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我们研究了无质量II型理论的RR扇区的双场理论(DFT)的对偶扭曲归约化,其扭曲属于对偶群Spin +(10,10)。 我们确定所得理论的作用和度量代数,并确定一致性的条件。 为此,我们使用了由Hohm,Kwak和Zwiebach构造的DFT动作,我们根据Mukai配对对它们进行了重写:旋转子空间上的自然双线性形式,显然是Spin(n,n)不变。 如果通过RR扇区中的Spin +(10,10)元素S引入对偶扭曲,则NS-NS扇区也应通过对偶扭曲U =ρ(S)进行变形,其中ρ是双覆盖同态 在Pin(n,n)和O(n,n)之间。 我们证明,由于Spin(n,n)和Lie代数的李代数的事实,NS-NS扇区的缩减的一致性所需的条件集对于RR扇区的缩减的一致性也至关重要。 SO(n,n)是同构的。 另外,规格不变性的要求对确定变形的通量施加了额外的约束。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: May 31, 2017
Revised: August 8, 2017
Accepted: August 15, 2017
Published: September 12, 2017
Duality twisted reductions of Double Fi el d Theory of
Type II strings
Aybike C¸atal-
Department of Mathematics,
Istanbul Technical University,
Maslak 34469,
Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: We study duality twiste d reductions of the Double Field Theory (DFT) of
the RR sector of massless Type II theory, with twists belonging to the duality group
(10, 10). We determine the action and the gauge algebra of the resulting th eor y
and determine the conditions for consistency. In doing this, we work with the DFT action
constructed by Hohm, Kwak and Zwiebach, which we rewrite in terms of the Mukai pairing:
a natural bilinear form on the space of spinors, which is manifestly Spin(n, n) invariant.
If the duality twist is introduced via the Spin
(10, 10) element S in the RR sector, then
the NS-NS sector should also be deformed via the duality twist U = ρ(S), wh er e ρ is the
double covering homomorphism between P in(n, n) and O(n, n). We show that the set of
conditions required for the consistency of the reduction of the NS-NS sector are also c r uc i al
for the consistency of the reduction of the RR sector, owing to the fact that the Lie algebras
of Spin(n, n) and SO(n, n) are isomorphic. In addition, requirement of gauge invariance
imposes an e x tr a constraint on the fluxes that determine the deformations.
Keywords: Flux compactificati ons , String Duality
ArXiv ePrint: 1705.08181v2
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
ht tp s: //doi.org/10.1007/JHEP09(2017)044
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries on spin representations and the spin group 3
3 Democratic formulation of Type II theories and the Double Field Theory
3.1 Democratic formulation 12
3.2 Double Field The ory extension 14
3.3 The DFT action of the RR sector rewrit te n with the Mukai pairing 18
4 Duality twisted reductions of DFT: Gauged Double Field Theory 21
4.1 Review of the reduction of the NS-NS sec tor 22
4.2 Reduction of the RR sector 23
4.2.1 Reduction of the Lagrangian 26
4.2.2 Reduction of the gauge algebra 27
4.2.3 Consistency of the reduced theory 28
5 Conclusions and outlook 31
1 Introduction
Double Fie l d Theory (DFT) is a field theory defined on a doubled space, where the usual
coordinates conjugate to momentum modes are supplemented with dual coordinates that
are conjugate to winding modes [
1–4]. DFT was originally constructed on a doubled torus,
with the aim of constructing a manifestly T-duality invariant theory describing the massless
excitations of closed strin g theory [
1, 2]. Later, this action was shown to be background
independent [
3], allowing for more gener al doubled spaces than the doubled torus. Obvi-
ously, the dual coordinates might not have the interpretation of being conjugate to winding
modes on such general spaces. Constr uc t i on of DFT builds on earli e r work, see [
5–13]. For
reviews of DFT, see [
On a general doubled space of d i me nsi on 2n, the DFT action has a manifest O(n, n)
symmetry, under which the standard coordinates combined with the dual ones transform
linearly as a vector. The doubled coordinates must satisfy a set of constraints, called the
weak and the strong constraint and the th eor y is consiste nt only in those frames in which
these constraints are satisfied. It is an important challenge to relax these constraints, es-
pecially the strong one, as in any such frame the DFT becomes a rewriting of standard
supergravity, related to it by an O(n, n) transformation. Even in this case, DFT has the
virtue of exhibiting already in ten dimensions (part of) the hidden symmetri e s of super-
gravity, that would only appear upon dimensional reduction in i ts standard formulation.
– 1 –
This virtue should not to be unde r e st i mate d, as it provides the possibility of implementing
duality twisted reductions of ten dimensional supergravity with duality twi st s belonging to
a larger symmetry group, that would normally be available only in lower dimension s.
Duality twisted reductions (or generalized Scherk-Schwarz reductions) are a general-
ization of Kaluza-Klein reductions, which introduces into the reduced theory mass terms
for various fields, a non-Abelian gauge symmetry and generates a scalar potential for the
scalar fields [
18, 19] . This is possible if the parent theory has a global symm et r y G, and the
reduction anzats for the fields in the theory is deter m i ne d according to how they transform
under G. It is natural to study duality twisted reductions of DFT, as i t comes equipped
with the large duality group O(n, n), and indeed this line of work has been pursued by
many groups so far [20–24]. In [20, 21] it was shown that the duality twist ed reductions of
DFT gives in 4 dimensi ons the electric bosonic sector of gauged N = 4 supergravity [
A curious fact which was noted in these works was that the weak and the strong constraint
was never needed to be imposed on the doubled internal space. This (partial) relaxation
of the strong constraint made the twist ed reductions of DFT even more attractive. Later,
in [22], thi s was made more explicit, as they showed that the set of conditions to be sat-
isfied for the consistency of the twisted reduction are in one-to-one correspondence with
the constraints of gauged supergravity, consti t uti n g a weaker set of constraint s compared
to the strong constr ai nt of DFT. Following this, in [
26], it was shown that the weakening
of the strong constraint in the twisted reductions of DFT implies that even non-geometric
gaugings of half-maximal supergravity (meaning that they cannot be T-dualize d to gauged
supergravities arising from conventional compactifications of ten-dimensional supergravity)
has an uplift to DFT. Such non-geometric gaugings also arise from compactificat i ons of
string theory with non-geome t r i c flux (see, for example [
27–29]) and the relation of such
compactifications with twisted compactifications of DFT was ex pl or e d in various papers,
including [
30–33]. We should also note that, the results of [22] was also obtained by [34],
by considering the duality twisted reductions of the DFT action they constructed i n terms
of a torsionful, flat generalized connection, called the Weitzenb¨ock connection.
In all of the works cited above, only the reduction of the DFT of the NS-NS sector of
massless string theory was studied.
The fundamental fields in this sector are the gener-
alized metric (comprising of the Riemannian metric and the B-field) and the generalized
dilaton. In a frame in which there is no dependence on the dual coor di nat e s, this sector
becomes the NS-NS sector of string theory. We will hereafter refer to this frame as the “su-
pergravity frame”. On the other hand, the DFT of the RR se c tor of Type II string theory
has also been constr uc t ed by Hohm, Kwak and Zwiebach [
37, 38] (an alternative formula-
tion of the RR sector, called the semi-covariant f ormulation is given in t he papers [
39, 40]).
This formulation of the DFT action has the ad d ed advantage that it alrea d y includes an extra term,
which has to be added by hand in the original formulation . This extra term is needed in order to match
the 4 dimensional half-maximal gauged supergravity with the theory t h a t results from the duality twisted
reduction of the DFT action.
An exception is the work of [
23], where th ey also include the reduction of the RR sector. However, their
methods are different from ours, as they perform the twisted reduction in the semi-covariant formalism of
DFT [35, 36].
– 2 –
Likewi se , in the supergravity frame, th i s action reduce s to the action of the democratic for-
mulation of the RR sector of Type II supergravity. The fundamental fields of this sector are
two SO(10, 10)-spinor fields, S and χ. The latter is a spinor field which encodes the mass-
less p-form fields of Type II theory. It has to have a fixed chirality, depending on whether
the theory is to describe the DFT of the massless Type II A theory or Type IIB theory. The
field S is the spinor representative of the generalized metric, that is, under the double cov-
ering homomorphism between P in(n, n) and O(n, n), it projects to the generalized metric
of the NS-NS sector. The action of this sector has manifest Spin(10, 10) invarianc e (not
P in(n, n)) in order to preserve the fixed chirality of χ. The action has to be supplemented
by a self-duality condition, which further reduces the duality group to Spin
(10, 10).
The aim of this pape r is to study the duality twisted reductions of the DFT of the RR
sector of massless Type II theory, with twists belonging to t he duality group Spin
(10, 10).
We study how the action and the gauge transformation rules reduce and determ i ne the con-
ditions f or the consistency of the reduction and the closure of the gauge algebra. We also
construct the Dirac operator associated with the Spin
(10, 10) covariant derivative that
arises in the RR sector. In finding the redu ce d theory, we find it useful to rewrite the action
of [
37, 38] in terms of the Mukai pairing, which is a natural bilinear form on the space of
spinors [
42–44]. The advantage of this reformulation is that the Mukai pairing is m ani fe st l y
Spin(n, n) invariant. If the duality twist is introduced via the Spin
(10, 10) element S in
the RR sector, the consistency requi r e s that t he NS-NS sector should also be deformed, via
a duality twisted anzats introduced by U = ρ(S). Here, ρ is the double covering homomor-
phism between P in(n, n) and O(n, n). The fact that Lie algebras of Spin(n, n) and SO(n, n)
are isomorphic plays a crucial role in all the calculations. We show that the set of conditions
required for the consistenc y of the reduction of the NS-NS sector are also crucial for the con-
sistency of the reduction of the RR se c tor . In addit i on, t he deformed RR sector is gauge in-
variant only when the Dirac operator is nilpotent, which in turn imposes an extra constraint
on the fluxes that de te r mi ne the deformations . The fact that such a constraint should arise
in the presence of RR fields has already been noted in [
20] and was verified in [23].
The plan of the paper is as follows. Section 2 is a preliminary section on spin rep-
resent ati ons and the spin group. Most of the mater i al needed in the calculations for the
reduction is reviewed in this section. In the first part of section
3, we present a brief re v i ew
of both sectors of DFT, with a special emphasis on the RR sector. As the DFT of the
RR sector reduces to the democratic formulation of Type II theory in the supergravity
frame, we start this section by a brief review of the democratic formulation of Type II
supergravity. The rewriting of the action of [37, 38] in terms of the Mukai pairing is also
explained in this section. Section
4 is t he main section, where we study the reduction of
the action and the gauge algebra and discuss the conditions for consistency and clos ur e of
the gauge algebra. We finish wi th a discussion of our r e sul t s in section
2 Preliminaries on spin representations and the spin group
The purpose of this preliminary section is to review the material, which we will need in
the later secti ons of the paper. We closely follow [
– 3 –
Let V be an even dimensional (m=2n) real vector space with a symmetric non-
degenerate bilinear form (a metric) Q on it. Then the orthogonal group O(V, Q) is the
space of automorphisms of V preserving Q:
O(V, Q) = {A ∈ Aut(V ) : Q(Av, Aw) = Q(v, w), ∀v, w ∈ V } (2.1)
If we restrict this set to the aut omor phi s ms of determinant 1, then we get the subgroup
SO(V,Q). The corresponding orthogonal Lie algebras so(Q) = o(Q) are then the endomor-
phisms A : V → V such that
Q(Av, w) + Q(v, Aw) = 0 (2.2)
for al v,w in V. The standard methodology in constructing t he spin representations of the
orthogonal Lie algebra is to embed it in the Cli ff ord algebra on V associated to the bilinear
form Q and use the well-known isomorphisms between the Clifford algebras and the matrix
Given the vector space V and the metric Q, one can define the Clifford algebra C =
Cl(V, Q) as the universal algebra which satisfies the property
{v, w} ≡ v.w + w.v = 2Q(v, w) (2.3)
Here . is the product on the Clifford algebra. Cl(V, Q) is an associative algebra with
unit 1 and as such it determines a Lie algebra, with bracket [ a, b] = a.b − b.a. Cli ffor d
algebras enjoy nice isomorphisms with various matrix algebras (the form of which depends
on V and Q) under which the Clifford product becomes the matrix multiplication. If
, ··· , e
form a basis of V , then the unit element 1 and the products e
= e
. ··· .e
for I = {i
< i
< ··· < i
} form a basis for the 2
dimensional algebra Cl(V, Q). The
images of these basis elements (of V ) under the isomorphisms wit h the matrix algebras
are usually called Γ-matrices in the physics literature. The Clifford algebra is a Z
algebra and it splits as C = C
⊕ C
, where C
is spanned by products of an even
number of eleme nts in V and C
is spanned by an odd number of ele me nts of V . The
space C
is also a subalgebra and it has half the dimension of C, that is, it is an algebra
of dimension 2
The orthogonal Lie algebra so(Q) embeds i n the even part of the Clifford algebra
as a Lie subalgebra via the map (for a proof, see [
45]) ψ ◦ ϕ
: so(Q) → C
, where
ψ : ∧
V → Cl(V, Q),
ψ(a ∧ b) =
(a.b − b.a) = a.b − Q(a, b) (2.4)
ϕ : ∧
V −→ so(Q) ⊂ End(V ) (2.5)
a ∧ b 7−→ ϕ
Here we i d entify the dual space V
with V via the bilin ear form Q and hence ∧
V ⊂ End(V ) =
V ⊗ V
V ⊗ V .
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