# android-cmake
CMake is great, and so is Android. This is a collection of CMake scripts that may be useful to the Android NDK community. It is based on experience from porting OpenCV library to Android: http://opencv.org/platforms/android.html
Main goal is to share these scripts so that devs that use CMake as their build system may easily compile native code for Android.
## TL;DR
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_NDK=<ndk_path> \
-DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" \
cmake --build .
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_NDK=<ndk_path> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" <source_path> && cmake --build .
_android-cmake_ will search for your NDK install in the following order:
1. Value of `ANDROID_NDK` CMake variable;
1. Value of `ANDROID_NDK` environment variable;
1. Search under paths from `ANDROID_NDK_SEARCH_PATHS` CMake variable;
1. Search platform specific locations (home folder, Windows "Program Files", etc).
So if you have installed the NDK as `~/android-ndk-r10d` then _android-cmake_ will locate it automatically.
## Getting started
To build a cmake-based C/C++ project for Android you need:
* Android NDK (>= r5) http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html
* CMake (>= v2.6.3, >= v2.8.9 recommended) http://www.cmake.org/download
The _android-cmake_ is also capable to build with NDK from AOSP or Linaro Android source tree, but you may be required to manually specify path to `libm` binary to link with.
## Difference from traditional CMake
Folowing the _ndk-build_ the _android-cmake_ supports **only two build targets**:
So don't even try other targets that can be found in CMake documentation and don't forget to explicitly specify `Release` or `Debug` because CMake builds without a build configuration by default.
## Difference from _ndk-build_
* Latest GCC available in NDK is used as the default compiler;
* `Release` builds with `-O3` instead of `-Os`;
* `Release` builds without debug info (without `-g`) (because _ndk-build_ always creates a stripped version but cmake delays this for `install/strip` target);
* `-fsigned-char` is added to compiler flags to make `char` signed by default as it is on x86/x86_64;
* GCC's stack protector is not used neither in `Debug` nor `Release` configurations;
* No builds for multiple platforms (e.g. building for both arm and x86 require to run cmake twice with different parameters);
* No file level Neon via `.neon` suffix;
The following features of _ndk-build_ are not supported by the _android-cmake_ yet:
* `armeabi-v7a-hard` ABI
* `libc++_static`/`libc++_shared` STL runtime
## Basic options
Similarly to the NDK build system _android-cmake_ allows to select between several compiler toolchains and target platforms. Most of the options can be set either as cmake arguments: `-D<NAME>=<VALUE>` or as environment variables:
* **ANDROID_NDK** - path to the Android NDK. If not set then _android-cmake_ will search for the most recent version of supported NDK in commonly used locations;
* **ANDROID_ABI** - specifies the target Application Binary Interface (ABI). This option nearly matches to the APP_ABI variable used by ndk-build tool from Android NDK. If not specified then set to `armeabi-v7a`. Possible target names are:
* `armeabi` - ARMv5TE based CPU with software floating point operations;
* **`armeabi-v7a`** - ARMv7 based devices with hardware FPU instructions (VFPv3_D16);
* `armeabi-v7a with NEON` - same as armeabi-v7a, but sets NEON as floating-point unit;
* `armeabi-v7a with VFPV3` - same as armeabi-v7a, but sets VFPv3_D32 as floating-point unit;
* `armeabi-v6 with VFP` - tuned for ARMv6 processors having VFP;
* `x86` - IA-32 instruction set
* `mips` - MIPS32 instruction set
* `arm64-v8a` - ARMv8 AArch64 instruction set - only for NDK r10 and newer
* `x86_64` - Intel64 instruction set (r1) - only for NDK r10 and newer
* `mips64` - MIPS64 instruction set (r6) - only for NDK r10 and newer
* **ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL** - level of android API to build for. Can be set either to full name (example: `android-8`) or a numeric value (example: `17`). The default API level depends on the target ABI:
* `android-8` for ARM;
* `android-9` for x86 and MIPS;
* `android-21` for 64-bit ABIs.
Building for `android-L` is possible only when it is explicitly selected.
* **ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME** - the name of compiler toolchain to be used. This option allows to select between different GCC and Clang versions. The list of possible values depends on the NDK version and will be printed by toolchain file if an invalid value is set. By default _android-cmake_ selects the most recent version of GCC which can build for specified `ANDROID_ABI`.
Example values are:
* `aarch64-linux-android-4.9`
* `aarch64-linux-android-clang3.5`
* `arm-linux-androideabi-4.8`
* `arm-linux-androideabi-4.9`
* `arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.5`
* `mips64el-linux-android-4.9`
* `mipsel-linux-android-4.8`
* `x86-4.9`
* `x86_64-4.9`
* etc.
* **ANDROID_STL** - the name of C++ runtime to use. The default is `gnustl_static`.
* `none` - do not configure the runtime.
* `system` - use the default minimal system C++ runtime library.
* Implies `-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions`.
* `system_re` - use the default minimal system C++ runtime library.
* Implies `-frtti -fexceptions`.
* `gabi++_static` - use the GAbi++ runtime as a static library.
* Implies `-frtti -fno-exceptions`.
* Available for NDK r7 and newer.
* `gabi++_shared` - use the GAbi++ runtime as a shared library.
* Implies `-frtti -fno-exceptions`.
* Available for NDK r7 and newer.
* `stlport_static` - use the STLport runtime as a static library.
* Implies `-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions` for NDK before r7.
* Implies `-frtti -fno-exceptions` for NDK r7 and newer.
* `stlport_shared` - use the STLport runtime as a shared library.
* Implies `-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions` for NDK before r7.
* Implies `-frtti -fno-exceptions` for NDK r7 and newer.
* **`gnustl_static`** - use the GNU STL as a static library.
* Implies `-frtti -fexceptions`.
* `gnustl_shared` - use the GNU STL as a shared library.
* Implies `-frtti -fno-exceptions`.
* Available for NDK r7b and newer.
* Silently degrades to `gnustl_static` if not available.
* **NDK_CCACHE** - path to `ccache` executable. If not set then initialized from `NDK_CCACHE` environment variable.
## Advanced _android-cmake_ options
Normally _android-cmake_ users are not supposed to touch these variables but they might be useful to workaround some build issues:
* **ANDROID_FORCE_ARM_BUILD** = `OFF` - generate 32-bit ARM instructions instead of Thumb. Applicable only for arm ABIs and is forced to be `ON` for `armeabi-v6 with VFP`;
* **ANDROID_NO_UNDEFINED** = `ON` - show all undefined symbols as linker errors;
* **ANDROID_SO_UNDEFINED** = `OFF` - allow undefined symbols in shared libraries;
* actually it is turned `ON` by default for NDK older than `r7`
* **ANDROID_STL_FORCE_FEATURES** = `ON` - automatically configure rtti and exceptions support based on C++ runtime;
* **ANDROID_NDK_LAYOUT** = `RELEASE` - inner layout of Android NDK, should be detected automatically. Possible values are:
* `RELEASE` - public releases from Google;
* `LINARO` - NDK from Linaro project;
* `ANDROID` - NDK from AOSP.
* **ANDROID_FUNCTION_LEVEL_LINKING** = `ON` - enables saparate putting each function and data items into separate sections and enable garbage collection of unused input sections at link time (`-fdata-sections -ffunction
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- vsd8882023-06-01资源是宝藏资源,实用也是真的实用,感谢大佬分享~
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