[![Blender](misc/Blender_logo.png)](http://www.blender.org/) [![glTF](misc/glTF_logo.png)](https://www.khronos.org/gltf/)
Blender glTF 2.0 Importer and Exporter
| Blender Version | Documentation |
| 2.92 | https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.92/addons/import_export/scene_gltf2.html |
| dev | https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/addons/import_export/scene_gltf2.html |
* 2.80 - 2.91 are previous stable releases.
* 2.83 is the first Blender LTS release. Check the `blender-v2.83-release` branch.
* 2.92 is the current stable release. Check the `blender-v2.92-release` branch.
* master branch of this addon is mirrored in [Blender Addons master](https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/BA/browse/master/io_scene_gltf2/), that will become 2.93.
### Legacy 2.79 Support
The final version of this addon with legacy support for Blender 2.79 is available on the [2.79 Release Page](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO/releases/tag/2.79).
Blender 2.80 and higher bundle this addon in the main Blender install package, so no 3rd-party install is required.
Developed by [UX3D](https://www.ux3d.io/), Scurest and [Julien Duroure](http://julienduroure.com/), with support from the [Khronos Group](https://www.khronos.org/), [Mozilla](https://www.mozilla.org/), and [Airbus Defense & Space](https://www.airbus.com/space.html).
Official Khronos Group Blender [glTF](https://www.khronos.org/gltf/) 2.0 importer and exporter.
This project contains all features from the [previous exporter](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-Exporter), and all future development will happen on this repository. In addition, this repository contains a Blender importer, with common Python code shared between exporter and importer for round-trip workflows. New features are included or under development, but usage and menu functionality remain the same.
The shared codebase is organized into common (Blender-independent) and Blender-specific packages:
Package organisation
This structure allows common code to be reused by third-party Python packages working with the glTF 2.0 format.
Import & export process
The main importer and exporter interface is the Python glTF scene representation.
Blender scene data is first extracted and converted into this scene description. This glTF scene description is exported to the final JSON glTF file. Any compression of mesh, animation, or texture data happens here.
For import, glTF data is parsed and written into the Python glTF scene description. Any decompression is executed in this step. Using the imported glTF scene tree, the Blender internal scene representation is generated from this information.
The Khronos glTF 2.0 importer and exporter is enabled by default in [Blender 2.8](https://www.blender.org/2-8/) and higher. To reinstall it — for example, when testing recent or upcoming changes — copy the `addons/io_scene_gltf2` folder into the `scripts/addons/` directory of the Blender installation, then enable it under the *Add-ons* tab. For additional development documentation, see [Debugging](DEBUGGING.md).
- [Debug with PyCharm](https://code.blender.org/2015/10/debugging-python-code-with-pycharm) **NOTE:** If you are using Blender 2.80, you need the [updated debugger script](https://github.com/ux3d/random-blender-addons/blob/master/remote_debugger.py)
- [Debug with VSCode](DEBUGGING.md)
Continuous Integration Tests
Several companies, individuals, and glTF community members contribute to Blender glTF I/O. Functionality is added and bugs are fixed regularly. Because hobbyists and professionals using Blender glTF I/O rely on its stability for their daily work, continuous integration tests are enabled. After each commit or pull request, the following tests are run:
- Export Blender scene and validate using the [glTF validator](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Validator/)
- Round trip import-export and comparison of glTF validator results
These quality-assurance checks improve the reliability of Blender glTF I/O.
Running the Tests Locally
To run the tests locally, your system should have a `blender` executable in the path that launches the desired version of Blender.
The latest version of [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/) should also be installed.
Then, in the `tests` folder of this repository, run `yarn install`, followed by `yarn run test`.
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glTF-Blender-IO:Blender glTF 2.0导入器和导出器
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Blender glTF 2.0进出口商 文献资料 搅拌机版本 文献资料 2.92 开发者 笔记: 2.80-2.91是以前的稳定版本。 2.83是Blender LTS的第一个版本。 检查blender-v2.83-release分支。 2.92是当前的稳定版本。 检查blender-v2.92-release分支。 此插件的master分支在镜像,该分支将成为2.93。 旧版2.79支持 该插件的最终版本具有对Blender 2.79的旧支持,可在。 Blender 2.80和更高版本将此附加组件捆绑在主要Blender安装软件包中,因此不需要第三方安装。 学分 由 ,Scurest和,并得到, 和。 介绍 官方Khronos Group Blender glTF 2.0进出口商。 该项目包含先前出口商的所有功能,所有将来的开发都将在此存储库上进行。 此外,该存储库还包
glTF-Blender-IO:Blender glTF 2.0导入器和导出器 (330个子文件)
01_vertex_count_32bit.bin 2.99MB
01_vertex_count_16bit.bin 2.25MB
02_suzanne.bin 124KB
03_skinned_cylinder.bin 51KB
01_textured_sphere_principled_bsdf.bin 32KB
04_sphere_specular_glossiness.bin 32KB
01_sphere.bin 32KB
01_textured_sphere.bin 32KB
04_common_materials.bin 31KB
05_metallic_sphere_light.bin 29KB
05_node_material.bin 29KB
01_metallic_sphere.bin 29KB
01_single_vs_double_sided.bin 25KB
03_all_animations.bin 18KB
06_parent-inverse-anim.bin 7KB
02_node_hierarchy.bin 7KB
10_custom_normals.bin 5KB
01_morphed_cube.bin 3KB
01_unlit.bin 3KB
07_nla-anim.bin 2KB
01_principled_material.bin 2KB
01_alpha_blend.bin 1KB
03_animated_cube.bin 1KB
01_morphed_cube_no_uv.bin 1KB
01_cs_morph.bin 1KB
04_lenna.bin 1KB
01_cube.bin 1KB
01_cube_no_material.bin 1KB
02_shared_mesh.bin 1KB
12_orm_two_uvmaps.bin 1KB
08_combine_orm.bin 840B
11_factors_and_textures.bin 840B
01_cs_rotate.bin 768B
01_cs_translate.bin 732B
01_cs_scale.bin 732B
Box0.bin 648B
Box0.bin 648B
01_morphed_triangle.bin 280B
13_texture_wrapping.bin 268B
01_plane.bin 200B
01_alpha_mask.bin 200B
01_color_attribute.bin 196B
01_triangle.bin 148B
13_occlusion_strength.bin 140B
09_texture_transform.bin 140B
04_lights.bin 104B
01_vertex_count_32bit.blend 5.94MB
01_vertex_count_16bit.blend 5.94MB
glTF2.blend 911KB
glTF2_Principled.blend 863KB
02_suzanne.blend 824KB
10_custom_normals_with_modifier.blend 738KB
11_loose_geometry.blend 728KB
05_metallic_sphere_light.blend 627KB
01_principled_material_280.blend 609KB
01_textured_sphere.blend 597KB
05_node_material.blend 595KB
08_clearcoat.blend 590KB
08_combine_clearcoat.blend 580KB
04_sphere_specular_glossiness.blend 576KB
01_sphere.blend 576KB
04_common_materials.blend 573KB
01_metallic_sphere.blend 572KB
01_principled_material.blend 565KB
08_combine_orm.blend 562KB
08_combine_occlusionRough.blend 559KB
08_combine_roughMetal.blend 559KB
08_combine_occlusionMetal.blend 559KB
08_only_rough.blend 557KB
08_only_occlusion.blend 557KB
08_only_metal.blend 553KB
01_missing_textures.blend 546KB
01_alpha_blend.blend 533KB
06_parent-inverse-anim.blend 532KB
03_all_animations.blend 528KB
03_skinned_cylinder.blend 515KB
01_alpha_mask.blend 513KB
02_material_instancing.blend 513KB
01_color_attribute.blend 512KB
03_animated_cube.blend 508KB
01_morphed_cube.blend 506KB
01_morphed_triangle.blend 505KB
01_triangle.blend 502KB
01_cube.blend 499KB
01_plane.blend 498KB
01_two_sided_plane.blend 498KB
01_cs_morph.blend 497KB
01_morphed_cube_no_uv.blend 495KB
01_cube_no_material.blend 494KB
04_lights.blend 492KB
01_cs_translate.blend 491KB
01_cs_scale.blend 491KB
09_tex_transform_from_vector.blend 489KB
09_tex_transform_from_texture.blend 489KB
07_nla-anim.blend 487KB
09_tex_transform_from_point.blend 486KB
02_node_hierarchy.blend 478KB
02_shared_mesh.blend 472KB
04_lenna.blend 455KB
10_custom_normals.blend 448KB
共 330 条
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