Date: 12 July 2010
Execute Query Version 3.2.2 Build 5148
Summary of changes from 3.2.1 Build 5146:
- Fixed table editing in browser when deleting a column and restoring/cancelling
the action not restoring that column's state.
- Fixed errors in adding and removing column constraints from the table browser.
- Added simple text component popup menu with cut/copy/paste for all panel text
- Fixed export as XML error throwing ClassCastException for DataSource
- Fixed exception thrown for DB2 tables when selecting from browser tree view.
- Added proxy user and password to proxy preferences.
- Added 'show password' action on login panel to reveal password in plain text.
- Improved DESC <table_name> statement support.
- Fixed JDBC advanced properties not being applied when entered.
- Improved code completion - now recognises table and columns by name and alias
in queries.
- Added ability to output generated create/drop statement to the Query Editor
and not just to file, file selection and output is no longer required for
writing create/drop scripts.
- Added SQL shortcuts to the Quey Editor allowing user defined SQL text
abbreviations and autocorrect.
Summary of changes from 3.2.1 Build 5146:
- Minor help doc update.
- Help menu changes.
- Added deb package for download.
- Modified generated queries to use escaped column names where appropriate (ie.
in the Query Editor, import/export processes etc).
- Fixed editor auto-complete popup for less than 2 characters not scrolling to
'starts with' word.
- Ongoing look and feel tweaks - field dimension changes, font changes.
- Added option to execute queries with comments, whitespace, line-breaks etc
as-is. Defaults to executing 'sanitised' queries with comments etc stripped
out as has always been the case.
- Added default insets for UIManager returning null for some look and feels
using TabbedPane.tabInsets in determining tab dimensions for scrolling center
- Modified callable statement generation removing left-hand equals where out
parameters do not exist.
- Fixed issue with data exports for multiple tables where back/next button
selection from export file entry would duplicate selected tables in returning
to file selection panel.
- Fixed query execution with trailing semi-colon errors noted with Oracle.
- Added export result set to file allowing for executing arbitrary SQL SELECT
statements and writing the output to a delimited file.
- Added open and execute SQL script feature allowing for SQL script execution
without loading the script in the editor first.
Summary of changes from 3.1.6 Build 5132:
- Fixed result set exporter printing 'null' string for null values.
- Fixed tab character in SQL statement causing errors in editor execution.
- Modified row count in browser threading.
- Modified Excel data export cell style creation to reuse data cell style across
all exported values.
- Added make donation help menu item :)
- Fixed execution of 'unknown' statement types that would return a valid result
set that would be closed before access in the Query Editor.
- Modified autocomplete popup to use schema lookups when at least 2 characters
have been entered.
- Added docked notepad.
- Modified autocomplete to insert text after any non-letter-or-digit characters.
- Modified look and feel - default font size changes, button sizes.
- Fixed dialog popups off open dialogs being hidden behind current modal views.
Summary of changes from 3.1.5 Build 5124:
- Improved support for table and column names with spaces.
- Fixed "Save As" not storing the last save path between application sessions.
- Fixed row count hang on database table browser tab.
- Fixed statement generator from table node not selecting correct connection in
the Query Editor.
- Added line separator property option (Unix, Windows, Mac) for writing text
to file.
- Artwork update stage 1.
Summary of changes from 3.1.4 Build 5121:
- Updated dependancy libraries.
- Last used file path now persistent between application sessions.
- Added option to store editor result set table column widths when resized.
- Fixed stored procedure and function errors on execution from editor and stored
object execution tab.
- Added option to use a single result set tab within the editor and not open
multiple for each returned result set.
- Fixed advanced connection properties not applied when connection created.
- Added ability to define a custom delimiter for import/export data.
Summary of changes from 3.1.3 Build 5117:
- Fixed query execution where insert/update char values have line breaks.
- Added BLOB and CLOB support for the Query Editor and Schema Browser.
- Added record item viewer for result set cells.
- Added code completion for the Query Editor - stage 1 supporting default
connected schema only (this is a very early release of this feature with much
yet to be done - if issues present, disable from Preferences | Editor)
- Changed export as SQL to write 'default' value types as quoted values.
- Added transpose row feature for editor result sets.
- Fixed table data errors for non-connected default schemas/catalogs.
- Minor UI tweaks.
Summary of changes from 3.1.2 Build 5111:
- Fixed proxy configuration for external http calls including update checks
- Modified ERD to reset x,y-0,0 position when a table is moved off screen
- Added SQL text pane to query history dialog
- Added connection and schema tree panel node sorting (a-z, z-a and restore)
- Added schema tree panel node search lookup and selection
- Fixed create DROP scripts where constraints were being added as ALTER TABLE
- Fixed SQL statement export to account for column selections
- Fixed editor connection errors when the single and selected connection is
closed and reopened and used by the same editor
- Fixed export as SQL where CREATE TABLE was not being included when selected
- Added window nav menu and shortcuts
Summary of changes from 3.1.1 Build 5107:
- Added [close/close others/close all] popup menu on editor's result set tabs.
- Fixed result set tab rollover label error with set indexes.
- Fixed reported leak when executing 'unknown' statement types - resources were
not being correctly handled and cleaned up after use.
- Fixed recycle connection on host node error on selection.
- Fixed menu item shortcut key display errors.
- Fixed SaveAs action not opening a new save dialog.
- Fixed possible statement execution error (result set closed) after query
- Fixed quoted strings syntax highlighting errors
- Added export to/as SQL feature
- Modified SQL statement generation and ordering of constraints
Summary of changes from 3.1.0 Build 5101:
- Modified result set tab pane of the Query Editor to not close tabs when a
non-result set generating statement is executed.
- Fixed incorrect handling of query bookmark deletion where the query deleted
was instead attached to the previous bookmarks name value.
- Added new icons to identify primary and foreign key columns within the
connections/schema browser tree.
- Added new submitted graphics work for logos, icons and splash.
- Added formatted error message for cell value when exception thrown on get
value for result set table views.
- Fixed query history scrolling that would miss the very last query executed.
- Added format SQL button and icon to editor tool bar.
- Updated third-party lib dependencies.
- Improved Mac installation and configuration support.
- Improved support for non Metal look and feel exte