cache[content_xml])
assert isinstance(tree, Element)
for sheet in tree.findall('sheet'):
yield sheet
def sheet_to_dict(sheet):
"""convert a sheet to dict type."""
topic = sheet.find('topic')
result = {'title': title_of(sheet), 'topic': node_to_dict(topic), 'structure': get_sheet_structure(sheet)}
if config['showTopicId']:
result['id'] = sheet.attrib['id']
if config['hideEmptyValue']:
result = {k: v for k, v in result.items() if v}
return result
def get_sheet_structure(sheet):
root_topic = sheet.find('topic')
return root_topic.attrib.get('structure-class', None)
def node_to_dict(node):
"""parse Element to dict data type."""
child = children_topics_of(node)
d = {'title': title_of(node),
'comment': comments_of(node),
'note': note_of(node),
'makers': maker_of(node),
'labels': labels_of(node),
'link': link_of(node)}
if d['link']:
if d['link'].startswith('xmind'):
d['link'] = '[To another xmind topic!]'
if d['link'].startswith('xap:attachments'):
del d['link']
d['title'] = '[Attachment]{0}'.format(d['title'])
if child:
d['topics'] = []
for c in child:
if config['showTopicId']:
d['id'] = id_of(node)
if config['hideEmptyValue']:
d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v or k == 'title'}
return d
def xmind_content_to_etree(content):
# Remove the default namespace definition (xmlns="http://some/namespace")
xml_content = re.sub(r'\sxmlns="[^"]+"', '', content, count=1)
# Replace xml tag with namespace
xml_content = xml_content.replace('<xhtml:img', '<img')
# Replace link attrib with namespace
xml_content = xml_content.replace('xlink:href', 'href')
return ET.fromstring(xml_content.encode('utf-8'))
def xmind_xml_to_etree(xml_path):
with open(xml_path) as f:
content =
return xmind_content_to_etree(content)
def comments_of(node):
if cache.get(comments_xml, None):
node_id = node.attrib.get('id', None)
if node_id:
xml_root = xmind_content_to_etree(cache[comments_xml])
result = []
for c in xml_root.findall('comment'):
if c.attrib['object-id'] == node_id:
i = {'author': c.attrib['author'], 'content': c.find('content').text}
if config['showTopicId']:
i['id'] = c.attrib['object-id']
return result if result else None
def id_of(node):
return node.attrib.get('id', None)
def image_of(node):
img = node.find('img')
if img is not None:
return '[Image]'
def link_of(node):
return node.attrib.get('href', None)
def title_of(node):
if image_of(node):
return image_of(node)
title = node.find('title')
if title is not None:
return title.text
def labels_of(node):
label_node = node.find('labels')
if label_node is not None:
labels = []
for _ in label_node.findall('label'):
return labels if labels else None
def note_of(node):
note_node = node.find('notes')
if note_node is not None:
note = note_node.find('plain').text
return note.strip()
def debug_node(node, comments):
s = ET.tostring(node)
logger.debug('{}: {}'.format(comments, s))
return s
def maker_of(topic_node):
maker_node = topic_node.find('marker-refs')
if maker_node is not None:
makers = []
for maker in maker_node:
return makers
def children_topics_of(topic_node):
children = topic_node.find('children')
if children is not None:
return children.find('./topics[@type="attached"]')