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Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 评分:
Jon Galloway, Brad Wilson, K. Scott Allen, David Matson ISBN: 978-1-118-79472-2 E-book 624 pages July 2014 ASP.NET MVC insiders cover the latest updates to the technology in this popular Wrox reference MVC 5 is the newest update to the popular Microsoft technology that enables you to build dynamic, data-driven websites. Like previous versions, this guide shows you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts. It covers controllers, views, and models; forms and HTML helpers; data annotation and validation; membership, authorization, and security. MVC 5, the latest version of MVC, adds sophisticated features such as single page applications, mobile optimization, and adaptive rendering A team of top Microsoft MVP experts, along with visionaries in the field, provide practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 is the comprehensive resource you need to make the best use of the updated Model-View-Controller technology.
上传时间:2014-10 大小:8.64MB
- 9.14MB
ASP.NET MVC 5 Professional .PDF
2018-08-27ASP.NET MVC 5 Professional .PDF,欢迎下载最新班的MVC5文档,大家一起学习进步。
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Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0
2012-03-22mvc基础教程,很不错的书,原版 Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Table of Contents Chapter 1: NerdDinner. Chapter 2: Model View Controller and ASP.NET. Chapter 3: ASP.NET > ASP.NET MVC. Chapter 4: Routes and URLs. Chapter 5: Controllers. Chapter 6: Views. Chapter 7: AJAX. Chapter 8: Filters. Chapter 9: Securing Your Application. Chapter 10: Test Driven Development With ASP.NET MVC. Chapter 11: Testable Design Patterns. Chapter 12: Best of Both Worlds: Web Forms and MVC Togethe r.
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Professional ASP.NET MVC 3
2011-08-25New edition of the top book on MVC from the top ASP.NET experts at Microsoft!
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Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 (精通ASP.NET MVC5框架) 中文+英文+配套源代码
2019-03-18ASP.NET MVC 5 是 Microsoft 推出的一款用于构建可伸缩、高性能的 Web 应用程序的框架,它基于模型-视图-控制器(MVC)设计模式,结合了ASP.NET Web Forms 和 ASP.NET Web API 的优势,提供了更现代的开发体验。...
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Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 源代码
2018-09-08MVC5是ASP.NET MVC框架的一个重要版本,引入了多项改进和新特性,使得开发更加高效和灵活。在这一版本中,开发者可以享受到更好的身份认证和授权功能,如OAuth2和OpenID Connect的支持,这使得与社交媒体登录集成变...
- 11.62MB
professional mvc 2
2010-07-03《Professional ASP.NET MVC 2》是一本专注于微软ASP.NET MVC框架的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和熟练运用这一强大的Web应用程序开发技术。ASP.NET MVC是一种基于模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller)...
- 18.57MB
Professional ASP.NET MVC 2
2010-07-16《Professional ASP.NET MVC 2》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET MVC框架第二版的专业书籍,由Jon Galloway、Phil Haack、Scott Hanselman、Scott Guthrie和Rob Conery等多位业界专家共同编写。这本书旨在帮助读者全面理解并...
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2010-07-01《Wrox Professional ASP.NET MVC2》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET MVC2框架的专业书籍,由业界专家撰写,旨在帮助开发者全面理解和掌握这一强大的Web应用程序开发技术。ASP.NET MVC2是微软公司推出的模型-视图-控制器...
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Professional ASP.NET MVC 4 英文原版 全本
2014-06-03Professional ASP.NET MVC 4英文原版提供了一个深入学习这个强大框架的机会。通过阅读这本书,开发者能够掌握如何利用MVC 4构建高效、可扩展的Web应用,同时了解最新的Web开发趋势和技术。无论是初学者还是经验丰富...
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Professional.ASP.NET.MVC.2 optimize
2011-12-07《Professional ASP.NET MVC 2 Optimize》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET MVC 2框架的专业书籍,由Jon Galloway、Phil Haack、Scott Hanselman、Scott Guthrie和Rob Conery等知名作者联合撰写。本书不仅介绍了ASP.NET MVC 2...
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精通ASP.NET MVC 1.0(Professional ASP.NET MVC1.0)
2009-03-18### 精通ASP.NET MVC 1.0(Professional ASP.NET MVC1.0) #### 知识点概览 本书由Scott Guthrie撰写的第一章,是关于构建ASP.NET MVC应用程序的详细指南。它包含了从零开始创建一个小而完整的ASP.NET MVC应用所需的...
- 13.93MB
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0.pdf Book
2009-07-16《Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0.pdf Book》是一本深入介绍ASP.NET MVC框架的权威书籍,它由Wiley Publishing, Inc.出版,版权属于2009年。本书全面覆盖了ASP.NET MVC 1.0的核心概念和技术细节,旨在帮助读者理解和...
- 13.33MB
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0.pdf
2009-07-23《Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET MVC框架的专业书籍,它针对的是Web开发领域的高级开发者和专业人员。ASP.NET MVC(Model-View-Controller)是微软推出的一种轻量级、可测试的Web应用程序...
- 12.73MB
Professional ASP.NET MVC 4
2012-12-22An outstanding author team presents the ultimate Wrox guide to ASP.NET MVC 4 Microsoft insiders join giants of the software development community to offer this in-depth guide to ASP.NET MVC, an essential web development technology. Experienced .NET and ASP.NET developers will find all the important information they need to build dynamic, data-driven websites with ASP.NET and the newest release of Microsoft's Model-View-Controller technology. Featuring step-by-step guidance and lots of code samples, this guide gets you started and moves all the way to advanced topics, using plenty of examples. •Designed to give experienced .NET and ASP.NET programmers everything needed to work with the newest version of MVC technology •Expert author team includes Microsoft ASP.NET MVC insiders as well as leaders of the programming community •Covers controllers, views, models, forms and HTML helpers, data annotation and validation, membership, authorization, security, and routing •Includes essential topics such as Ajax and jQuery, NuGet, dependency injection, unit testing, extending MVC, and Razor •Includes additional real-world coverage requested by readers of the previous edition as well as a new case study example chapter
- 18.23MB
professional mvc 5 pdf
2014-04-30在提到的“*** mvc 5 pdf”中,信息表明这是一本关于最新版本*** MVC 5的书籍,名为《*** MVC 5》,作者为Adam Freeman。这本书适用于对*** MVC有深入了解的开发人员,可能覆盖了从入门到高级功能的一系列知识点。 ...
- 8.49MB
Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework 3rd Edition
2011-11-25### Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework 3rd Edition #### 关于本书 《Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework 3rd Edition》是一本全面介绍ASP.NET MVC 3框架的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者深入了解并掌握该框架的核心概念和技术细节...
- 11.99MB
Professional ASP.Net MVC 2
2010-07-03《Professional ASP.NET MVC 2》是一本针对ASP.NET MVC 2框架的专业技术书籍,它深入浅出地介绍了这个强大的Web应用程序开发平台。ASP.NET MVC 2是微软公司推出的基于Model-View-Controller(MVC)设计模式的开源...
- 18.24MB
Wrox Professional ASP .Net MVC 2
2012-08-02##### 第三章:ASP.NET > ASP.NET MVC 第三章探讨了 ASP .Net MVC 相对于传统的 ASP .Net Web Forms 的优势。通过对比两种技术,作者强调了 MVC 架构带来的灵活性和控制能力,尤其是在构建大型复杂应用时的优势。 ...