作者:孙亮 、黄倩
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机器学习课程(A Course in Machine Learning) 评分:
机器学习课程(A Course in Machine Learning)英文版,带标签 第2版 2017年1月
上传时间:2020-03 大小:3.73MB
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MIT machine learning course
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里斯本大学机器学习课程的讲义_Lecture notes from the Machine Learning course.pdf
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machine learning course labs(机器学习课程实验).zip
2024-04-16机器学习 (Machine Learning) 是对研究问题进行模型假设,利用计算机从训练数据中学习得到模型参数,并最终对数据进行预测和分析的一门学科。 机器学习的用途 机器学习是一种通用的数据处理技术,其包含了大量...
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吴恩达,机器学习专项课程, Supervised Machine Learning第一周所有Python编程文件
2022-07-02吴恩达Coursera, 机器学习专项课程, Machine Learning:Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification第一周所有jupyter notebook文件(包括实验室练习文件)
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A First Course in Machine Learning (Simon Rogers && Mark Girolami)
2018-04-29A First Course in Machine Learning(2nd)--Simon Rogers && Mark Girolami
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A First Course in Machine Learning (2nd Edition)
2019-03-22This series reflects the latest advances and applications in machine learning and pattern recognition through the publication of a broad range of reference works, textbooks, and handbooks. The ...
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course课程机器学习 machine learning 程序答案
2014-12-21在“course课程机器学习 machine learning 程序答案”这个主题中,我们主要探讨的是与机器学习相关的课程实践,特别是编程方面的内容。机器学习是一门涵盖统计学、计算机科学和数学的学科,它关注如何让计算机系统...
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A First Course in Machine Learning, Second Edition
2018-05-12This book is based on material taught in a machine learning course in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, UK. This book hopes that this book will continue to be useful to ...
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A First Course in Machine Learning
2014-11-30A First Course in Machine Learning MATLAB 2009
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Coursera上吴恩达(Andrew Ng)机器学习课程PPT
2022-01-05吴恩达(Andrew Ng)是世界知名的机器学习和人工智能专家,他在Coursera开设的机器学习课程被全球众多学习者视为入门AI领域的经典资源。这个压缩包中的PPT正是这门课程的重要讲义,涵盖了从基础概念到高级技术的全面...
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Machine learning,deep learning,机器学习,深度学习课件
2024-12-18Machine learning,deep learning,机器学习,深度学习课件 非常好的机器学习、深度学习课件,包含了Information-based Learning、ml-Course-Logistics、Pandas Cheat Sheet等信息
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2021-03-22机器学习 各种ML算法和数据集的实践回购
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吴恩达系列教学码源COURSE 3 Structuring Machine Learning Projects.zip
2021-03-23在吴恩达的系列教学中,"COURSE 3 Structuring Machine Learning Projects"是一个关键的部分,专注于如何系统地组织和管理机器学习项目。这个课程涵盖了从项目规划到实施的整个流程,强调了在实际操作中如何高效、...
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Machine Learning机器学习讲义
2016-05-07Machine Learning机器学习讲义
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Python Machine Learning, 2nd Edition-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf )
2018-03-07or maybe even consider a career in machine learning research, then this book is for you. However, for a novice, the theoretical concepts behind machine learning can be quite overwhelming. Many ...
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A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers.pdf
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Learning From Data_ A short course
2019-01-14Abu-Mostafa、Malik Magdon-Ismail和Hsuan-Tien Lin合著的机器学习基础教材,该书被用于Coursera上林軒田教授的“機器學習基石 (Machine Learning Foundations)”课程。这本书是学习机器学习领域的入门经典,它深入...
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Learning From Data-A Short Course
2019-03-12This book is designed for a short course on machine learning. It is a short course, not a hurried course. From over a decade of teaching this material, we have distilled what we believe to be the ...
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2017-10-07By joining this course, you’ve taken a first step in becoming a machine learning expert. You will learn a broad range of machine learning methods for deriving intelligence from data, and by the end ...
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Open Stanford Course : Engineering Everywhere-MachineLearning -- materials
2012-02-15机器学习 Open Stanford Course : Engineering Everywhere-MachineLearning
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2018-06-15This book is based on material taught in a machine learning course in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, UK. The course, presented to nal year undergraduates and ...
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2020-03-01CS 189 is the Machine Learning course at UC Berkeley. In this guide we have created a com- prehensive course guide in order to share our knowledge with students and the general public, and hopefully...