Texas Instruments, Inc.
CC2540/41 Bluetooth Low Energy Software Development Kit
Release Notes
Version 1.3.2
June 13, 2013
- This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor
update to the v1.3.1 release. It contains some minor bug fixes and a few
functional changes.
- The BLE protocol stack, including both the controller and host, was
completely retested for v1.3.2. The profiles Running Speed and Cadence,
Cycling Speed and Cadence, and Glucose were fully tested and passed
certification. Other profiles with no code changes since 1.3.1 were sanity
tested only.
Changes and Enhancements:
- Added Running Speed and Cadence profile and service. An example application
demonstrating running speed and cadence is provided.
- Added Cycling Speed and Cadence profile and service. An example application
demonstrating cycling speed and cadence is provided.
- Added delay before performing Connection Parameter changes. Implemented
conn_pause_peripheral) and TGAP(conn_pause_central) timers as described in
CSA 3 rev 2, Gap Connection Parameters Changes, Section 1.12. Updated
HIDAdvRemote, HIDEmuKbd, KeyFob, SensorTag, and SimpleBLEPeripheral
- Update Privacy Flag and Reconnection Address characteristics permissions
(Erratum 4202)
- A new Windows USB CDC driver has been included in the installer. This new
driver is signed and is functional on Windows 8 systems.
Bug Fixes:
- Some minor updates to glucose sensor and collector were made.
- The gyroscope would draw continuous 6mA when enabled. The updated
code now performs a read and turns off the gyro after 60ms.
- The master�s host would accept invalid connection parameters requested
by the Slave, and would send back the Connection Parameter Update Response
with �parameters accepted�. The host now performs validation on these
- When coming out of sleep, the HCI_EXT_ExtendRfRangeCmd would override
HCI_EXT_SetRxGainCmd setting and set it to default gain. This has been fixed.
Known Issues:
- Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding
information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect.
The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially
when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear
algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt
system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory
be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active.
- HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as
such, no HCI event will be returned.
- The HAL SPI driver that was implemented since the v1.3 release can sometimes
hang, particularly in cases in which power management is used and when there
is heavy traffic on the SPI bus.
For technical support please visit the Texas Instruments Bluetooth low energy
E2E Forum:
Version 1.3.1
April 18, 2013
- This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor
update to the v1.3 release. It contains some minor bug fixes, with no major
functional changes. It also contains two additional projects for the CC2541
Advanced Remote Control Kit.
- Since none of the profile source code was significantly changed since the
v1.3 release, no additional re-testing of the profiles and sample
application were done for v1.3.1. The only exception is the HID-over-GATT
profile, which was fully re-tested for this release. The BLE protocol stack,
including both the controller and host, was completely retested for v1.3.1.
Major Changes and Enhancements:
- The GAP parameter TGAP_LIM_ADV_TIMEOUT now uses units of seconds instead
of milliseconds.
- The HidAdvRemote Project has been added. This implements a full mouse-like
pointing functionality using motion and gesture control. The project runs on
the CC2541 BLE Advanced Control included as part of the CC2541DK-REMOTE kit.
The application implements the HID-over-GATT (HOGP) profile with a report
descriptor supporting the keyboard, mouse, and consumer control classes of
HID devices.
- The HidAdvRemoteDongle project has been added. This application runs on the
CC2540USB dongle, and implements partial functionality of HID-over-GATT
(HOGP) host with a fixed report descriptor to match that of the descriptor
of the HidAdvRemote Project. This means that the HidAdvRemoteDongle was
designed only to work with with the HidAdvRemote, and will not be compatible
with any other HOGP devices. This project was created to allow users who
are using a host device that does not have native Bluetooth Smart Ready
support and/or does not have HOGP support to use the BLE Advanced Remote
Control with their system.
- For GAP central role applications, the bond manager now properly handles
cases in which the peripheral device has erased previously stored bonding
- A new HCI extension API has been added to allow peripheral/slave devices to
temporarily ignore any nonzero slave latency value, and explicitly wake up
at every connection event regardless of whether it has any data to send.
The prototype for the API function HCI_EXT_SetSlaveLatencyOverrideCmd can
be found in hci.h, including the description of the function.
- A new HCI extension API has been added to allow the application layer to
get or set a build revision number.
Bug Fixes:
- In some cases L2CAP Peripheral Connection Parameter Update requests failed
due to a zero value in the transmitWindowOffset parameter when the
connection was initially established. This has been fixed and updates
should now work succesfully.
- During bonding, connection failures would occasionally occur due to the
OSAL Simple NV driver performing a page compaction and halting the CPU for
longer than the time required for the link layer to maintain proper
connection timing. To prevent this from occurring, the simple NV driver now
has any API to force a page compaction if the page is full beyond a specified
threshold. The bond manager calls this API everytime a connection is
terminated to ensure that compaction occurs before the next connection is set
- Occasional slave connection failures would previously occur in cases in which
the master device sends Update Channel Map requests while a large slave
latency value is in use. This has been fixed.
- The SensorTag application now properly supports storage of GATT Client
Characteristic Configuration Descriptor values with bonded devices.
- After disabling advertising, the CC254x would unecessarily wake up for a
short period of time 500ms later. This unecessary wake-up has been removed.
- Upon Power-On Reset or after wake-up from PM3, a 400ms delay has been
implemented, during which time the CC254x will not go into PM2 sleep. This
allows time for the 32kHz crystal to stabilize. Previously, in rare cases
with certain hardware configurations the CC254x could have timing issues due
to the crystal not having time to stabilize.
- Minor bug fixes to GlucoseSensor and GlucoseCollector projects.
Known Issues:
- Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding
information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect.
The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially
when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear
algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase
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BLE蓝牙单片机CC2540、CC2541带OSAL操作系统的项目实战开发例程- 采集六轴传感器mpu6050实现运动追踪.zi...
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1、嵌入式物联网单片机项目开发例程,简单、方便、好用,节省开发时间。 2、代码使用IAR软件开发,当前在CC2540/CC2541上运行,如果是其他型号芯片,请自行调整。 3、软件下载时,请注意接上硬件,并确认烧录器连接正常。 4、有偿指导v:wulianjishu666; 5、如果接入其他传感器,请查看账号发布的其他资料。 6、单片机与模块的接线,在代码当中均有定义,请自行对照。 7、若硬件有差异,请根据自身情况调整代码,程序仅供参考学习。 8、代码有注释说明,请耐心阅读。 9、例程具有一定专业性,非专业人士请谨慎操作。
BLE蓝牙单片机CC2540、CC2541带OSAL操作系统的项目实战开发例程- 采集六轴传感器mpu6050实现运动追踪.zip (1052个子文件)
cc254x_ubl_pp.bat 4KB
SimpleBLEPeripheral.cspy.bat 1KB
SimpleBLEPeripheral.cspy.bat 1KB
SimpleBLEPeripheral.bin 124KB
SimpleBLEPeripheral-ImgB.bin 124KB
SimpleBLEPeripheral.bin 124KB
gapbondmgr.c 64KB
gapperiphbondmgr.c 45KB
hiddev.c 39KB
peripheral.c 38KB
hal_lcd.c 37KB
hal_lcd.c 37KB
_hal_uart_dma.c 34KB
_hal_uart_dma.c 34KB
_hal_uart_spi.c 34KB
_hal_uart_spi.c 34KB
peripheralBroadcaster.c 32KB
hidkbmservice.c 32KB
simpleBLEPeripheral.c 32KB
simpleGATTprofile.c 27KB
hal_motion.c 25KB
runningservice.c 25KB
cyclingservice.c 25KB
osal_snv.c 25KB
hidkbdservice.c 24KB
thermometerservice.c 24KB
usb_standard_requests.c 23KB
hal_key.c 23KB
hal_sleep.c 22KB
hal_sleep.c 22KB
hal_sleep.c 22KB
hal_key.c 22KB
OSAL_Memory.c 22KB
oad_target.c 22KB
hal_sleep.c 21KB
accelerometer.c 21KB
glucservice.c 21KB
battservice.c 19KB
_hal_uart_isr.c 19KB
_hal_uart_isr.c 19KB
devinfoservice.c 19KB
hal_i2c.c 19KB
central.c 19KB
proxreporter.c 19KB
magnetometerservice.c 19KB
bpservice.c 19KB
barometerservice.c 19KB
broadcaster.c 18KB
accelerometerservice.c 18KB
CsicMcu_SimpleUart.c 17KB
OSAL_Timers.c 17KB
hal_accel.c 17KB
hal_gyro.c 16KB
hal_led.c 16KB
hal_led.c 16KB
irtempservice.c 16KB
hal_led.c 16KB
humidityservice.c 16KB
gyroservice.c 16KB
testservice.c 16KB
heartrateservice.c 16KB
hal_keys.c 15KB
hal_gyro.c 15KB
scanparamservice.c 15KB
simplekeys.c 13KB
hal_aes.c 13KB
hal_aes.c 13KB
hal_aes.c 13KB
hal_aes.c 13KB
hal_bar.c 12KB
hal_irtemp.c 12KB
usb_descriptor_parser.c 12KB
usb_framework.c 12KB
usb_framework.c 12KB
hal_drivers.c 12KB
hal_uart.c 11KB
hal_uart.c 11KB
_hal_uart_usb.c 11KB
hal_acc.c 11KB
hal_mag.c 11KB
usb_class_requests.c 11KB
osal_cbtimer.c 11KB
OnBoard.c 10KB
OSAL_ClockBLE.c 10KB
hal_humi.c 10KB
hal_i2c.c 10KB
hal_assert.c 10KB
hal_key.c 10KB
gatt_uuid.c 10KB
usb_descriptor_parser.c 9KB
hal_adc.c 9KB
hal_adc.c 9KB
observer.c 9KB
osal_bufmgr.c 9KB
hal_drivers.c 9KB
hal_buzzer.c 9KB
mpu6050.c 8KB
npi.c 8KB
hal_sensor.c 7KB
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