Diagram Designer Description Diagram Designer is a tool for creating flowcharts, diagrams or slide shows (eg. for an overhead projector). The program excels at creation of technical diagrams and allows for easy editing and object manipulation. Features (partial list) Freeware! (user supported) - as of this date Customizable templates which house often used pictures, symbols or objects Group objects together as a single entity Spellchecker for text used in diagrams Automatic links between objects - move one object, the other is adjusted Import objects or export diagrams as: □ BMP Windows® Bitmap □ CUR Windows® Cursor □ EMF Windows® Enhanced MetaFile □ GIF Graphics Interchange Format □ ICO Windows® Icon □ JP2 JPEG 2000 (requires Image Analyzer installed) □ JPG Joint Picture Expert Group □ MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics □ PCX Zsoft Paintbrush □ PNG Portable Network Graphics □ TIF TIFF image (requires Image Analyzer installed) □ WMF Windows® MetaFile use multiple layers and pages in a single diagram Slide show viewer (view sequential pages) Preview mode Optional snap mode with visible or invisible grid Graph plotter to plot mathematical expressions Compressed file format for minimizing drawing file size Advanced pocket calculator with equation solver MeeSoft Image Analyzer integration for bitmap image editing and extended file format support - separate package
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