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deep learning with python 评分:
deep learning with python, python 机器学习 《Deep Learning With Python》这本书使用Python语言和强大的Keras库带您进入深度学习领域。 本书由Keras创建者和Google AI研究员FrançoisChollet撰写,通过直观的解释和实际的例子帮助您构建对深度学习的理解。您将在计算机视觉,自然语言处理和生成模型中应用和实践。当您学习和实践完这本书里面的内容,您将拥有在您自己的项目中应用深度学习的知识和实践技能
上传时间:2019-01 大小:5.46MB
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Deep Learning with Python
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2018-02-24python 深度学习 2017 英文版,作者是Nikhil Ketkar。适合初学者。
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利用python进行数据分析 中文第二版-附件资源
2021-03-02利用python进行数据分析 中文第二版-附件资源
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Deep_Learning_with_Python_Keras PDF高清版
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Python 学习笔记 第二版.pdf
2019-08-15Python 学习笔记 第二版.pdf
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Francois Chollet-Deep Learning with Python
2020-07-14Francois Chollet MEAP began January 2017 Publication in January 2018 Deep learning is applicable to a widening range of artificial intelligence problems, such as image classification, speech recognition, text classification, question answering, text-to-speech, and optical character recognition. It is the technology behind photo tagging systems at Facebook and Google, self-driving cars, speech recognition systems on your smartphone, and much more.
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Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet 2017
2017-12-28Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet 2017
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Python Deep Learning epub
2017-10-03Python Deep Learning 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
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Deep Learning With Python (中文尝鲜版)
2018-09-02深度学习:Python 教程 (Deep Learning With Python) Deep Learning With Python: Develop Deep Learning Models on Theano and TensorFlow Using Keras 使用 Keras、Python、Theano 和 TensorFlow 开发深度学习模型 原书网站: https://machinelearningmastery.com/deep-learning-with-python/ 作者:Jason Brownlee --------------------------------------
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Deep Learning with Python -Francois Chollet(英文版)
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Deep Learning with Python 无水印原版pdf
2017-12-29Deep Learning with Python 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
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Deep Learning with Python-Francois Chollet
2018-11-18keras之父Francois Chollet的最新作品,deep learning最佳入门与进阶的指南
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Django for beginners learn web development with Django 2.0
2018-06-20Django for beginners learn web development with Django 2.0 ,python 3.x 亚马逊转制,高清带书签 注意: 本书是英文版
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[强烈推荐]Deep Learning with Python - A Hands-on Introduction
2018-02-25Deep Learning 入门推荐,由浅及深, 深入浅出 Contents: ■Chapter 1: Introduction to Deep Learning ............................................................. 1 ■■Chapter 2: Machine Learning Fundamentals ......................................................... 5 ■■Chapter 3: Feed Forward Neural Networks ......................................................... 15 ■■Chapter 4: Introduction to Theano ....................................................................... 33 ■■Chapter 5: Convolutional Neural Networks ......................................................... 61 ■■Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Networks ............................................................... 77 ■■Chapter 7: Introduction to Keras ......................................................................... 95 ■■Chapter 8: Stochastic Gradient Descent ............................................................ 111 ■■Chapter 9: Automatic Differentiation ................................................................. 131 ■■Chapter 10: Introduction to GPUs ...................................................................... 147
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Deep Learning with Python: A Hands-on Introduction
2018-07-30Discover the practical aspects of implementing deep-learning solutions using the rich Python ecosystem. This book bridges the gap between the academic state-of-the-art and the industry state-of-the-practice by introducing you to deep learning frameworks such as Keras, Theano, and Caffe. The practicalities of these frameworks is often acquired by practitioners by reading source code, manuals, and posting questions on community forums, which tends to be a slow and a painful process. Deep Learning with Python allows you to ramp up to such practical know-how in a short period of time and focus more on the domain, models, and algorithms. This book briefly covers the mathematical prerequisites and fundamentals of deep learning, making this book a good starting point for software developers who want to get started in deep learning. A brief survey of deep learning architectures is also included. Deep Learning with Python also introduces you to key concepts of automatic differentiation and GPU computation which, while not central to deep learning, are critical when it comes to conducting large scale experiments. What You Will Learn Leverage deep learning frameworks in Python namely, Keras, Theano, and Caffe Gain the fundamentals of deep learning with mathematical prerequisites Discover the practical considerations of large scale experiments Take deep learning models to production Who This Book Is For Software developers who want to try out deep learning as a practical solution to a particular problem. Software developers in a data science team who want to take deep learning models developed by data scientists to production.
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2018-09-04python 深度学习 Deep_Learning_with_Python_2018最新版本.pdf 有目录,排版佳
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Deep Learning with Python Francois Chollet Keras
2018-04-30Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples
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2022-08-03前言第 2 版新内容本书第 1 版出版于 2012 年,彼时基于 Python 的开源数据分析库(例如 pandas)仍然是一个发展迅速的新事物。在本次更新、拓
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利用Python进行数据分析 原书第2版_python_数据分析_
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python大作业 含爬虫、数据可视化、地图、报告、及源码(2016-2021全国各地区粮食产量).rar
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2023-08-02TA-Lib(Technical Analysis Library, 即技术分析库)是Python金融量化的高级库,涵盖了150多种股票、期货交易软件中常用的技术分析指标,如MACD、RSI、KDJ、动量指标、布林带等。但很多人安装指标计算ta-lib库就总报错,就可以在这里找到包下载后安装。 文件举例:TA_Lib‑0.4.24‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl 命名解释:包名-版本号-cp37代表适用于python3.7版本-win代表windows平台-amd64表示64位版本(与python版本要一致) 假定文件下载到d盘根目录,使用如下命令进行安装: pip install d:\TA_Lib‑0.4.24‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/popboy29/article/details/126140862 建议使用360压缩进行解压。
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2023-09-17Python脚本,使用Selenium 模拟浏览器操作。 在使用 Chrome 浏览器,用户可以使用鼠标滑动、按键点击以及键盘输入,作为信号输入设备向浏览器传达指令,浏览器收到指令后执行渲染。 这里提到的 Selenium WebDriver 是对浏览器提供的原生 API 进行封装,使用这套 API 可以操控浏览器的开启、关闭,打开网页,操作界面元素,控制 Cookie。简单说就是,可以通过写代码的方式来自动实现用户鼠标和键盘信号的输入。 由此实现模拟人为操作进行登录、验证、刷新网页以及点击购票等操作。
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人脸识别系统OpenCV+dlib+python(含数据库)Pyqt5界面设计 项目源码 毕业设计
2023-10-20一、项目主要技术 Python语言、dlib、OpenCV、Pyqt5界面设计、sqlite3数据库 本系统使用dlib作为人脸识别工具,dlib提供一个方法可将人脸图片数据映射到128维度的空间向量,如果两张图片来源于同一个人,那么两个图片所映射的空间向量距离就很近,否则就会很远。因此,可以通过提取图片并映射到128维空间向量再度量它们的欧氏距离是否足够小来判定是否为同一个人。 二、方法实现、实现步骤 1、实例化人脸检测模型、人脸关键点检测模型、人脸识别模型 2、电脑摄像头设备加载一对图片 3、分别获取图片中的人脸图片所映射的空间向量,即人脸特征值 4、计算特征向量欧氏距离,根据阈值判断是否为同一个人 dlib人脸特征检测原理 1、提取特征点:例: 2、将特征值保存 3、计算特征数据集的欧氏距离作对比,当误差小于一定阙值就判定为同一人。 其他学习项目: OpenCV+dlib人脸识别门禁管理系统Python语言、dlib、OpenCV、Pyqt5、sqlite3数据库 OpenCV+dlib人脸识别考勤管理系统Python语言、dlib、OpenCV