/* $Id: lib.inc.php,v 1.131 2001/08/30 21:20:07 swix Exp $ */
if (!defined('__LIB_INC__')){
define('__LIB_INC__', 1);
* Order of sections for lib.inc.php:
* in PHP3, functions and constants must be physically defined
* before they are referenced
* some functions need the constants of defines.inc.php
* the include of defines.inc.php must be after the connection to db to
* get the MySql version
* the auth() function must be before the connection to db
* the mysql_die() function must be before the connection to db but after
* mysql extension has been loaded
* ... so the required order is:
* - definition of auth()
* - parsing of the configuration file
* - first load of the define.lib.php library (won't get the MySQL
* release number)
* - load of mysql extension (if necessary)
* - definition of mysql_die()
* - db connection
* - second load of the define.lib.php library to get the MySQL release
* number)
* - other functions, respecting dependencies
* Avoids undefined variables in PHP3
if (!isset($use_backquotes)) {
$use_backquotes = 0;
if (!isset($pos)) {
$pos = 0;
if (!isset($cfgProtectBlob)) {
$cfgProtectBlob = FALSE;
* Advanced authentication work
* Requires Apache loaded as a php module.
function auth()
header('status: 401 Unauthorized');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
header('WWW-authenticate: basic realm="phpMyAdmin on ' . $GLOBALS['cfgServer']['host'] . '"');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<title><?php echo $GLOBALS['strAccessDenied']; ?></title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<br /><br />
<h1><?php echo $GLOBALS['strWrongUser']; ?></h1>
echo "\n";
} // end of the 'auth()' function
* Parses the configuration file and gets some constants used to define
* versions of phpMyAdmin/php/mysql...
// For compatibility with old config.inc.php
if (!isset($cfgTextareaCols)) {
$cfgTextareaCols = 40;
if (!isset($cfgTextareaRows)) {
$cfgTextareaRows = 7;
// Adds a trailing slash et the end of the phpMyAdmin uri if it does not
// exist
if ($cfgPmaAbsoluteUri != '' && substr($cfgPmaAbsoluteUri, -1) != '/') {
$cfgPmaAbsoluteUri .= '/';
* Loads the mysql extensions if it is not loaded yet
* staybyte - 26. June 2001
if (PHP_INT_VERSION >= 30009) {
$suffix = '.dll';
} else {
$suffix = '.so';
if (PHP_INT_VERSION < 40000) {
$extension = 'MySQL';
} else {
$extension = 'mysql';
if (!@extension_loaded($extension) && !@get_cfg_var('safe_mode') && @function_exists('dl')) {
if (!@extension_loaded($extension)) {
echo $strCantLoadMySQL;
} // end load mysql extension
* Displays a MySQL error message in the right frame.
* @param string the error mesage
* @param string the sql query that failed
* @param boolean whether to show a "modify" link or not
* @param boolean whether to show a "back" link or not
function mysql_die($error_message = '', $the_query = '',
$is_modify_link = TRUE, $is_back_link = TRUE)
if (!$error_message) {
$error_message = mysql_error();
if (!$the_query && !empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) {
$the_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];
echo '<b>'. $GLOBALS['strError'] . '</b>' . "\n";
// if the config password is wrong, or the MySQL server does not
// respond, do not show the query that would reveal the
// username/password
if (!empty($the_query) && !strstr($the_query, 'connect')) {
$query_base = htmlspecialchars($the_query);
$query_base = ereg_replace("((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)){3,}", "\n\n", $query_base);
echo '<p>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $GLOBALS['strSQLQuery'] . ' : ' . "\n";
if ($is_modify_link) {
echo ' ['
. '<a href="db_details.php?lang=' . $GLOBALS['lang'] . '&server=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['server']) . '&db=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['db']) . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($the_query) . '&show_query=y">' . $GLOBALS['strEdit'] . '</a>'
. ']' . "\n";
} // end if
echo '<pre>' . "\n" . $query_base . "\n" . '</pre>' . "\n";
echo '</p>' . "\n";
} // end if
if (!empty($error_message)) {
$error_message = htmlspecialchars($error_message);
$error_message = ereg_replace("((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)){3,}", "\n\n", $error_message);
echo '<p>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . $GLOBALS['strMySQLSaid'] . '<br />' . "\n";
echo '<pre>' . "\n" . $error_message . "\n" . '</pre>' . "\n";
echo '</p>' . "\n";
if ($is_back_link) {
$hist = (isset($GLOBALS['btnDrop'])) ? -2 : -1;
echo '<a href="javascript:window.history.go(' . $hist . ')">' . $GLOBALS['strBack'] . '</a>';
echo "\n";
} // end of the 'mysql_die()' function
* Use mysql_connect() or mysql_pconnect()?
$connect_func = ($cfgPersistentConnections) ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';
$dblist = array();
* Gets the valid servers list and parameters
while (list($key, $val) = each($cfgServers)) {
// Don't use servers with no hostname
if (empty($val['host'])) {
if (empty($server) || !isset($cfgServers[$server]) || !is_array($cfgServers[$server])) {
$server = $cfgServerDefault;
* If no server is selected, make sure that $cfgServer is empty (so that
* nothing will work), and skip server authentication.
* We do NOT exit here, but continue on without logging into any server.
* This way, the welcome page will still come up (with no server info) and
* present a choice of servers in the case that there are multiple servers
* and '$cfgServerDefault = 0' is set.
if ($server == 0) {
$cfgServer = array();
* Otherwise, set up $cfgServer and do the usual login stuff.
else if (isset($cfgServers[$server])) {
$cfgServer = $cfgServers[$server];
// Check how the config says to connect to the server
$server_port = (empty($cfgServer['port']))
? ''
: ':' . $cfgServer['port'];
if (strtolower($cfgServer['connect_type']) == 'tcp') {
$cfgServer['socket'] = '';
$server_socket = (empty($cfgServer['socket']) || PHP_INT_VERSION < 30010)
? ''
: ':' . $cfgServer['socket'];
// The user can work with only some databases
if (isset($cfgServer['only_db']) && !empty($cfgServer['only_db'])) {
if (is_array($cfgServer['only_db'])) {
$dblist = $c
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